Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Qianqian Tortured to Death at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2005-10-02Ms. Liu Qianqian was 33 years old. She was arrested in 2002 and secretly sentenced to three years in prison. She had been locked up in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison, and was forced to go through brainwashing sessions and do heavy labour all day long. On June 19th 2005, Ms. Liu Qianqian was released home, but was as thin as a skeleton. She died on August 6th 2005.
Ms. Yang Lijuan Tortured, Her Elderly Parents Traumatised (Photo)
2005-10-02On August 24th 2005, National Security Team police arrested Ms. Yang Lijuan because she practises Falun Gong. The police brutally tortured her by inserting bamboo sticks under her fingernails, force-feeding her with highly concentrated pepper water, hanging her up, and tying her to an electric chair. Ms. Yang is being detained in Jilin City's Third Detention Centre. On September 2nd her 81-year-old mother made a phone call to the detention centre and was rudely told, "Yang Lijuan was executed!"
Thirteen Types of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners at Gaoyang Labour Camp
2005-10-02One of the thirteen types of torture at Gaoyang Labour Camp is called "Hanging legs": A deep hole is dug into the ground. The practitioner is then made to sit on the edge of the hole with both legs hanging down. Next, a big stone is tied to a rope, and the other end is tied to the practitioner's legs. The big stone is then thrown into the pit. The pain of this torture can hardly be imagined.
Chen Wen, a Single Old Man, Died Mysteriously in Huanggang City, Hubei Province
2005-10-02Mr. Chen Wen was about 75 years old. Mr. Chen wrote many letters to different levels of government to explain the truth of Falun Dafa with his own experience. He also went to Tiananmen Square to appeal and was arrested by the police. About three months ago, Chen Wen went to another city to visit his relatives and tell them the facts about Falun Gong. Soon after his trip he was suddenly found dead. Sources say that the Huang Zhou Public Security Bureau was informed that Chen Wen was found dead on the side of a field in the country area and that he still carried leaflets exposing the persecution with him. Other sources say that Chen Wen was beaten to death. The real situation is unknown.
Her Grandchildren Tortured to Death, 82 Year Old Mrs. He Guizhi Dies of Grief (Photo)
2005-10-01Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. He Guizhi was 82 years old and lived in Heilongjiang Province. Her grandson and granddaughter-in-law were both tortured to death due to practising Falun Dafa. She had nowhere to go for justice. She lost her eyesight and died brokenhearted on December 3rd 2003. She was survived by her 82 year old husband and their great granddaughter who live a hard life.
58-Year-Old Ms. Ji Fengqin Dies Shortly After Being Released from the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ji Fengqin suffered prolonged, cruel torture in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. In August 2005, Ms. Ji was skin and bones and looked terrible. Some criminal inmates said sarcastically, "Your husband dumped you, and your son won't even visit you. You look terrible. Even if you go back home, you could no longer do any work. How could you survive on your own?" These words hurt Ms. Ji badly. From then on, her condition deteriorated rapidly, but she was still forced to work. On August 27th or 28th 2005 Ms. Ji Fengqin was released and returned home. Several days later she died.
Schoolteacher Ms. Dong Xiuqin Suffers Mental Collapse From Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-01Ms. Dong Xiuqin once taught at a primary school in Liaoning Province. She was subjected to inhuman torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and has suffered a mental breakdown. When she was told that she would be arrested again if she did not "transform," she once again broke down. She stopped drinking and eating, did not feel hot and cold, sometimes ran about naked and spoke incoherently, and screamed and yelled uncontrollably. Because of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, Ms. Dong has become a mental patient.
Torture Methods Used at the Beijing Female Prison to Force Falun Gong Practitioners to Abandon Their Beliefs
2005-10-01Tian Fengqing, the guard's leader, incited guards to take practitioner Ms. Gong to the one-story house behind the building where no one could hear the screams when they tortured practitioners. They held Ms. Gong on the ground, separated her legs in opposite directions and then pulled very hard. After this torture, Ms. Gong couldn't walk normally for nearly a year. The guards also forced practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiuhuan to bend her body at 90 degrees with two people riding on her.
Life Renewed by Cultivating Falun Dafa, but Body Disabled by the Persecution
2005-09-30"I was once divorced, and suffered many diseases. I almost gave up hope due to both mental and physical suffering. I didn't know what to do with my life and where it was going. But Falun Gong rescued me from disaster, and saved and renewed my life. However, after the persecution of Falun Gong was launched, I was tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for speaking the truth. I was disabled by the torture and I can no longer take care of myself."
Crimes Committed Against Practitioners in the Northern Suburbs Jail of Shijiazhuang City
2005-09-30On December 12th 2004, World Human Rights Day, the Northern Suburbs Jail intentionally set up a "transformation" class to persecute Dafa practitioners. Criminal Li Lin used a metal club to beat the head of practitioner Lei Zhongfu. He beat him at least several dozen times during a period of nine days and nights. Criminal Li Xiangyang had a strong body and thick hands. He slapped Lei Zhongfu's face at least several dozen of times. As a result, Lei Zhongfu had difficulties moving his body for more than one month.
Liu Shufen Holds Hunger Strike - Her 78-Year-Old Father Longs for Her Release
2005-09-30Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen is detained at the Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province. She has been on a hunger strike for over three months protesting the persecution, and her life is now in danger. Liu is being severely tortured in the Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province. The police locked her in a small cell, tied her up spread eagle, hung her up by stretching her legs, handcuffed her hands behind her back around the clock, and hung her up by the handcuffs. Her mother left her bed-ridden spouse at home to go visit their daughter. However, her visit was denied by the prison authorities. Her father is living with the pain of being separated from his beloved daughter.
Exposing Evil Deeds of Vicious Policemen from the Qianerdao Township Police Station of Jilin City
2005-09-30Qianerdao Township police arrested practitioners with a pre-planned scheme. They had already gathered information on these practitioners after long-term monitoring of local practitioners who are persistent in practising Falun Gong. The police waited for opportunities to persecute them. When a police officer found that a practitioner's wife had disappeared, he told the other officer, "It does not matter if we lose one since we have already reached our arrest quota."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong Died From Torture at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong was sentenced to two years of forced labour after being arrested for telling the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda. She was brutally tortured at the labour camp and developed symptoms of late-stage ovarian cancer. Eight inmates beat her until she was covered with wounds and bruises and the labour camp extorted 4,000 Yuan from her parents. She passed away soon after she was released from the labour camp, on September 1st 2005.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Hebei, and Heilongjiang Provinces Die from Persecution
2005-09-29On August 25th 2001, more than ten people from the district's police department and police station broke into his home and confiscated 66-year-old Mr. Wang Tiliang's property. The police tried to take the 67,000 yuan cash Mr. Wang had saved for his son's wedding and housing. Mr. Wang tried to stop them, but they arrested him and locked him in a detention centre. He did not get any food for twenty days out of four months. He was as thin as a stick when his work place bailed him out. The police department still withheld 5,000 yuan from him. Mr. Wang was extremely traumatised and had difficulty eating. He died on August 25th 2005.
Six Dafa Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-2939-year-old Ms. Bao Fengjuan had all sorts of illnesses before practising Falun Gong, but all her physical problems disappeared not long after she started the practice. She went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution in 2000 and was arrested and detained at a police station. Policemen grabbed her hair, violently pushed her, and struck her head against a concrete wall many times, causing severe head injuries. Her speech was incomprehensible from that time on. She never recovered, even after she was sent home, and she couldn't live a normal life. She was unable to look after herself. She passed away on August 19th 2005.