Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Huang Liqiao Suffers Brutal Torture at the Shuangkou Labour Camp in Tianjin
2011-02-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Liqiao from Tianjin was arrested while at work on April 20th, 2008. Officers from the Dahutong Police Station and Tianjin Steel Piping Company took him to a district detention centre. On May 25th he was sent to Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp and tortured. Guards told criminal inmates to immobilise Mr. Huang in a chair and force him to watch videos that slander Falun Gong. Deputy team leader Tian Zhongyu forced Mr. Huang to wear a set of headphones and played the slanderous recordings at maximum volume. Guard Qiao Changjiang kept punching Mr. Huang’s head with his fists.
Sixty-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xu Guixia Tortured on Tiger Bench for Three Days in Huichun City
2011-02-25Ms. Xu Guixia is a 60-year-old practitioner in Huichun City, Jilin Province. Li Shaohong and five other agents from Huichun Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Xu at home on the morning of January 13th, 2011. They ransacked her home and confiscated all Falun Gong materials and other personal belongings. While she was detained, agents tortured her on a Tiger Bench for three consecutive days—a very painful experience—and then sent her to a forced labour camp. Ms. Xu suffered tremendously during this time.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Yuke Dies as a Result of Persecution in Jilin Prison
2011-02-24Mr. Zhang Yuke, a 64-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, died as a result of persecution in Jilin Prison on February 15th. Three years ago, Mr. Zhang was arrested at his home and was sentenced to four years in prison. He was subjected to cruel torture in Gongzhuling Detention Centre and Jilin Prison. He was tortured with body-stretching by the limbs, forced-feeding, and other forms of physical abuse. The prison guards made Zhang wear heavy foot shackles intended for death-row prisoners. He was chained to a rail for more than 3 weeks. The police beat Mr. Zhang Yuke until he collapsed. He was at the brink of death repeatedly.
Mr. Wang Lijun Tortured at Second Forced Labour Camp in Shandong
2011-02-24Mr. Wang Lijun was arrested by police on November 5th, 2009, when he was distributing Falun Gong materials. After being taken to the police station he was beaten until he lost consciousness. On November 27th, Mr. Wang was taken to Shandong Province Second Forced Labour Camp where he was tortured. he recounts: "I was forced to perform hard labour. I wrote “Falun Gong is good” on my table. After guard Li Gongming found out, he handcuffed me to a bed frame, so I was hanging in the air with my wrists supporting my body weight. I was in excruciating pain and broke out into a cold sweat."
Lei Yangfan Holding Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution in Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-24Mr. Lei Yangfan is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution in the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province. Mr. Lei had previously held two hunger strikes to protest the persecution at the labour camp, for which labour camp officials extended his term. On December 7th, 2010, Mr. Lei’s father travelled to the labour camp and requested a visit with his son, but officials refused to let him see Mr. Lei. Mr. Lei was arrested by police on May 8th, 2010, while browsing Falun Gong related websites in an Internet café.
Six Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan Taken to Forced Labour Camps
2011-02-24Between mid-November 2010 and early this year, members of the Tangshan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and officers from the police departments, domestic security divisions, and police stations arrested over 50 Falun Gong practitioners in a wide area. Six practitioners have been taken to forced labour camps. Ms. Fu Wenhuai and Ms. Wu Suxiang were arrested by police. The police confiscated computers, printers, Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution, and personal items. On December 9th, Ms. Fu was taken to the Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp to serve a one-year term. Ms. Wu was also sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Harmful and Mind Altering Drugs are Routinely Administered to Falun Gong Practitioners as a Means of Torture and Coercion
2011-02-23Between 2002 and 2004, the Minghui website [Chinese version of the Falun Gong website Clearwisdom.net] reported the cases of three Falun Gong practitioners— Mr. Ping Chunfeng, former section head at the Logistics Department of Qinghai Normal University, 29-year-old Ms. Fan Lihong, and Ms. Zhang Xuefeng— who suffered nervous breakdowns and died after being injected with or fed with unknown drugs. Qinghai Province Women's Drug Rehabilitation Centre head Xiang Jianmei declared, “One shot costs more than 100 yuan.” Before their deaths, Ms. Fan Lihong and Ms. Zhang Xuefeng told many people about what they had been subjected to, but others had difficulty believing them, as they found the horror and extent of such malice hard to fathom.
First-Hand Account of the Brutal Torture Experienced by a Falun Gong Practitioner
2011-02-23I went to Gaotou Village to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in February 2001. Police arrested me and took me to an abandoned room in the Jianhua Construction Development Company. There were several bunk beds in the room. Five agents participated in abusing me. They handcuffed my hands behind my back and onto the upper level of one bed, and stretched my feet to another bunk bed. Yu kicked me hard to make my body swing between the beds. I immediately started to sweat profusely from the pain, and then lost consciousness. They put me down on the floor and used a teacup lid to push hard between my ribs, twisting and rubbing. Then they took electric batons and shocked me in the heart area, chest, private parts and armpits. It was very painful.
Ms. Li Yifang Tortured in a Forced Labour Camp
2011-02-23Ms. Li Yifang was arrested by the local police while distributing materials about the persecution of Falun Gong in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, on February 27th, 2008. Ms. Li was beaten, kicked and slapped in the face at the police station. The officers also struck her against the wall, inducing dizziness, bleeding gums, and loss of teeth. Police deprived her of food for several days and did not inform her family about the detention. They also ransacked her home. Although they could not find any evidence to incriminate her, Ms. Li was still sentenced to one year of forced labour.
Ms. Li Weizhen Arrested Again in Tianjin City, China
2011-02-23Ms. Li Weizhen has been persecuted many times because she practises Falun Gong. In January 2002, Ms Li was arrested and sentenced to three and a half years in Tianjin Women’s Prison. She was tortured both mentally and physically. Due to the beatings that she endured, she only has a few teeth left. She also was fired from her job. Ms. Li was arrested by police on April 2nd, 2009, while talking to people about Falun Gong. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and the guards grabbed Ms. Li’s hair and slapped her in the face, causing her to go deaf temporarily. On January 17th, Ms. Li was arrested again.
Parents Finally Allowed to Visit Their Imprisoned Son after Clearwisdom Exposes His Persecution
2011-02-22Mr. Zhang Qin was arrested for the sixth time on June 5th, 2009, and later sentenced to five years in prison. His parents, in their eighties, tried many times to find his whereabouts by calling and mailing letters to the Shanghai Bureau of Prison Administration and Tilanqiao Prison. But they never received any replies. They were finally able to see him after reading an article on the Clearwisdom website that exposed the persecution of Mr. Zhang.
Ms. Feng Xiaomei Suffers Retaliation for Seeking Justice
2011-02-22Ms. Feng Xiaomei has experienced all sorts of injustices and persecution over the past 10 years. She was fired from her job and so were her beloved husband, father, and younger sister. As a result, she had to support the family all by herself. In addition to this hardship she was arrested and put in detention. She had no way to formally complain about the detention, the unconstitutional physical abuse, the detention, or even the heinous violence she suffered. As a result of the physical abuse, there was blood in her stool for over a year and she became extremely weak. Ms. Feng Xiaomei was released on November 27th, 2010. She sent letters to the appropriate government departments asking that the law be upheld and that those responsible for persecuting her be held legally accountable.
Six Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested While Distributing Poems
2011-02-22Six Falun Gong practitioners were arrested by police on January 2nd, while distributing couplets (a certain type of poem often displayed on the outer doors of homes in China at the time of the New Year) in the Dumuhe Forest area. The couplets had wording praising Falun Gong. The practitioners were taken to the police station, searched and stripped down to their underwear. They were held at the detention centre of the Dongfanghong Forestry Public Security Bureau. Shi Chunbao, the deputy chief of State Security Brigade of the Forestry Public Security Bureau, beat Ms. Wu Yunlian's head and face brutally with a plastic bottle filled with water while cursing at her.
Mr. Fu Tianxiang and Other Falun Gong Practitioners Still Held in Detention in Geermu City, Qinghai Province
2011-02-22Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Fu Tianxiang, Ms. He Jingyu, and Ms. Zuo Aifeng were arrested on separate occasions in 2009 because they distributed information about Falun Gong. They have been held in the Geermu Detention Centre the entire time. During the detention, local court officials tried them several times, and the police denied their families' visitation rights until the 2010 Chinese New Year when their families were finally allowed to visit them once.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Run Weirong Dies after More than Ten Years of Persecution
2011-02-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Run Weirong, who had been arrested many times, passed away in October 2010. Ms. Run first went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. She was arrested and sent to Qinghe County Prison in Beijing. She went to Beijing twice more and was arrested and detained. Later Ms. Run was sent to a brainwashing centre. Ms. Run endured tremendous pressure and suffered both physically and mentally for more than ten years, and as a result she lost her eyesight and passed away at the age of 59.