Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
School Children Targeted for Brainwashing by the 610 Office in Guangxi Province
2014-07-27The “Youth Education Centre Against Heretical Organisations” was established in Baise City, Guangxi Province, in May 2014. It is another way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brainwashes school children into being against Falun Gong. Videos, audios, window displays, books, bulletin boards, charts, and pictures slandering Falun Gong and its founder are employed. Dongjing Central Elementary School held a signature assembly on April 16th. Teachers and students were to sign a pledge slandering Falun Gong.
Practitioners Recall Suspicious Blood Draws in Mudanjiang Prison and Daxing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2014-07-27I was sentenced to four years in Mudanjiang Prison for practising Falun Gong. Between 2002 and 2006, I underwent three “health checkups.” Each time, they took my blood pressure and drew a syringe of blood. When I was released I read the reports about organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners while they were still alive. It has come to light that in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prisons and forced labour camps all over China, practitioners have been subjected to “health checkups,” and their blood is taken for tests.
12 Years Later, Shandong Woman Still Suffers from Complications of Toxic Injection Received at a Labour Camp
2014-07-25The day before her scheduled release from the labour camp in 2002, Ms. Gu Jing, a then-60-year-old woman jailed for her faith in Falun Gong, was given a toxic injection likely intended to take her life. The camp authorities were so sure of her eventual fate that they reported her “death” prematurely to the local police department soon afterwards. Though Ms. Gu survived the potentially lethal injection, she still suffers from the lingering complications 12 years later. She has to live with dizziness, high blood pressure and a constant feeling of heaviness in her head.
New International Convention Adopted to Make Organ Trafficking a Criminal Offence
2014-07-25The Council of Europe has recently adopted a new international convention to make trafficking of human organs for transplant a criminal offense. The convention will be open for signatures by state members and non-state members of the Council of Europe. The European Union passed a resolution last December, condemning and calling for the end of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China, a large majority of whom are Falun Gong practitioners.
Heilongjiang Women's Prison: Wards Dedicated to Systematic Brainwashing
2014-07-25Heilongjiang Women's Prison has played an infamous role in the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong. Special wards were designated specifically for “transforming” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners, attempting to force them to renounce their beliefs through coercive brainwashing and physical abuse. The prison employs a systematic “transformation” process: incoming practitioners are first subjected to beatings and other forms of physical abuse. Baojia then work to persuade them to renounce their beliefs, often using guard-sanctioned violence. As a part of the same process, practitioners are also forced to watch propaganda videos.
A Form of Torture Known as "Confining Clothes"
2014-07-21A method of torture known as “Confining Clothes” is one of more than 100 different kinds of torture techniques the Chinese Communist Party uses on Falun Gong practitioners. Such clothes, which tighten whenever the person moves, are used to restrain people with mental illnesses, in much the same way “straight jackets” have been used in mental hospitals in the West. This form of torture can cause fractures of the shoulders, wrists, and elbows; spinal fractures; or even death.
Falun Dafa Continues to Thrive Despite 15 Years of Persecution: The Story in Numbers
2014-07-21Fifteen years ago, on July 20th, 1999, the onset of persecution turned the lives of 100 million Falun Gong practitioners upside down overnight. Practitioners who have persevered through the brutal persecution have told extraordinary stories of their faith, and the choices they have made in the face of unprecedented oppression.
A Close Look at the Brainwashing Industry in China: Policies, Funding, and Scale
2014-07-16After the Chinese regime shut down its labour camps late last year, they were replaced by “black jails,” or extralegal detention centres, as documented by Amnesty International's December 2013 report. In other words, the same human rights abuses continue, but are simply hidden in more secretive facilities. Over the 15-year persecution of Falun Gong, its practitioners have gathered extensive, firsthand information about brainwashing centres, a common type of black jail and a strange industry of its own. These brainwashing centres are established to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] Falun Gong practitioners, i.e. force them to renounce their beliefs through coercion, and physical and psychological torture.
Blood Sample Drawn for No Apparent Reason at Liaoning Women's Prison
2014-07-15Since organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China was first exposed in 2006, many practitioners have come to a shocking realization. The unexplained physical examinations and blood tests they were forced to go through while detained could very well have put them in danger of becoming a victim of this state-sanctioned crime.
Shanghai: Ninety-seven Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in First Half of 2014
2014-07-15July 20th, 2014 marks the 15th year of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. To date, 3769 practitioners were persecuted to death. In the first half of 2014, 69 new death cases were confirmed, and 413 practitioners were put on trial. In Shanghai, according to incomplete reports published on the Minghui website, in the first half of 2014, ninety-seven practitioners were arrested, four practitioners were sentenced to at least three years in prison and seventeen practitioners were to taken to brainwashing centres.
Beijing Practitioner Still Detained Despite His Precarious Health Condition
2014-07-15Just five months after his release from eight years of imprisonment in May 2013, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zicheng was arrested again along with his wife Zhang Aiping on October 29th. He had developed a debilitating leg problem as a result of torture during his earlier incarceration, and the latest arrest worsened his condition. Nevertheless, Pinggu District Court went ahead with a trial of him and his wife on June 26th, 2014. Unable to walk, he was still shackled and handcuffed, and was literally dragged into the courtroom by four bailiffs.
Elderly Female Practitioner in Dire Condition after 7 Months in Detention
2014-07-15Ms. Huang Qiaoqin's life is likely in danger after being detained for seven months. She now weighs about 80 pounds, down from her normal weight of around 150, and is emaciated. Ms. Huang, in her 60s, was arrested on November 25th, 2013. She was taken to the Xuhui District Detention Centre. She was not allowed to do the Falun Gong exercises in the detention centre, and her health deteriorated. Pustules and sores grew inside her ear, causing excruciating pain, and she nearly lost her hearing. Ms. Huang also developed eye problems and is now almost blind.
Deceased Practitioner's Family Wins Four-Year Lawsuit
2014-07-15May 6th, 2014, was a big day for Mr. Peng Mingsheng's family because they finally won a crucial lawsuit against the Tengzhou People's Hospital in Shandong Province. It took the family four years of constant effort to show that the hospital was liable for his death, in following the regime's pervasive policy of treating Falun Gong practitioners as targets of persecution, rather than human beings.
Mother Seeks Justice in Son's Death
2014-07-14“My husband passed away when our son was five years old. It was not easy to raise two children as a single mother. I survived only because of my son. He was so kind and loved me very much. He told me once: 'I will take care of you, Mum, even if I end up a beggar.' I worked so hard to raise him. He was strong and healthy, but he died when he was only 39. They (Wumaping Prison authorities) said they were not responsible...” said Ms. Peng Guangzhen, a 70-year-old mother seeking justice in the death of her son, Mr. Xu Langzhou, who died in suspicious circumstances in a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prison, incarcerated for his belief in Falun Gong.
Tan Family Harassed, Beaten, and Tortured by Police for 15 Years
2014-07-14Ms. Tan Yanling and her family from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, are all Falun Gong practitioners. They have been brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999. Her father, Mr. Tan Guoyi, was tortured to death in 2004, and her brother, Mr. Tan Yanjun, in 2005. The local police department has refused to restore the registration of her sister, Ms. Tan Yanwei, as a permanent resident in the region. Ms. Tan Yanling is disabled, but the police have repeatedly beaten her without cause.