Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Agents Detain and Threaten Mr. Cao Dong's Wife to Stop Him from Defending Himself
2008-01-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong is one of the practitioners that met with the European Parliament Vice-President to expose the persecution on May 21st, 2006. He is now suffering brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while in jail and trying to request his wife to hire a lawyer for him. The CCP is trying to stop this from happening and trying to prevent him from contacting international media through intimidating his wife.
Further Information about the Persecution of Five Falun Dafa Practitioners by the Domestic Security Division of Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City
2008-01-22On October 9th, 2007, four practitioners went to visit another practitioner, Ms. Wang Yanjun. Several policemen broke into Ms. Wang's house. Without showing any warrants, they ransacked and confiscated belongings. Mr. Kang, who is more than 70 years old, went downstairs to confront the police but because he is old, sick, and weak, he was pulled back upstairs. Mr. Wang was taken to a criminal police team and two policemen handcuffed his hands behind him on an iron chair. He refused to answer the officers' questions. One policeman slapped him and then forced mustard oil into his nose and mouth. Mr. Wang was handcuffed for a long time, resulting in a loss of feeling in his hands that persists even today. Witnesses said that after the torture session that night, Wang Cunlai's face was swollen and his mouth and hands were bloody.
Woman Detained and Sent to Brainwashing Centre for Enquiring About Her Mother's Situation at the Police Station
2008-01-22On January 8th, 2008, Liu Jing went to the National Security Team of the Sanhe City Police Department to enquire about the situation of her mother, Yang Huirong. Her mother had been arrested by the National Security Team a couple of days earlier. On the night of January 2nd, 2008, Ms. Yang Huirong, in her 60s, and Ms. Wang Lanhua, in her 40s, were taken away. Liu Jing intended to take her mother home. However, Liu Jing herself was detained. Then the police from the National Security Team ransacked her home and searched her mother's home again.
Arrested by 610 Office, Zhu Guilin is Persecuted Again in Changde City Brainwashing Centre
2008-01-22On October 18th, 2007, when Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Guilin was going downstairs in her home, 610 Office agents, who had been waiting downstairs, grabbed her and dragged her down. Zhu Guilin's clothes were torn and her upper body was exposed. Zhu Guilin shouted that officials were arresting an innocent person. A number of bystanders witnessed the arrest, and many of them denounced the officials' conduct. In spite of sharp criticism from the bystanders and the protest of her family, these people forcibly took Zhu Guilin to the Changde City Brainwashing Centre. Zhu Guilin started a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was brutally force-fed.
Police in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province Beat Ms. Jia Minying to the Brink of Death, Then Extort Ten Thousand Yuan from Her Family
2008-01-21At the end of August 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Ms.Jia Minying went to Huideying Village and distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. She was arrested after being reported. She was imprisoned in the Dingzhou City Detention Centre where she was cruelly mistreated. Policemen took turns violently beating her, trying to force her to reveal where she got her leaflets from. They said while beating her, "Ok, refuse to tell? Nobody would know if we peeled off your skin and took out your tendons!" The police beat her for one hour. Jia Minying often felt sharp pains in her head, and she also had pain all over her body and could not take in any food afterward. Later she was beaten to the brink of death. the police released Jia Minying after extorting over ten thousand yuan from her family.
Sichuan University Professor Mr. Li Ming Twice Sent to Forced Labour Camp and Tortured
2008-01-21Mr. Li Ming, 35, graduated from the Department of Economics at Sichuan University in 1995. After graduating he taught at Chengdu Senior Business College until June 1999. He was once honoured as an excellent and dedicated teacher, and his students loved him. Due to his strong belief in Falun Dafa, and consistently speaking out for justice about the persecution to people, he was twice sent to a forced labour camp and brutally tortured. In Xinhua Forced Labour Camp he was forced to labour for more than ten hours per day in a brick factory. He realised that he should not passively submit to the persecution. He and other fellow practitioners held a strike together in the brick factory and they began to do Falun Gong exercises. The guards beat the practitioners with electric batons.
Crimes Committed by Police and 610 Office Personnel in Manzhouli City, Inner Mongolia
2008-01-21Wang Qinghai, male, is commander of the Domestic Security Division of Manzhouli City Police Department. He practised Falun Gong prior to July 20th, 1999, when the persecution started, and he knows deeply how much benefit Falun Dafa brings to one's health. He said to a Dafa practitioner, "I feel like a young man." However, after July 20th, he did all he could to persecute Dafa practitioners. He organised and took part in sentencing 18 practitioners to forced labour and was involved in over 50 arrests of Falun Dafa practitioners. He was also responsible for the deaths of two female Dafa practitioners, Meng Guiying and Wang Shuying. He caused one practitioner to becoming mentally disturbed and four practitioners to becoming disabled to varying degrees.
The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at the No. 855 Farm Detention Centre in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-21Ms. Gong Hongyan, 47, was an elementary school teacher. On April 12th, 2004, the secretary of the school ordered Gong Hongyan to mop the floors. Her textbooks and lesson plans were forcibly taken away. In the afternoon, 610 Office agent Li Jinzhou, and education director Zeng Xiaoguang went to the primary school to notify her that she was being transfered to logistical work. This transfer was done without any paperwork or proper procedures. Without any documentation, they revoked her teaching certification. They also took away her employee benefits as a teacher, such as summer and winter holidays.
Chinese Communist Party's Evil Motives Revealed in Destruction of Private Satellite Dishes
2008-01-21The people are being controlled and turned into degenerate spiritual slaves. The attitude that those growing up in China towards the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the persecution of Falun Gong are the result of the Party's successful use of mass brainwashing methods.
Mr. Che Hongfei's Life in Danger but Dalian Prison Authorities Refuse to Release Him
2008-01-20Practitioner Che Hongfei, 37, is an English teacher. He was sentenced to seven years in prison because somebody reported him for practising Falun Gong. His parents, parents-in-law and wife went to Dalian City Prison four times to request his release after they learned that Mr. Che had been tortured to the point that his life was danger. The administrators made various excuses to protect themselves and avoided direct answers.
Corrupt Mishan City Police Send Two Practitioners to Labour Camps After Extorting Money from Family
2008-01-20On July 28th, 2007, police from the Dangbi Township Police Station arrested practitioners Mr. Zhang Chuanfu, 21, and Mr. Xue Yanrong, 33. Police officers not only extorted 5,000 yuan from the practitioners' families but also sent the practitioners to a forced labour camp. On October 17th, Mr. Zhang Chuanfu's father came to the police station and asked for permission to see his son. Han said, "They are gone." Zhang's father, "Why? Where did you send them? What law did he violate?" Han said, "He distributed Falun Gong flyers, and that was against the law. I have no idea where they were sent."
Who Really Caused the Death of Mr. Wang Zhanshan?
2008-01-20In February 2006, police arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Li. Liu Li went on a hunger strike as a non-violent means of protesting the detention, but she ended up facing the brutal torture of force-feeding as a punishment for her protest. Her non-practitioner husband, Wang Zhanshan, and the rest of the family spent more than 20,000 yuan as bribe money to get Liu Li out but she remained in detention. In 2006, Liu Li was sentenced to three years in Changchun Women's Prison. Mr. Wang suffered from a severe hereditary disease and now did not have his wife to look after him. Due to the tremendous depression of losing his wife, Wang Zhanshan hung himself. Who really killed Wang Zhanshan?
Practitioners Chen Chunling and Pu Fanwei Beaten and Seriously Injured in Daqing Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-20On December 25th, 2007, during an inspection of the prison by prison warden Wang Yongxian with his staff and a riot squad, political director Li Weilong beat and seriously injured Chen Chunling. The next day, Li beat practitioner Pu Fanwei because he refused to wear the prison uniform, causing him to lose consciousness. He then beat Zhai Zhibing for not wearing his uniform. He also burned Zhai and Pu's clothes and socks.
Three Women Badly Beaten by Government Security Staff
2008-01-19In December 2007, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Gong Ping, Ms. Cao Xiuxia, and Ms. Guo Fengxia went to a village to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and were brutally beaten, had money extorted from them, and were detained by local security staff and police officers. Security Officer Li San ran up to them, grabbed Ms. Cao Xiuxia by her hair, and slammed her head against a utility pole. He then gave her a head butt and continued to hit her head against the utility pole. He pounded her chest with his fist and kicked and stomped on her with his feet. He also kicked Ms. Guo Fengxia, who then fell on the curb, and her lips started to bleed. Her mouth was filled with sand. Her nose and face were black and blue and badly swollen.
Stool Holding-a Form of Torture Used in Jinzhou City Prison, Liaoning Province
2008-01-19Stool holding: A stool, about two feet high, is placed upside down in the centre of a slab. There are two metal rings, one on either side of the stool. The guards have the inmates force the practitioners to sit with their legs gripping the stool and their feet shackled. Their arms are placed around the stool, through the two rings, and then handcuffed. The metal rings are about one foot above the bottom of the stool so that they cannot raise their arms or straighten their backs. They have to squat down and bend over.