Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Over Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners from Dehui City, Jilin Province Arrested
2008-03-11On February 27th, 2008, the 610 Office, the Dehui City Police Department, and the Changchun City Police Department arrested more than ten Falun Dafa practitioners and detained them in the Dehui City Detention Centre. They ransacked the practitioners' homes, stole their personal property, and recorded them with video cameras while they were arresting them.
Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp Cruelly Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-03-11Practitioners do forced labour every day. They get up at 6:00 a.m., brush their teeth, do morning exercise, have breakfast and then do forced labour with no breaks the whole day. They will finish the whole day's work at 9:30 p.m. at the earliest. If there is an urgent job, they usually have to work until 2:00 - 3:00 a.m. or even the whole night. When they sew mobile phone covers, they do not go back to their bedrooms for a whole week. If the practitioners refuse to work, they are punished by being forced to stand until 2:00 - 3:00 a.m. If they do not comply with the standing punishment, they are beaten with their hands and feet bound and their mouths taped, then dragged somewhere where no one can hear the noise.
Ms. Liu Mei from Jinzhou City Imprisoned at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp; She Is Ill, Family Not Allowed to Visit Her
2008-03-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Mei, from Jinzhou City, was reported to the police while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Ms. Liu Mei is imprisoned at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City. She is suffering from a relapse of old diseases and convulsions caused by the torture she has suffered. The warden has prohibited her family from visiting her because she refuses to renounce Falun Gong.
Mr. Chen Baofeng Died in Police Custody in Liaoning Province
2008-03-10Mr. Chen Baofeng, 43, lived in Liaoning Province. On February 24th, 2008, he was driving his taxi to take some friends out of town when the police stopped his vehicle, and arrested him and his passengers. After being held for several days, they were transferred to the Chaoyang City First Detention Centre on March 3rd, 2008. Mr. Chen was killed the same night, and thus far, the family has still not been allowed to see his body.
Mr. Yi Fuquan Dies as Result of Torture in Tailai Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2008-03-10Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yi Fuquan was sentenced to one year of forced labour because he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong after July 20th, 1999, the start of the persecution. On August 19th, 2001, Mr. Yi was arrested at the bus station when police found a Falun Gong book and flyer on him. He was sentenced to six years in prison by the Shuangcheng City Court. Tailai Prison guards forced Mr. Yi sit on the floor, cuffed his four limbs stretched apart onto a metal structure under the baking sun, and did not allow him to drink water. After a while, they released his feet and put three bricks under each foot, elevating his legs over his head for a long while. Due to long-term brutal mistreatment, Mr. Yi died on February 13th, 2008 at age 45.
Ms. Mao Jiangxin, in Her Sixties, and Ms. Song Xiaotang Cruelly Tortured by Wangcun Forced Labour Camp Officials
2008-03-10Ms. Mao Jiangxin is in her 60s. The police sent her to Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp in early 2007. Because she refused to "reform," [give up Falun Gong]they locked her in a toilet, a specially built "small cell", with the windows and doors sealed. There is no air-flow in the toilet/cell and the foul odour is suffocating. Ms. Mao was often beaten and verbally abused by guards. In the winter the cell is as cold as a freezer. To reach the ordered "reform quota" and gain some petty profit, the three female guards attempted to force Ms. Mao to sign statements to renounce Falun Gong. Ms. Mao did not comply. Guards then ordered criminals to beat Ms. Mao's face and kick her body, making her fall onto the ice-cold floor.
Physically Disabled Ms. Liu Yaqin Abused in a Forced Labour Camp
2008-03-10In 2006, Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Yaqin was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. The 610 Office sentenced her to a year and a half in a labour camp. Due to complications following severe paraplegia from myelitis, she cannot take care of herself without some assistance and was rejected by the labour camp. Later, they forced her into a labour camp without a physical examination.
Mr. Yan Hongjie of Harbin City Dies as Result of Persecution
2008-03-09Mr. Yan Hongjie was 46-years-old. In November 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and since that time endured unjust detainment and persecution. As a punishment for doing the Falun Gong exercises in Yimianpo Forced Labour Camp the guards forced him to carry heavy rocks. A full basket of rocks on one's shoulder could make a person fall and breathing was difficult. Even so, Mr. Yan was forced to run uphill with a full bucket of stones on his shoulders. This hard labour produced wounds all over his body.The persecution that Mr. Yan Hongjie was subjected to caused him physical damage and financial ruin. He passed away on February 24th, 2008.
62-Year-Old Ms. Qi Changping of Suining City, Sichuan Province, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2008-03-09Due to the Chinese Communist Party's long term persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Qi Changping, a 62-year-old practitioner was forced to leave her home. Ms. Qi was detained many times and sentenced to a forced labour camp twice because she refused to give up her practice of Falun Gong. She was caught appealing for justice for Falun Gong. Even her relatives were harassed, and the police ransacked their homes. Her husband had nowhere to go to appeal for justice and passed away. She had to live a life in the harsh environment of homelessness until her death on February 11th, 2008.
Police in Changchun Use a Practitioner's Young Teenage Child as Bait
2008-03-09On the afternoon of May 9th, 2007, policeman from the Shuguang Road precinct in the Nan'guan District of Changchun went to Ms. Yang Defang's house and arrested her. Later, they camped out at her home and waited for her husband to come home. In order to draw out other practitioners, they made Ms. Yang's thirteen year old son stand on the street as bait. Policemen hid on the other side of the street, intending to arrest anyone who said hello to the boy.
More Information on the Death of Older Practitioner Mr. Hu Zengxiang from Ju County, Shandong Province
2008-03-09Mr. Hu Zengxiang was over 60 years old. Mr. Hu never gave up his belief in the principles of Falun Gong--"Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance"--even when the persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was most severe. He never stopped speaking out for justice for Falun Gong either. In 2005, he was detained for more than a month in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. After he returned home, he was very weak due to the brutal treatment he was subjected to in the labour camp. Mr. Hu was again secretly arrested by CCP personnel on December 29th, 2007. Within about three weeks he was dead.
Large Number of Beijing Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested Before Olympics
2008-03-08According to sources from Beijing, from the end of 2007 to early this year, at least 100 Falun Gong practitioners with confirmed names (oftentimes practitioners do not reveal their true identity to protect family, friends and colleagues) have been arrested in Beijing. Some were immediately sentenced to eight months in prison. It is believed to be a new round of suppression by the Chinese Communist Party before the next session of the National Congress in March and the Olympics in August 2008.
Three Elderly Practitioners Persecuted by Liu Hong from Mingjiang Community Security in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2008-03-08Mingjiang Community Security officer Liu Hong has relentlessly followed Communist regime orders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Recently he cooperated with people from the Longquan 610 Office and arrested three elderly practitioners Ms. Zhang Cifang (72 years old), Ms. Shi Lanfang (72 years old), and Ms. Li Fangling (in her sixties) and took them to a brainwashing centre. After these three practitioners were detained in the brainwashing centre, they were closely monitored around the clock and forced to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. Oftentimes, they were faced with one or more people who continually yelled at them and tried to brainwash them. They were often verbally abused and beaten.
Exposing Crimes Committed by Guards at Hulan Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2008-03-08On January 21st, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhimin, detained at Hulan Prison, was beaten up by political instructor Lu Mingdong. Lu said while beating Mr. Liu, "I will be responsible if you suffer a concussion." Liu Zhimin still lies in bed, his face swollen and his teeth loose. One of the many tortures meted out on practitioners includes: "chain sitting", where one's chest is bound tightly to the back of the person in front. The eyes have to focus on the front persons' head, and the legs have to be spread apart. They have to sit like this for 14 to 15 hours every day. Practitioners' eyes must be open, otherwise they would be beaten.
Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution-Caused Death of Ms. Li Wenxia in the Tanggu District, Tianjin City
2008-03-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Wenxia was arrested in 2000 and taken to the Tanggu Detention Centre. She was incarcerated for nine months and was near death at her release. She was barely breathing and looked skeletal. She could not see clearly, and her hearing was bad. She also had difficulty speaking. Communist regime agents still continually harassed and threatened her. Li Wenxia thus lived in great fear and could not recover properly. She finally died in December 2006.