Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
FemalePractitioner Tortured to Death in Beijing's Miyun Detention Centre
2002-04-28"The evil doers ordered prisoners to beat her for more than two hours using big wooden planks, in order to force her to disclose her name and address. According to people who knew the details of the incident, this Falun Dafa practitioner was hurt so severely that she couldn't even stand up. She crawled back to the prison by herself and was found dead 10 hours later."
Practitioners Get Illegally Extorted "Deposits" Back in a Dignified and Upright Manner
2002-04-28 -
Policeman States; Even if you die, the Party will still cremate your body!"
2002-04-28Cruel policeman Mao Shunde boasted, "I just don't believe that I can't stop your hunger strike." The director of the administration office said to the practitioners arrogantly, "Don't mention about your having blood in your stool! Even if you urinate blood, no one will care! Even if you die, the Party will still cremate your body!"
Woman Torn from Husband Appeals for His Return
2002-04-26 -
The Evil Persecution I Witnessed
2002-04-25I am a female Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province. I would like to tell the world about the persecution I personally experienced and the evil I witnessed. It is my wish that through this, people in the world out of a sense of righteous indignation, could come to understand Falun Dafa and see the value of "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truth-Compassion-Forbearance).
Rampant Persecution in Daiwangcheng Township
2002-04-24 -
Head of County Police Department Abducts and Persecutes Dafa Practitioners
2002-04-24 -
"We only arrest good people, instead of bad ones."
2002-04-24 -
Witnessing the Evil in Heizuizi Labour Camp
2002-04-23 -
Stories of Brutality in Panjin City Labour Camp
2002-04-23Under the direction of the deputy head of the labour camp, a group of vicious police used electric batons, police clubs, and rubber clubs to beat Dafa practitioners. One practitioners whole body was beaten black and blue; his internal organs were injured and he vomited blood. After his left eyeball was ruptured by cruel beating, he was hung up with his hands cuffed behind the back in an iron cage.
President of a Newspaper in China: "This is Part of a Quota Set by Higher Authorities. We Have to Attack You."
2002-04-21 -
Labour Camp Director: "Since you went to Beijing to appeal, you deserve to be treated as those on death row."
2002-04-21 -
Use Physical Punishments to Achieve "Education and Persuasion"
2002-04-21 -
Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp: Wherever the Electric Batons Touched, Skin and Flesh Broke
2002-04-21Four other practitioners were bound by their arms and legs and put under a different bed board with their mouths and noses sealed. They almost died from suffocation. Practitioner Lu Changjun's spine was broken and he is now paralysed.
Letter from Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp: Number of Practitioners being Abducted and Brutally Brainwashed is growing at an Alarming Rate