Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Du Guilan from Hegang City Dies from Persecution
2003-02-09Before Du Guilan's death, police abducted her husband and son, and brutally tortured them in order to force them to reveal Du Guilan's whereabouts....Police said she jumped from the second floor and died, but we believe the second floor is not high enough to cause death. Yet another shameful act has most likely been committed by the police
Entire Family Persecuted in China Following Overseas Practitioner's Exposure of Jiang Regime's Crimes
2003-02-09This is evidence of Jiang's policy of "spiritually torturing them, physically destroying practitioners, and economically devastating them." None of my relatives practise Falun Gong. Yet now the brutal persecution and evil acts have extended to all practitioners' relatives.
Female Dafa Practitioner On Verge of Death In Harbin Drug Rehab Centre
2003-02-08The police took out a statement slandering Falun Dafa and required Ms. Tang to sign. She was so weak that she did not have the strength to speak, but she shook her head "no" determinedly. The police shut her back in the small cell and proclaimed that there would be no release until she signed the statement. The corrupt police kept the money.
Brutal Acts Occurring in Daqing City Forced Labour Camp (Part 1)
2003-02-08Vice team leader Wang Yingzhou, who was watching all the torture from the window, ordered them to carry Zhuang to the office, pointed to these prisoners, and said, "You and I are all reincarnated demons from hell!" Then he started to slander our Master and Falun Dafa, and beat Zhuang with extreme cruelty. Later we found out that Zhuang was badly injured.
Practitioner Is Arrested by Beijing Police for Riding His Bicycle Displaying the Sign, "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2003-02-08One day in late December 2002, Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Changze appealed for Dafa by riding his bicycle throughout the Huairou District in Beijing displaying a sign that said, "Falun Dafa is Good--Free Bicycle Repair." On the second day, he was abducted by police officers and sent to a detention centre. Presently he is still detained.
Shocking Revelations of Beijing's Division of Dispatchment of People Sentenced to Forced Labour Camps
2003-02-08Some of them were so frightened that they wet their pants and were paralysed with fear. You could hear everywhere the sounds of crackling electric batons burning people's skin, stern voices cursing, victim's screams of pain, and sometimes the shouting of "reporting" for a hundred times as a punishment for those who did not shout out "reporting" aloud.
Safe in Canada, Dafa Practitioner Recalls the Brutal Persecution She Suffered Under the Jiang Regime
2003-02-08 -
The Torture I Experienced in The Fangcun Mental Hospital in Guangzhou City
2003-02-08 -
Former Deputy Director of Laser Research Institute and His Mother-in-law Are Kidnapped
2003-02-07This gentleman held a responsible position at his work. He integrated the universal principles of Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance into his life, yet the Jiang regime now say it is a crime to uphold these moral values. He didn't surrender to extensive pressure, and instead continued to steadfastly practise Falun Gong. At the beginning of this year, while he was on duty, Cai Zhigang was required to talk with some people, and in this way he was deceived into going to the brainwashing centre.
Using Insidious Methods in a Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre to Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-07They told a mother who had a one-year-old child, "Your child will lose his mother because of you. Your parents will lose their daughter because of you. If you transform into something we want you to become, you will be able to go home. Why don't you transform? Aren't you being selfish?" The bad people kidnap the good people and say good people are being selfish. Where is the justice?
"We're here to forcibly transform you! Announces Head of Shijiazhuang City Brainwashing Centre
2003-02-07The brainwashing centre in Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei Province, also called the "Law Education Centre of the Capital of Hebei Province" is a den of evil. The head of the vicious criminals, Kong Fanyun, clamoured publicly, "We're here to forcibly transform you, don't even try to reason with us. The labour camp is waiting for you if you don't reform." The centre is completely isolated, and the ways of persecution are extremely vicious.
Amnesty International Magazine Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-02-07The two sisters were convicted of illegal trading - referring to the sale of Falun Gong publications in their bookstore. However, they were arrested on 20 July 1999, two days before the movement was banned. The sale of Falun Gong literature was not illegal before the ban A fellow detainee says that she was kicked and beaten, handcuffed and suspended by the wrists, and forced to wear an instrument called zhu zui on her head.
Female Dafa Practitioner Dies from Prolonged Torture in Xinjiang Autonomous Region
2003-02-06Yurong's husband brought their 14-year-old son and rushed to the People's Hospital. In the ward, Yurong was monitored 24 hours a day. In order to avoid responsibility, the police even ordered Yurong's husband to carry her to the courtroom to be tried even though she was near death.
The Miserable Experience of Falun Dafa Practitioner and His Family
2003-02-06The daughter, who had never left her mother before, became sick, and developed a fever from thinking of her mother all the time. Her grandfather twice brought the little girl to Qinhuangdao City and they were twice denied their request to see her mother, practitioner Wang Shumei. The officials there claimed that if the grandfather did not take away the little girl, they would hire a baby sitter rather than release Wang Shumei.
Inside Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-06Dafa practitioners are often cuffed to the iron chairs or beds 24 hours a day, and are fed meagre portions of corn rolls and salted vegetables. Most of the practitioners detained in the mini-cells are cuffed to a bed even through the night. Sometimes, two hands were cuffed at the two sides of the bed frame for a whole night. Masanjia Forced Labour Camp tries every way to hide the existence of the hell-like mini-cells. This is the major spot where Dafa practitioners are tortured.