Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Brutal “Hang and Cuff” Torture Used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2014-04-21The “Hang and Cuff” torture used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp of Heilongjiang has a brutal and sinister history. The guards handcuffed practitioners to crossbars in a position where they could neither stand up nor squat. Over time, this position caused excruciating pain. Some practitioners were handcuffed in this way for seven days at a time, and some endured this for over 20 days. The camp has been disbanded but shall be remembered for this torture method.
Entrepreneur Passes Away Shortly After Five Years of Imprisonment
2014-04-21Former entrepreneur, Mr. Wei Haiming, and his wife, Ms. Zhao Zonghua, who practised Falun Gong, were arrested in their home in December 2007, because they believed in living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Both were sentenced to five years in prison. Mr. Wei was tortured because he refused to wear the prison uniform, and when he was released in December 2012, he was unable to recover. He passed away in July 2013, seven months after his release, at the age of 58.
Ms. Yang Chunling Passes Away After Serving a Seven-Year Prison Term for Broadcasting the Nine Commentaries
2014-04-17Ms. Yang Chunling has been added to the list of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who have passed away due to being persecuted while imprisoned. Ms. Yang was tortured for seven years at the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Ms. Yang was diagnosed with three hard lumps in her breast during a physical examination before she left the prison on March 11th, 2013. After being released, her condition deteriorated. She passed away on April 2nd, 2014, at the age of 40.
Good Samaritan Persecuted to Death
2014-04-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pan Wei became illness-free after practising Falun Gong. He held himself strictly to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and volunteered to fix a road for the village. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Pan was harassed, arrested, detained, held in forced labour camps, and subjected to cruel torture. On October 29th, 2008, he passed away at the age of 56.
Ms. Tan Zhengrong and Mr. Zhao Zhonghe Passed Away as a Result of Repeated Persecution
2014-04-17Two Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners in China have recently passed away as a result of long-term, repeated persecution. Ms. Tan Zhengrong, 67, passed away on March 14th, as a result of the relentless persecution. Mr. Zhao Zhonghe passed away on March 29th, like Ms. Tan, as a result of the persecution.
Mr. Han Haiming Dies After Being Persecuted in Jinzhong Prison, Shanxi Province
2014-04-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Han Haiming, 67, suffered a left brain haemorrhage while incarcerated in Jinzhong Prison. He was hospitalized on April 4th, 2014, and passed away on April 8th. Mr. Han’s family tried to visit him at Jinzhong Prison on April 2nd-3rd, but officials refused their requests without providing any justification.
Persevering Through Torture and Humiliation—Excerpts from a Young Woman's Diary Written While in Detention
2014-04-08“How I wanted to paint again, everything I have gone through: the feeding tube, the handcuffs, the iron window, the logo on the uniform! I saw clearly the bruises on my hands, the dried blood on my lips, my bare feet, the filth in my hair....tears run down my cheeks again....” This is an excerpt from a young woman's diary written while in custody at a detention centre in China. Simply for telling people how to break through the Internet blockade, Ms. He Wenting was arrested for a second time on December 18th, 2013 and has been detained since.
Mr. Shi Bingjun Subjected to Forced Labour Three Times and Detained a Total of Five and a Half Years
2014-04-08Mr. Shi Bingjun has been detained in forced labour camps for more than one third of the time that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong in the past 15 years. He was arrested and sentenced to Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in 2000, 2005. and 2011, and was imprisoned for five and a half years. The guards tortured him with severe beatings and sleep deprivation, despite the fact that he was on hunger strike to protest the persecution. In addition, he was held in a brainwashing centre for more than three months.
Ms. Gao Su in Critical Condition as a Result of Torture
2014-04-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Su was arrested at home on February 21st, 2014, by officers from the local domestic security division. She was tortured into giving a confession. She later lost consciousness and had to be taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. Her current situation is unknown.
Summary Report: Healthy Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Mental Hospitals
2014-04-08In its 2013 Human Rights Country Report released in February 2014, the U.S. State Department documents widespread reports of psychiatric abuse of political dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners: “From 1998 to May 2010, more than 40,000 persons were committed to ankang hospitals [high-security psychiatric hospitals].” In 2002, police arrested Ms. Liu Xiaolian and took her to Chibi City First Hospital, and injected her with drugs. Ms. Liu bled from her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. Her ears were in extreme pain. She also vomited and had diarrhoea, urinated blood, and had blood clots in her bowel movements. After being tortured for more than five years and four months, Ms. Liu passed away on October 26th, 2008.
Ms. Xu Yanxiang Dies as a Result of Persecution
2014-04-08After having been a target of the Chinese Communist Party's persecution campaign over the past 14 years and having endured unimaginable brutality, Ms. Xu Yanxiang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, passed away on March 13th, 2014, at the age of 50. During Ms. Xu's second forced labour term in 2002, she was tormented mercilessly at the Shijiazhuang and Gaoyang Forced Labour Camps. The guards deprived her of sleep, shocked her with electric batons for hours at a time, injected her with poisonous drugs, and tortured her with a vicious method called “tying with ropes.”
Tortured for Three Years in Siping City Prison, Mr. Xu Dongping Now Dead
2014-04-08Mr. Xu Dongping died at the age of 53 as a result of being severely tortured in Siping City Prison for three years for practising Falun Gong. He was emaciated and unable to walk at the time of his death on January 17th, 2014. Siping City Prison established an "education" ward in 2005. Falun Gong practitioners are brutally tortured in this ward. They are locked in small cells, beaten with electric batons, verbally abused, their prison terms are extended, and they are forced to do slave labour.
Mr. Xie Yiqiang Imprisoned for Seven Years, Elderly Mother Denied Right to See Him before She Passed Away
2014-04-01After completing a four-year prison term for upholding his belief in Falun Gong, Mr. Xie Yiqiang was finally released. He went home at the end of 2012, with a badly tortured body and memories of endless beatings and constant verbal abuse by the prison guards. The Chinese Communist Party has been persecuting Falun Gong for 15 years. Mr. Xie has been imprisoned for 7 of those years. He was brutally tortured, including being subjected to the "tiger bench", sleep deprivation, prolonged sitting on small stools, and beatings. Mr. Xie's mother was also a Falun gong practitioner. After her son was arrested, she could not sleep. Overwhelmed by worry and grief, she passed away on June 29th, 2009.
Well-Respected Property Manager Twice Sentenced to Forced Labour for His Belief in Falun Gong
2014-04-01A well-respected property manager, Mr. Li Zhongwei, from Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, has been twice sentenced to forced labour for his belief in Falun Gong. Mr. Li needed medical treatment several times as a result of the brutal torture he suffered in the labour camps. After Mr. Li was assigned as the property manager of Guanjing Village in June 2003, he quickly solved many of the town's practical problems with his resourcefulness and high moral character. The residents of Guanjing Village were outraged when Mr. Li was arrested in June 2006. Many members of the community tried in earnest for several days to come up with a way to obtain his release.
Police Threatened to Kill A Retired Woman
2014-04-01Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuhua, 60, was arrested at her home on March 6th, 2014. Her whereabouts are unknown. Ms. Zhang's home was ransacked prior to this arrest. The police didn't find any so-called evidence and asked Ms. Zhang angrily, “Do you want to stay alive or practise Falun Gong?” The police claimed that she had been handing out flyers about the persecution of Falun Gong. They threatened to kill her this time.