Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
A Real Hero – The Story of Yuan Jiang (Part 1)
2014-06-10On October 29th, 2001, in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, China, 3,000 police officers carried out an intense search for a wanted individual. Sirens were heard everywhere in this 2,500-year old northwestern Chinese city with a population of two million. The police had been given an order—find Yuan Jiang at all costs. Who was Yuan Jiang? A notorious criminal mastermind? No, Yuan Jiang was just an intellectual and one of the many Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted in China. The persecution of Falun Gong reached a fever pitch in 2001, and Yuan Jiang was arrested. After being severely tortured for two months, he miraculously escaped, although he was badly injured.
Shenyang Police Arrest and Beat the Innocent
2014-06-10When Mr. Meng Xianguang and his wife, Ms. Xu Xiaohua, explain the facts of Falun Gong to Zhao Guangcheng, deputy manager of the Nanhu Police Station in Shenyang City, on March 25th, 2014, Zhao did not listen. Instead, he pulled out a pistol, pointed it at them, then fired it in the air and arrested the couple. Zhao and other police officers severely beat and injured Mr. Meng, but turned around and charged him with assaulting the police. Mr. Meng is still in detention.
Guangdong Farmer's Appeal for Justice Continues, Lawyer Points Out Double Standards in Court and Demands Acquittal
2014-06-10On May 8th, 2014, the Maoming City Intermediate Court continued the trial of Ms. Liang Guifen, a Falun Gong practitioner appealing her three-and-a-half-year sentence. Attorney Liu, Ms. Liang's defence attorney, pointed out that the chief judge “adopted double standards.” He alleged that the judge avoided investigating fabricated witness testimony and was merely going through the motions, without touching upon the matters of law.
Close to 1,700 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested from March to May, 2014
2014-06-10The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to arrest Falun Gong practitioners in 2014. Several coordinated raids took place from March to May, 2014. Such events were documented in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China except Tibet. The number of Falun Gong practitioners arrested has climbed sharply since March. According to information received as of June 3rd, 1,694 practitioners were arrested from March to May in 2014, a 30% increase over the same period in 2013.
Mr. Zhang Yinquan from Shanghai Detained—His Wife Severely Beaten
2014-06-10Mr. Zhang Yinquan was arrested and detained by officers from Jiading Police Department, Jiangqiao Police Station, and Putuo Police Department on May 12th, 2014. Mr. Zhang's family finally received the notification three days after he was detained at the Jiading Detention Centre. Mr. Zhang’s wife went to the Jiangqiao Police Station to ask for the return of all confiscated items. Seeing that she was by herself, about six policemen beat her, handcuffed her, and shackled her. The police kicked her back during the violence, which caused her excruciating pain. They refused to unlock her handcuffs and shackles despite her repeated requests. After her release, she had a physical exam which revealed a fractured rib, and blood in the urine due to a kidney injury.
Torn Apart by the Persecution: Wife Recently Arrested after 13 Years on the Run, Husband Still Serving a 20-Year Sentence
2014-06-03Ms. Xiao Yanhong and Mr. Li Wenming met through their mutual practice of Falun Gong and were married in July 1999. But their newly-wedded joy was rapidly crushed as the Communist regime began to persecute Falun Gong that very month. Little did they know that they would not see each other after that, for 12 years and still going. Mr. Li was arrested in September 2002 due to his efforts to inform people of the facts about Falun Gong through tapping into the cable TV network. He was sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment and is still being held in Lanzhou Prison.
The Hidden Truth: Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Zhiqin Was Beaten to Death
2014-06-03Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Zhiqin died on September 12th, 2007. His death was a result of being violently abused by officers from the police department and Domestic Security Division, who broke into his home. Mr. Li's family asked for compensation, but the Ningjin Police Department repeatedly fabricated information to hide the real cause of Mr. Li's death.
Mother Distraught as Son Is Seriously Ill from Torture
2014-06-02Mr. Zhang Jinku's mother was overwhelmed by sadness and pain when she saw her son. She broke down in tears when she saw how he was extremely weak and listless after enduring a year of torture in prison. Mr. Zhang's mother and his wife travelled to Hulan Prison on the afternoon of April 14th, 2014. After a long wait, they were finally allowed to see him. Mr. Zhang was wheeled to the visiting room. He got up, with the aid of two inmates, and walked slowly to the viewing window. His face looked dull and lifeless. His mouth opened involuntarily and his tongue hung out.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhu Jinrui's Suspicious Death in Bei'an Prison
2014-06-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Jinrui was serving a four-year prison term at Bei'an Prison when he passed away on May 6th, 2014. He was sentenced to prison in April 2013. His family was notified that he had died of a sudden heart attack. When his wife and several relatives went to the prison, they saw traces of blood around his mouth. During the whole process at the prison, the guards and prison officials were closely monitoring them. While overcome with grief, Mr. Zhu's family members were deceived into agreeing with the prison's arrangement to have his body cremated immediately without further investigation.
Police Official: “You Can't Do Anything, Even If I Beat You to Death”
2014-06-02Officers from the Chaoyang County Police Department actively persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Before sensitive dates, they arrest and harass practitioners, and extort money from them. Police broke into the home of Ms. Zhang Xiufang on April 25th, 2014. They confiscated her computer, printer, and more than 1,000 yuan in cash. Ms. Zhang and her husband, who is not a practitioner, were arrested and taken to the police station for interrogation.
Brainwashing Centres Continue Former Labour Camps’ Role in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-06-02Although the labour camp system in China has been closed down, the systematic persecution of prisoners of conscience, especially Falun Gong practitioners, continues in China to this day. Brainwashing centres have taken the place of labour camps and have become the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) primary locations where Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated and tortured. In March and April 2014, forty-seven practitioners in Beijing were arrested and held in brainwashing centres. One practitioner was tortured to death in custody.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhu Jinrui's Suspicious Death in Bei'an Prison
2014-05-29Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Jinrui was sentenced to a four-year prison term in April 2013 at Bei'an Prison. He passed away on May 6th, 2014. His family was notified that he had died of a sudden heart attack. When his wife and several relatives went to the prison, they saw traces of blood around his mouth. While overcome with grief, Mr. Zhu's family members were deceived into agreeing with the prison's arrangement to have his body cremated immediately without further investigation.
Ms. Wang Qifang Detained for More Than a Year, Her Helpless Family Desperately Need Her
2014-05-28Ms. Wang Qifang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Weifang City, was arrested by police. She has been held in the Weifang Detention Centre for more than a year, and her paralysed husband, 8-year-old daughter, and mother-in-law in her 80s have no one to care for them. Two months ago, Ms. Wang's family was notified that she would be tried and that she would be home in two weeks. Two months have now passed, and she is still being held.
Author Dr. Yan Mingxia Arrested for Promoting Traditional Chinese Culture
2014-05-28Dr. Yan Mingxia, Deputy Division Officer of the Guangdong Province Union Association and an associate researcher in Ethnic Studies at Guizhou Ethnic University, was arrested by police in Guangzhou City on May 2nd, 2014 for introducing to others her Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD. Her computer and personal belongings were taken, and she has been detained in the Liwan District Detention Centre. Shen Yun Performing Arts, a New York-based classical Chinese dance company, aims to revive 5,000 years of Chinese culture through performing arts. Dr. Yan strives to promote traditional Chinese culture. Her efforts to promote Shen Yun drew the attention of the Chinese Communist Party, which led to her being arrested.
Ms. Yang Chunling Dies as a Result of Torture and Abuse for Tapping into a TV Network to Broadcast Falun Gong Programmes
2014-05-25Falun Gong stories are the most intensively censored information by the Chinese communist regime since it banned the practice. Ms. Yang Chunling defied this censorship by tapping into a cable television network and playing a video about the regime's infamous history and its persecution of Falun Gong. She recently paid the ultimate price for having the courage to overcome the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s censorship and telling people about the goodness of Falun Gong. The CCP authorities found her and arrested her soon after the broadcast. The police viciously beat her and sentenced her to 7 years in prison. She passed away on April 2, 2014, one year after her release.