Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Beijing Police Create "National Guard Team" to Implement State-Terrorist Tactics Against Dafa Practitioners
2004-05-22The police stations in all districts and counties of Beijing maintain a team of people -- the National Guard Team -- whose job is to constantly monitor Falun Gong practitioners. This team organizes and scouts for opportunities to abduct practitioners and ruthlessly strikes whenever they are given the order. In parts of the countryside, this team has climbed over walls and entered windows to raid homes and abduct Falun Gong practitioners. The team was especially active around the Party's 16th Congress, when Jiang Zemin's regime issued a secret order whereby all districts and counties were required to arrest Falun Gong practitioners.
The Jiang Group's Campaign of Genocide Continues: At Least 450 Dafa Practitioners Abducted Within 3 Months - Part II
2004-05-22Abduction is just the very first step in Jiang's regime's persecution of Falun Gong. After violently taking practitioners away from their homes, the police resort to a multitude of means to attempt to force practitioners to give up their cultivation of Falun Gong. Those who persist in their cultivation are sent to brainwashing centres, mental hospitals, labour camps, or jails, where they are tortured both physically and mentally. Abducted practitioners are asked to make a choice between their belief and their lives. Those who choose to hold firm to their belief often pay a heavy price, sometimes even with their lives.
Doctor Liu Haibo is Dead from Torture Received in the Weizigou Labour Camp
2004-05-21Liu Haibo was accused of providing a hiding place for Dafa practitioners who had broadcast the truth about the persecution on the national TV system. For this reason, The authorities brutally tortured Liu in order to obtain a confession. About 1:00 a.m. in the morning, he was tortured so severely that his heart stopped beating (It is not known what method of torture or measures were used by the police). He was sent to the emergency centre at the Changchun City Hospital, but the staff officially claimed they could not revive him, even though the emergency centre was well equipped with the proper equipment and trained personnel to successfully revive him. His family was not informed of his death. Liu Habo's father is over 70 year old and still doesn't know his son has been tortured to death. His 5 year old son is being raised by his grandmother.
Hunan Province State Security Police Responsible for Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Xin Jingwen
2004-05-21Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Xin Jingwen, 68, from Yueyang City, Hunan Province, was abducted on April 28, 2004. As many as 10 police vehicles were involved in her arrest and subsequent abduction. On May 2, 2004, she was found tortured to death in theYunxi Detention Centre in Yueyang City. Police cremated her body on May 6. Those mainly responsible for her death are state security police officers Sun Guanping and Li Wanyi.
Persecution Causes Practitioner Ms. Qi Yuna from Tangshan City, to Suffer a Mental Breakdown
2004-05-21Qi's hair had turned white by the time she left the psychiatric hospital. Because of the destructive drugs she was given, her body and face became unrecognizeable. Her eyes looked dull and she was having a hard time recognizing acquaintances. She was no longer capable and smart. She had an average heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute. Her heartbeat was irregular and if she moved quickly, she could not catch her breath. Her hands trembled a lot. She would hide in a corner trembling and acted up when they stimulated her. She gradually lost her memory and her mental faculties became worse.
Beijing Policemen's Brutality: Stripping Female Practitioners Naked, Putting Them In Snow, Burning Their Private Parts with Cigarettes
2004-05-21"One practitioner who was interrogated during the daytime on the second day was a girl about 20 years old. After she came back from interrogation, her clothes were messed up and her hair was dishevelled. She seemed to have changed into another person, and she was seriously hurt physically and mentally. I asked another practitioner what had happened to the girl, and she said, "The police took off all of her clothes and forced her to sit in the snow for 2-3 hours. The most evil thing was that the policemen ordered drug-addicts and prostitutes to burn her private parts with lit cigarettes..." This practitioner was overcome with grief and could not continue to describe the torture that happened to the young girl."
The Jiang Group's Campaign of Genocide Continues: At Least 450 Dafa Practitioners Abducted Within 3 Months - Part I
2004-05-21After the practitioners are abducted they are asked to sign various papers promising not to practice, to betray fellow practitioners by giving names and defaming the Teacher and the practice. If any practitioner refuses to betray Falun Dafa by signing their names, they are stripped down to their underwear and whipped. If practitioners pass out from the pain, they pour cold water over them to wake them up. If they still do not give up, they are sent to the "610 Office" or the County Detention Centre for extended detention.
Ms. Yu Fenghua from Liaoning Province Tortured to Death
2004-05-20Ms. Yu Fenghua was a music teacher. She was 57 years old and practised Falun Gong. She lived in Liaoning Province. One night in January 2001, Yu Fenghua was hanging a banner reading "Falun Dafa is Good" in the downtown area of Dalian. She was abducted by police who had been following her. While in detention, she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong and firmly resisted the persecution. She also went on a hunger strike to protest. Soon she was sentenced to 8 years in prison. On May 5, 2004, Dabei Prison informed her family to pick her up. She was on the verge of death. When her family arrived, she was carried in on a stretcher. After returning home, she passed away at around 6:00 p.m. on the night of May 10.
Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tang Yun from Chongqing
2004-05-20Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Yun was born on March 22, 1970 and had lived in Chongqing. She had worked at Zitong Town Department Store. On December 4, 1999, Tang Yun went to Beijing to appeal for and validate Falun Dafa with her own experiences. Her son was only two years old at the time. Tang Yun was arrested and tortured to death on her police-escorted trip back from Beijing.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Yong from Guiyang City Died As a Result of Torture in 2001
2004-05-20Mr. Zhou Yong, around 20 years old, was from Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000 but was illegally arrested and sent to Tianjin City where he suffered severe persecution. He was later sent to Hebei Province where he was tortured to the brink of death. He died in hospital in 2001, but only now has the news of his death escaped from China.
Daqing Prison Guard Li Fajie Torture Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Zhong to the Brink of Death
2004-05-20Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhong is illegally detained at the Daqing Prison in Heilongjiang Province. Because he refused to write a "Guarantee Statement" denouncing Falun Dafa, and persisted in doing the Falun Gong exercises, he was tortured to the brink of death by Daqing Prison policeman Li Fajie. The prison authorities are currently ignoring the fact that his life is in danger.
Ms. Sun Lancheng from Hebei Province Died of Persecution in 2002
2004-05-19Sun Lancheng was a 41-year-old female practitioner from Hebei Province. After suffering many detentions and poorly treated, she was arrested again in December 2002. The police sent her to a labour camp, but the labour camp again refused to admit her because of her poor health. The police had no alternative but to send her home. Not long afterward, she passed away at home on February 3, 2003.
Practitioners Ms. Zhu Yourong and Ms. Zhang Zhibin Tortured to Death at Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2004-05-19In December 2000, authorities in Hebei Province First Forced Labour Camp (also called Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labor Camp) tortured Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhu Yourong and Ms. Zhang Zhibin to death. Ms. Zhu Yourong was in her thirties. She had been sentenced to forced labour around 2000. Guards tortured her with force-feeding, physical abuse, beatings, and curses. Ms. Zhang Zhibin was thirty years old. She, along with other practitioners, demanded an investigation into Ms. Zhu Yourong's death and was also tortured to death in response.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tan Yanjun Paralyzed by Torture
2004-05-19Mr. Tan Yanjun, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested three times and experienced all kinds of torture while in detention. As a result, he suffered a heart attack and a perforated eardrum. Currently, he is completely paralyzed and can't look after himself; he can't eat normally or look after himself. He has to lie on the floor of the detention centre. however, Hegang First Detention Centre still refuses to release him.
Authorities Deny Shen Xiaodu the Right to Earn a Living
2004-05-19Falun Dafa practitioner Shen Xiaodu is the grandson of the late Mr. Shen Junru, one of the main founders of the China Democratic League. Shen Xiaodu was tortured for over two years at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. After his release the company that had previously employed him refused to arrange for his re-employment. The company has also scheduled people to monitor him 24 hours a day. The constant close surveillance ultimately caused Shen Xiaodu and his son the humiliation and hardship of being forced to move in with and become financially dependent upon his mother, who is nearly eighty years old.