Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lianshan District Court Sentences Mr. Huang Lizhong and Mr. Zhao Liang to Long Prison Terms for Practising Falun Gong
2008-07-17Around May 10th, 2008, the Lianshan District Court sentenced two practitioners from Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Huang Lizhong was handed a nine-year prison term, and Mr. Zhao Liang was given a ten-year term. On May 10th both practitioners lodged an appeal with the Huludao Intermediate Court in an effort to overturn the court's decision. On June 12th, however, the court upheld the original verdict. On the afternoon of June 12th, Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhao's families visited the detention centre where the two were being held. What they saw really shocked them. Not only had Mr. Huang been badly tortured and the hair on his head shaved off, but he also looked very emaciated and spoke in a very weak voice. He was in such an awful state that his family hardly recognized him.
Ms. Li Xiumin from Fuyu County, Jilin Province, Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-07-17On June 25th, 2008, when Ms. Li Xiumin was visiting her in-laws, police arrested her and took her to the Sanchahe Detention Centre. In 2003, Ms. Li was sentenced to forced labour and taken to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp where she was tortured. Every day, Ms. Li was forced to write materials defaming Falun Gong. When she refused, she was punched and kicked. The camp guards beat her and shocked her with electric batons. When Ms. Li started a hunger strike to protest the severe persecution, the camp guards inserted a tube through her nose to force feed her, which caused her nose to bleed profusely. She was not able to work for two years after her release because she had been so badly injured both physically and mentally.
With Husband Killed and Daughter in Prison, Ms. Yao Caiwei Is in Dire Straits
2008-07-16Practitioner Mr. Zhang Tao from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province was tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) His daughter, Ms. Zhang Jianhui, was sentenced to prison for ten years and is currently being held in the Harbin City Women's Prison. His wife, Ms. Yao Caiwei, has been arrested many times, sentenced to forced labour camps twice, and longs for her husband and the return of her daughter. These experiences have caused her to show the symptoms of cerebral thrombosis.
Police Arrest Dozens of Practitioners in Advance of the Olympic Torch Relay in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
2008-07-16The Huaihua City government, 610 Office, and other departments use the excuse of ensuring "safety" during the Olympics and the Olympic torch coming to Hunan Province in order to implement increased persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Acts of persecution have included arrests, ransacking of homes and harassment in cities, counties, and villages. Around May 27th, 2008, dozens of practitioners were arrested and detained. Some are in the No. 2 Detention Centre in Huaihua City. Some are detained in brainwashing centres, and their families are not allowed to visit them.
Administering Essence of Mustard Oil - One of the Tortures Used by Daqing City Police
2008-07-16The guards normally interrogate a practitioner during the day. After all the threats and manipulations fail, they tell the practitioner, "Let's see how we are going to fix you." They leave one or two people to watch the practitioner, depriving him of sleeping and not allowing him to close his eyes. At midnight, they return and restrain the practitioner in a special metal chair. The practitioner is handcuffed behind his back. His feet are tied by the ankles. He cannot move any part of his body. Three or four guards act simultaneously, grabbing the practitioner's hair, pushing his head backward, and quickly covering his mouth and nose with a mask saturated with mustard oil. Immediately, the victim's nose runs and his eyes water, his breathing becomes difficult, and he feels that he is going to suffocate. T
Hebei Province: Power to Langfang Falun Gong Practitioner's Home Shut Off Since 2006
2008-07-16Ms. Zhang Xiucun is a Falun Gong practitioner living in Beishijiawu Township, Langfang City, Hebei Province. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecuted her repeatedly for her strong belief in Falun Gong. In 2002, Ms. Zhang found some lost items and turned them into the police. Instead of praising her unselfish behaviour, the police detained her. She was arrested again in 2004 and sent to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City, where she spent one and a half years. In February 2006, Zhang Xiucun was arrested again for her efforts to expose the persecution. When she eventually returned home, she found that CCP Secretary Wang Hongfei from Beishijiawu Village had shut off the electricity to her home. The power outage has lasted more than two years so far.
Elderly Ms. Zeng Pinglan, from Miyi County, Sichuan Province, Died after Being Harassed by Chinese Communist Party Officials
2008-07-15On June 18th, 2008, seven or eight Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members from Salian Town, Miyi County, Sichuan Province, broke into and searched Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zeng Pinglan's home. Ms. Zeng was a practitioner in her sixties, and she was sick in bed at the time of the break-in. The CCP members harassed her, which aggravated her illness. Ms. Zeng died three days later on June 21st, 2008.
The Police in Bailong Township, Mancheng County, Baoding City, Have Been Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-07-15At 4:00 a.m. on July 1st, 2008, all the policemen from the Bailong Township Police Station, from Mancheng County Police Department, and from Shenxing Town in Mancheng County set off in more than a dozen police cars. They went to Dakangxia Village in Bailong Township. It was estimated that there were at least 60 to 70 police officers involved. They split themselves into eight teams and carried out the arrests of eight Falun Gong practitioners simultaneously. They tried to arrest Ms. Liu Lan, a Falun Gong practitioner. A few powerfully built police officers dragged her from her bed. They grabbed her by her thighs and dragged her on the ground. Due to the resistance from Liu Lan's family members and the villagers who had gathered to watch, the attempted arrest was a failure.
Practitioners Tortured in Yueyang City as Part of the Increased Persecution Related to the Olympic Games
2008-07-15Mr. Hu Heping, 55, is a practitioner from Yueyang City, Hunan Province. On March 18th, 2008, he was taken into police custody and later held at the Yueyang City No. 1 Detention Centre. At the time of his arrest, Mr. Hu had not been feeling well and was at home on medical leave. After he was taken into custody, he developed symptoms of serious illness. He had pain in his internal organs, he had blood in his urine, his legs swelled all the way to his toes, and he developed a chronic cough. His weight dropped from 126 pounds to less than 90. Despite his condition, labour camp officials forced him to perform 12 to 16 hours of labour each day. By June 7th, he was on the verge of death as a result of torture.
Ms. Lu Aicui, a Kind Elderly Woman, Passes Away Due to the Persecution
2008-07-15Ms. Lu Aicui, my uncle's wife, was a kind older woman who was known to have a big heart. But since 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its persecution of Falun Gong, police always went to my uncle's home to harass them. They finally forced my uncle and his wife to write guarantee statements, saying that they would give up practising Falun Gong, and to hand in all their Falun Gong books. Ms. Lu's son has been subjected to torture since the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong. He has been taken into detention, fined, and even been under residential surveillance after being released. Because of the stress from all these hardships, Ms. Lu's old illnesses returned. Finally, because of her illnesses and all the stress, Lu Aicui passed away.
The Brutal Persecution of Retired Teacher Li Shouwo
2008-07-14Mr. Li Shouwo, a 72-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was a teacher at Pingshan Elementary School, Hebei Province. It was said that he was one of the most excellent role models in the whole county. Before 1999, Li Shouwo, wanting to have a healthy body and be a good person, began to practise Falun Gong. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong began, Mr. Li was detained many times without just cause. He was violently beaten and suffered brutal torture. He was almost tortured to death several times. The CCP has also extorted a total of 30,000 yuan from this elderly man.
Ms. Qing Yan from Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, Recounts the Persecution She Has Suffered
2008-07-14At the end of December 2000, I went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong. I was arrested before reaching Tiananmen Square. As soon as I entered the door of a local police station, the police forcibly and thoroughly searched me. My escort took me to a small room, and another person immediately began beating me. He didn't stop until he became exhausted from hitting me. Later on, they forced me to stand up straight for a long time. The following day, Dai Wenyong, the Secretary of the local CCP, forced me to stand up in the middle of the courtyard. He asked me whether I would stop practising Falun Gong. I said that I would never stop. Then he slapped me in the face. He told me to take off my shoes and stand barefoot on the cold floor. He also ordered me to take off my sweaters so that I would freeze in the cold weather. I was forced to stand there for over three weeks.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Chongqing City Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-07-14This "school" unlawfully imprisons over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners. The guards here don't use standard torture instruments, but instead use more vicious means to cruelly persecute the prisoners. They use a variety of ways to mentally destroy practitioners, including preventing them from relaxing for a moment, keeping their minds in a highly tense state around the clock, and gradually turning them into the walking dead, who mechanically follow instructions given by inmates or collaborators [former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture. They are then made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners.].
Practitioner Mr. Li Yunbiao's Unjust Imprisonment in Beian City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-07-14Practitioner Mr. Li Yunbiao of Beian City, Heilongjiang Province started practising Falun Gong in 1997. After the persecution began, he was arrested, jailed, and tortured by the police from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) several times. Mr. Li had been subjected to inhuman treatment, and he was thin and weak. A doctor indicated that he had pleurisy, liver-water, and tuberculosis. His chest, down to his stomach, was swollen like a pot. When they extracted what was underneath, they found water-like pus. The doctor concluded, "He will not live long. Tell his family to get ready for his funeral." In 2005 he was sentenced to Beian Prison for an eight-year term. There has been no further news of his whereabouts since 2006.
Mr. Li Zhengling Dies of Torture in Deyang Prison, Sichuan Province
2008-07-13Mr. Li Zhengling was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, where he was subjected to being locked in a small cell, forced overtime work, forced standing for long periods of time, hanging by handcuffs, brutal beatings, and shocks from electric batons. In 2005 Mr. Li was sentenced to five years in prison. In October 2007, when Mr. Li Zhengling's family went to Deyang Prison to visit him, they saw that he was disfigured, emaciated, and blind in both eyes, and he could not take care of himself. On June 24, 2008, police officers notified his family that Mr. Li had died in Shuangliu Police Hospital. His family does not know any details of his death.