Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • Article from Scottish Newspaper The Herald: "Why I Never Want to Give Up"

    "They handcuffed me and then stood on my hands. They whipped me with a leather belt and they used an electric-shock baton with 30,000 volts on sensitive parts of my body. Then they caused unimaginable pain by using the edges of a small wooden stick to press down on my toes. Finally they poured chilli powder into my mouth and nose. I still would not give them an answer and they all beat me together. The torture lasted from 5pm until 3am. Finally, they said if I gave them my name and address they would release me..."
  • Radio France Internationale: International Societies are Concerned about the Unreasonable Arrests and Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners by the French Police

    'On the 27th of last month, during the visit to France of Hu Jintao, the President of China, it was said that the French police treated some Falun Gong practitioners in an uncivilised manner. The “International Organisation for the Investigation of the Persecution of Falun Gong”, which is based in Canada, and some other international human rights organisations wrote a letter to Chirac, France’s president, expressing serious concern over this incident.'
  • Report from Swiss Newspaper Kreuzlinger Nachrichten: A Kreuzlinger Citizen Staged a Hunger Strike to Protest Against Human Rights Violations in China

    "We remorsefully grieve over the death of Mr. Liu Chengjun. If international organisations had enthusiastically responded to the Urgent Action statement issued by Amnesty International or to the request made by IGFM (International Society for Human Rights), then Mr. Chengjun would have regained freedom like the other released practitioners."
  • EFGIC: Canadian Author Barred from Hong Kong

    'While on tour promoting his book on Falun Gong appeals in Tiananmen Square, a Canadian citizen was barred from Hong Kong. Canadian citizens are normally permitted in Hong Kong for 90 days without a visa, according to the Hong Kong Immigration website, however Zenon Dolnyckyj was prevented from boarding China Airlines flight 619 en route to Hong Kong, the next stop on his book tour.'
  • EFGIC: Three U.N. Refugees Go Into Hiding Fearing Chinese Embassy in Cambodia

    'Three Chinese citizens holding official United Nations refugee protection cards have gone into hiding fearing the Chinese Embassy might kidnap or even kill them. “These things have already happened here many times,” says Mr. Kan Lykuy, 35. “The Chinese government is so domineering. We are running from place to place and with no money; this is no way to live.” Since last week, Ms. Jiang, Mr. Gao, and Mr. Kan have been receiving threatening phone calls and have reported being followed by spies. They are being chased not only for their beliefs in religions that are not recognized by the Chinese government, but also for supporting practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice severely persecuted in China.'
  • EFGIC: 64 Falun Gong Deaths from Torture in China Reported in Three Months

    'Between November 2003 and January 2004, reliable sources in China reported details on 64 Falun Gong practitioners who died from severe torture suffered in Chinese detention centres and labour camps. Deaths from torture and abuse were reported in 17 provinces throughout China, from Heilongjiang to Guangxi; from Sichuan to Beijing. Torture techniques reported include severe beatings, electric shocks, force-feeding torture, and injections of nerve-damaging drugs. Among the reported deceased was a 70-year-old woman and a 33-year-old man.'
  • Radio France Internationale: Canadian Court’s Verdict of Libel against Chinese Deputy Consul General in Toronto

    RFI reported on the 6th of February that a Canadian court announced the verdict of libel against the Chinese Deputy Consul in Toronto.
  • Press Statement Regarding Illicit Detainment of Falun Gong Practitioners in France Surrounding Chinese State Visit

    'On January 24th and 26th 2004 during China-sponsored cultural activities in Paris as well as Hu Jingtao's visit to the French capital, over 70 Falun Gong practitioners were detained by French police as they stood on the street or were walking near the Champ Elysées. A preliminary statement jointly issued by the Falun Dafa Association and a Boston-based NGO investigating the matter says the detainments were a result of Chinese officials luring a few individuals within the French government (with financial incentives) to order the illicit police action.'
  • Dublin Councillors Nominate Resolution Demanding the End of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China and the Release of all Illegally Held Prisoners

    'On Monday February the 9th, councillors representing Fingal County Council and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will vote whether to accept a motion to condemn the persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China. The motion urges the Minister for Foreign Affairs Brian Cowen to demand that Dun Laoghaire students Liu Feng and Yang Fang are permitted to return to Ireland to continue their studies during the Human-Rights Dialogue with China held in Dublin on the 26th and 27th of February.'
  • Agence France Presse (AFP): Falun Gong is going to File a Complaint after the Arrest of its Followers in Paris

    '"We were arrested and detained with handcuffs for five hours at the police station, simply because we had yellow scarves on. The police were rough when they arrested us," stated British Falun Gong practitioner Yan Fullerton. "We did not think that this could happen outside of Mainland China. Especially not in France, the country where human rights originated," she added.'
  • French Media Article: Hu Jintao in Paris - Complaint by Falun Gong

    'The French Falun Gong Association sent a press release on Wednesday 4th February to announce their intention to file a complaint "against the arrests and violence against several dozen Falun Gong practitioners" during the Chinese New Year and President Hu Jintao’s visit to Paris, from the 24th to the 27th of January 2004.'
  • Discrimination Due to Chinese Embassy's Pressure is Broadly Reported by Major French Media

    From January 15 to 26, most major French media including AFP, Le Parisien, L'Humanit, Le Monde, Le Nouvel Observateur and Témoignage Chrétien revealed that the Chinese officials in France had put pressure on Paris to discriminate against Falun Gong. Some revealed that the Chinese regime went as far as threatening to cancel all the New Year activities in Paris if Falun Gong was allowed to participate. And what it meant was that the Chinese consulate was ready to cancel a 210,000 Euros contract with Paris City just to make sure no Falun Gong practitioner would be seen on the spot.
  • French National Newspaper L'Humanité Denounces the Attempt by Chinese Officials to Extend Their Persecution Abroad

    On January 24th, in an article entitled "What's hidden behind the economic miracle?", national French newspaper L'Humanité exposed the painful burden imposed on the Chinese people by the Jiang regime. It mentioned the "very violent" repression of Falun Gong in China. The article concluded that the absence of Falun Gong from the official parade in Paris displayed once again how hard the Chinese regime strives to hide its crimes and show foreigners a flawless image of the country.
  • EFGIC: U.S. Wigs Made by Falun Gong Practitioners Turned Slaves

    'Hair product giant Henan Rebecca Inc. is in cahoots with notorious Chinese labour camps that are buying Falun Gong practitioners as slave labour, sources in China say. Labour camps such as Shibalihe and Xuchang buy these people for 800 RMB each (almost $100 US), force them to work day and night, and torture them to death as part of the “reeducation” program.'
  • French National TV reports on Falun Gong's Peaceful Appeal during Chinese Official’s Visit

    On January 27th 2004, French national television station TV 5 reported on a Falun Gong appeal held in front of the French National Assembly, while Chinese president was giving a speech to half of the country’s MPs, as the others had boycotted him. The journalists emphasised the severity of the persecution against Falun Gong in China.