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Jiangsu Man Convicted for His Faith Dies One Day after Second Prison Term Expires
2018-09-22Mr. Zhu Xinghe started coughing up blood clots on the morning of June 23, 2018, and died later that afternoon, at age 54.
58 Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced for Their Faith in August 2018
2018-09-22Among the 86 new cases, 58 practitioners were sentenced in August 2018, and 28 were sentenced earlier in 2018.
Gravely Ill Woman Imprisoned Until Term Expires, Dies 12 Days After Her Release
2018-09-18Ms. Zhao Chunyan's family had to call an ambulance to pick her up when she was released from prison on July 16, 2018. She had lost more than a third of her body weight and wasn't able to walk. The Jixi City resident died on July 28, at the age of 65.
Twice Imprisoned for Her Faith, Chongqing Woman Dies on Medical Parole
2018-09-18Zhou Jibi, 68, died on June 9, 2018. Her most recent illegal arrest was on July 21, 2014.
Twice Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioner Dies After Being in a 27-Month Coma
2018-08-11A Rudong County, Nantong City resident lost consciousness while detained for her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline being persecuted by the Chinese communist regime. Ms. Zhu remained comatose till her death two years and three months later, on June 14, 2018.
Unimaginable Abuse Preceded Mr. Cheng Huaigen's Unnatural Death
2018-08-11Mr. Cheng Huaigen lived in Chengdu City. He was arrested on May 13, 2015, for hanging a banner that said, “The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”
Heilongjiang Man Dies 12 Days after Release on Medical Parole
2018-08-11Mr. Lu Shubin was emaciated but had a swollen belly when he was released on medical parole on May 17, 2018. He had been diagnosed with liver cancer and ascites 15 days before that. He died on May 29 at the age of 56.
Henan Man Dies 18 Days after Being Released on Medical Parole
2018-08-11A 59-year-old man in Jiyuan City wasn't released on medical parole until he was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer. He died 18 days after returning home.
67-Year-Old Woman Dies Less Than Two Weeks after Release on Medical Parole
2018-06-02A 67-year-old woman in Dalian City wasn't released on medical parole until more than a month after she was diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer. She died less than two weeks after she returned home.
Belated News: 29-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Died 12 Years Ago
2018-06-02It was learned recently that a native of Jilin City, Jilin Province died 12 years ago as a result of abuse suffered while in prison.
After Remaining Comatose for Two Years, Liaoning Man Dies While Imprisoned for His Faith
2018-06-02A Fushun City resident imprisoned for his faith died on May 15, 2018, after having remained in a coma for nearly two years.
Heilongjiang Man Dies Barely a Month after Being Released from Prison
2018-06-02Mr. Luo Jingshan had edema and couldn't walk or talk when he was released from prison on April 1, 2018. He needed dialysis and often woke up from nightmares. He died on May 3 at the age of 65.
70-Year-Old Man Dies in Prison, Authorities Refuse to Reveal Cause of Death
2018-06-02A 70-year-old man suddenly died in prison, and his body was returned to his hometown without an autopsy. The cause of his death remains to be uncovered.
Information on Ms. Chen Ruiqin's Death
2018-06-02Ms. Chen Ruiqin was arrested on May 16, 2014, for distributing materials exposing the Chinese communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline based on the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was sentenced to 4.5 years in 2015 and moved to Tianjin Women’s Prison, where she was subjected to various forms of abuse.
Jilin Man Released in Critical Condition, Dies One Month Later
2018-04-28A 61-year-old man in Qian'an County wasn't released on medical parole until he was in critical condition. He died one month later.