Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Langfang City Public Security Stated "dig the ground as deep as 3 feet to find her": Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Arrested
2003-02-21In order to arrest her, the local police attempted to force her husband Li Jianzhong, who worked in the same company, to tell them her whereabouts. Courageously Li refused, yet they punished him by sentencing him to two years in a forced labour camp. When he was released, the police continued to threaten him, saying that if Xiaohui got in touch with him, he had to report it to the police right away, or else he would be arrested again.
Female Practitioner Arrested: Her Elderly Mother Suffers Severe Harassment by Police
2003-02-21After learning that Lili went to Beijing to appeal, her older sister said with emotion, "Aren't people practising Falun Gong trying to become better people? Aren't people simply seeking justice when they appeal in Beijing? I hope she will succeed and come back soon." The fact that Lili was persecuted for her appeal made her family further realise the irrationality of Jiang's regime in persecuting Dafa practitioners.
Lawless Officials Falsely Claim Appellants Are Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-21They were going to complain about the local government's corruption and to get their money back. Before the train departed, someone reported them to the local government. It was too late for the government officials to stop them, so the government officials contacted the Xinxiang city police, saying there were hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners going to Beijing to appeal, and requested that they be stopped.
Jizhou City Police and Prosecutors Frame Innocent Disabled Practitioner
2003-02-20Since then, during his illegal detention, directors Li Jianjun, Zhao Jie from Jizhou City Police Department, and others, acted under a secret order from their superiors to "Ruthlessly Handle Shi Wenjie."... The police did not spare any base means, including trickery, promising to release him and to help his child to enrol in school, and so on, to obtain information. They also faked kindness to force him to claim that he had distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials.
The Darkness of Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-20Every practitioner was in normal health before being dragged into the torture room, but after, they had to be carried out and were unable to walk. The inhuman police threw some practitioners into the "water house" and continuously poured cold water on them until the practitioners nearly froze to death. When the police were torturing the practitioners, the sounds of the torture tools, the police's evil shouts, and the practitioners' cries were heard throughout the camp. The practitioners' cries echoed in the camp and made people terrified.
Young Son Abandoned by Authorities: Mother Persecuted in Shandong Province Labour Camp
2003-02-20Think about what is happening. Look at how many young children in China have lost their mothers due to Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong. Kind-hearted people: our consciences will not let us stay silent any longer, for our friends and relatives are those who are suffering from this persecution. Let us work together to help save this young boy's mother!
Germany: Speaking Out for My Former Classmate, Wang Weiyu
2003-02-19In the September of 2000, I saw Wang Weiyu when I returned to China. At that time, he had been forced to leave school and become homeless. He told me his experience of visiting Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong and of being tortured in the police station. In August 2002, he was kidnapped in the company where he worked part time. To date, it is unknown where Weiyu is.
Thug-Like Officials Wantonly Persecute and Rob Practitioners in Shandong Province
2003-02-19The official tried to force the couple to say where they got Falun Dafa materials. When they refused, he brutally twisted their arms behind their backs and then he punched and kicked them. As a result, their arms were hurt so badly that the couple could not work for several months. At last the thugs forced the practitioner's husband to pay 4,000 dollars for the release of his wife.
Harbin City's Women Prison Incarcerating and Torturing Nearly 400 Innocent Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-19Everyday the Education Section forces Falun Gong practitioners to watch and listen to Dafa-slandering videos and audios. They even circulate fabricated articles allegedly written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, in order to mislead practitioners. Practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs were punished physically and tortured with excruciating means.
Violence Intensifies: Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioners at Suihua Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-18The policemen started to torture Dafa practitioners there. One after another, practitioners were singled out and beaten mercilessly by five to nine thugs. It was a bloodbath! More than 20 practitioners suffered from the torture. The thugs shocked Liu Zhikun with electric batons so brutally that his whole body was covered with blisters. His chest, and arms were badly burned. The excruciating torment he endured is beyond description.
Dafa Practitioner Brutally Force-Fed Under Duress in the Fushun City Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-18The labour camp adopts such cruel means to torture Dafa practitioners, yet they claim that what they do is for the good of practitioners. One of the prisoners who participated in the torture said, "It would be treated as an accident if I really beat you to death. I am still fine after beating seven or eight practitioners to death." Using abusive language, they threatened to beat Yuanlong to death.
Lingquansi Detention Centre Responsible for Shocking Death of Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-17The authorities hastily cremated his body in order to cover up their crime. According to his relatives at the crematorium, the deceased had his eyes and mouth wide open. Both arms were outstretched, and both hands were firmly clenched into fists. There was dried blood on the back of his skull. A once strong and healthy man became emaciated within merely 14 days.
Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp Torture Falun Dafa Practitioner to Wretched State of Paralysis and Mental Collapse
2003-02-17As a result of the torture, he suffered a mental collapse. His hands twitch and one eye bulges. He has great difficulty speaking, and is losing the ability to look after himself. A young man in the prime of his life reduced to this sorry state! In spite of all this, the police refuse to release him.
Practitioner "Cuffed and Hung Up" for 7 Days and Nights in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-17They brutally tortured practitioner Mr. Yue Baoxue with a method called "Cuffed and Hung Up" for 7 consecutive days and nights: [This means both hands are cuffed behind the back, both feet off or only toes touching the ground, one is hung from a basketball support or house beam by the handcuffs. Both hands and arms will soon go numb from lack of blood circulation.]
The Violence and Sub-Human Treatment I Experienced at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-16The evildoers are really afraid of being exposed for what they have done to Dafa practitioners. Once we heard that the higher authorities had requested to inspect Masanjia. The camp authorities made thorough preparations a few days in advance. They chose a few people who had been brainwashed and transformed who were easy to handle... Later, we learned that human rights organisations came for investigation. What they saw was all sham!