Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Horrifying Torture Turns Practitioner into Human Shell
2002-01-01When his family saw him [...] his movements were very slow, he walked with difficulty, his eyes were unresponsive, and he was without any facial expression. He had been reduced to this state through torture.
The Savage Behavior of Sadistic Policemen in Zhugou Town
2002-01-01They said to Dafa practitioners: "If you are a murderer, an arsonist, or a thief, we don't care. But you are not allowed to practise Falun Gong."
The Recent Situation of a Female Dafa Practitioner and Her Son Who Was Almost Killed by Forced Abortion
2002-01-01 -
Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested, Beaten, and Murdered by Police at Dongbeishan District
2002-01-01 -
Examples of Beijing Police Kidnapping Innocent Practitioners
2002-01-01 -
The 610 Office of Guangzhou Make False Accusations Against Falun Gong
2002-01-01 -
Orders from the Government: You Will Be Detained If You Do Not Visit the Gallery Slandering Falun Dafa and Sign Your Names
2002-01-01 -
Qiqihar: Merciless Police Systematically and Cruelly Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-01-01They were punished with the torture known as the "big hang." Both hands are handcuffed to the back and a rope is used to tie both handcuffs and foot shackles together to hang them up in the air in the room. Practitioners are then tortured using electric batons or slammed back and forth against the wall.
Over 7000 Truth Clarifying Banners Appeared in a Northeastern City on Changchun's Falun Dafa Day
2002-01-01 -
The conditions in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2002-01-01The practitioners are compassionate to the police and criminals in the labour camp, always considering others more than themselves.
Police Kidnap and Beat Practitioners in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province
2002-01-01The criminal policemen seized all his cash and deposit books totalling over 20,000 Yuan under the guise of searching for Dafa books. In the City Police Department Detention Centre, Deputy Chief Meng Xiandong put heavy shackles weighing some 40-50 pounds on Hou and did not take them off for over half a month.
Courage Brings Truth to the Airwaves
2002-01-01 -
Cremation Hide’s Murdered Practitioner’s Body, Left Unrecognisable After Torture
2002-01-01(When questioned), Xi Jinglong of the Law Administration Section of the police department answered, "From the beginning of 2001, it has been all right to arrest Falun Gong practitioners in any place. It doesn't violate any law. This is a new regulation and there is no document and this message was verbally passed down."
The story Li Xiumei, Killed under the Persecution
2002-01-01(She was asked) "Did you do this? ...Even if you do not care about your own safety, you should think of others." She said, "I'm doing this for your sake and for the sake of all people who still have righteous thoughts. I've taken the risk of being arrested, beaten, and sentenced to prison in order to bring you these truth-clarifying materials so that you can tell good from bad and choose a good future for yourself."
Slave Labour and Brainwashing of Women
2002-01-01(Masanjia Labour Camp) officials forbid the practitioners to appeal. They often claim, "You have no right to appeal. Even if you are allowed to appeal, you must not complain and call for justice."