Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Police Kidnap Mother while Breastfeeding Baby
2002-05-23"They hung my husband up by his handcuffs and brutally beat him. My husband did not practice Falun Gong. After that they cuffed my hands behind my back and made me sit on the floor for the whole night."
Shizishan Labour Camp Officials Add Heroin to Dafa Practitioners' Food
2002-05-22The guards in Shizishan Forced Labour Camp instructed criminals to put poison in Dafa practitioners' food. After eating a biscuit one practitioner felt pain, and was cold and light-headed. These people also added heroin to Dafa practitioners' food.
Shihe Police Profit from Persecution
2002-05-22These corrupt policemen illegally search the homes of practitioners and confiscate their belongings at will. One time when a practitioner refused to cooperate with their directives, they forcefully took the practitioner to the police station and viciously beat him without mercy.
Female Dafa Practitioners Bai Aixiang and Li Yuhua Tortured to Death
2002-05-21Dafa practitioner Bai Aixiang was a 42-year-old woman from Jiaozuo City. On April 22, 2002, she was arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials and taken to the Police Station. On April 30, she died suddenly.
Practitioner Sun Jianhua from Shulan City, Jilin Province Tortured to Death
2002-05-20 -
64 Year-Old Female Practitioner Dies After Brutal Force-Feeding
2002-05-18A week after being brutally force-fed, Yu Qiushi's stomach began to swell, causing her tremendous pain. Several days later her legs and feet also began to swell. During this time the police constantly went to her home and harassed her. Two months later, she passed away in her sleep.
Without Human Nature - Changchun Police Viciously Abuse Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-05-18" The basement is the perfect place to torture Falun Gong practitioners, it' no big deal if we beat them to death!"
Wishes for Mother' s Day--To All the Mothers Suffering in Jail for Practicing Falun Dafa
2002-05-18 -
A Trial of Strength between Violence and Belief --- My Twenty-six Days in Prison
2002-05-18[...] Through these twenty six days of tribulation, I deeply understood that with purity and understanding there is nothing that cannot be achieved.
Crimes against Falun Dafa Practitioners Committed by the "610 Office"
2002-05-18 -
Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Zhongmin Brutally Tortured
2002-05-15 -
Police Brutality Critically Injures Practitioner and puts a Village under Siege
2002-05-13 -
Policemen Beat, Kidnap and Extort Money from Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province
2002-05-13 -
For Refusing to Curse Others, I Was Kidnapped -
A Non-Practitioner Exposes Police Brutality2002-05-13 -
2 More Practitioners Tortured to Death: Known Death Toll at 409