Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Heilongjiang Provincial Women's Prison Cruelly Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-03-02Practitioner Ms. He Lihua was having her period and when she went to use the toilet, the personal cangues did not untie the rope that tied her hands behind her back. Blood stained her trousers and as a result the cangues swore at her and slapped her face. Some time later this practitioner suffered a mental collapse and was taken to the sick ward. Now the guards have taken her to the "Intensive Assault Division" in an attempt to force her to renounce Falun Gong. Guo Xiaohua tied practitioner Ms. Zhu Fuju's hands behind her back and hung her up. As a result of the intense brutality, her left arm was disabled. She could no longer could raise her arm and there was a red scar on her right wrist.
Couple from Henan Province Persecuted--Eleven Year-Old Son Left to Handle the Burden
2008-03-02Mr. Li Qinjun and his wife Ms. Zhang Xiaorong went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. As a result they were detained by police and beaten severely. This repeatedly happened. In 2007 Mr. Li Qinjun was arrested again and detained in Sanlizhuang Detention Centre. Later, Mr. Ms. Zhang was arrested by police without a valid reason and detained in the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp. During her detention, Ms. Zhang was tortured until she became mentally disordered. Their eleven-year-old son, Li Longkun, had to do the housework and take care of his five-year-old sister, Li Jingyu.
Practitioners Held in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Want Their Persecutors Brought to Justice
2008-03-02On February 15th, 2008, when practitioner Mr. Zhao Jian, detained in the Third Ward of First Branch of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, shouted out, "Falun Gong is good" and "Stop persecution of Falun Gong", in the cafeteria, the camp guards ordered inmate Hong Fei to severely beat him. Afterwards, all of the practitioners in the Third Ward refused to do any labour to protest the brutality. Practitioners Chen Yan and Wang Jufeng began hunger strikes and demanded that their persecutors be brought to justice. Practitioners in the First Ward and the Second Ward have since joined the hunger strikes.
Practitioner Mr. Bai Yingjie of Harbin City Died from Persecution
2008-03-01Mr. Bai Yingjie was persecuted so extensively that he became critically ill in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. After he was released at the end of 2004, officers of the local police station and staff members from the residential district office harassed and threatened him in his home. Under the long-term persecution of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he passed away on August 30th, 2007.
Eight Years of Persecution Endured by Dr. Jiafeng Zeng
2008-03-01Police once again arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Dr. Zeng Jiafeng from Shanghai on February 10th, 2008. This is his sixth arrest since the Chinese Communist regime launched the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. Previously he was in forced labour camps suffering a variety of inhumane treatments including long-term sitting on a hard bench and being forbidden to move, corporal punishment, military drills, brainwashing, forced labour, verbal insults, and other abuses.
My Experiences in Prison and Being Tortured
2008-03-01On July, 7th, 2007, I went to another practitioner's house. I was arrested by a policeman who was there to arrest the other practitioner. We were taken to the Hanbei Police Station. I did not tell the policeman my name. The policeman hit my face when he lost his temper. When night fell, I was not allowed to sleep again and once more I was forced to stand. I still did not cooperate with them, so they beat me some more. Later a group of policemen surrounded me and started to beat me. I later suffered a heart attack and was in a very serious state. The police from the Xinshi District Department then agreed to release me. Originally I had 7,750 yuan in my handbag. When they grabbed my bag to count the cash there was suddenly only 5,550 yuan, 2,000 yuan less.
Persecution Suffered by Two Practitioners in Yi County, Liaoning Province
2008-03-01Ms. Gan Zhixi is 64-years-old. In 1999 Ms. Gan went to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong and was arrested and detained for five and a half months in a detention centre. In 2000, after appealing again, she was sentenced to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for three years and in 2005 she was again sent to the labour camp.
Brainwashing and Abuse at the Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp
2008-02-29From September 2001 to March 2003, I was detained in the forced labour camp in Qiqihar, Helongjiang Province. I encountered brutal brainwashing and was forced to do hard labour in a poisonous environment. In order to earn money in a low, base manner, the guards in the labour camp forced us into a one-story building nearby to pour pesticide into containers. The toxicity of some of the pesticides is very bad. After a whole day's work, some criminals had bloody noses, swollen eyes and faces, and chapped skin. People should have gas masks to pour pesticides, but we only had regular respirators. After a day's work, the toxic pesticide chemicals were all over our clothes, inside and out. We don't have hot water, let alone bathing facilities. Before meals, over 100 people had to wash their hands using water from the same basin and it was impossible to wash off all of the pesticide.
Police Officer Li Changming Brutalises Ms. Wang Xiufang during Her Unjust Arrest
2008-02-29Li Changming, head of the Linghe District Police Department "Emergency Response" Patrol Division in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province persecuted Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiufang. Police arrested four practitioners on January 29th, 2003. Wang Xiufang resisted the arrest, and four police officers grabbed her arms and legs. Li Changming grabbed her hair and dragged her from the third floor to the ground floor. When they arrived at the police department, Li Changming dragged her from the front gate into a room. When they drove her to the detention centre, he again grabbed her hair and dragged her in and out of the car. The detention centre doctor and guard Qiu saw blood and large bruises on her head.
Du Huiqiong and Luo Yuzhang From Xinjin County, Sichuan Province Arrested for Explaining the Facts about the Persecution
2008-02-29Ms. Du Huiqiong and Mr. Luo Yuzhang from Xinjin County went to Jinhua Township to explain the facts about Falun Gong and expose the persecution on the afternoon of January 16th, 2008. Four men on two motorcycles blocked them. They called for a car and took the practitioners to the Jinhua Town Police Station. They released Du Huiqiong around midnight, but they have held Luo Yuzhang up until now. Both practitioners' homes were ransacked the night they were held at the Puxing Police Station. The officials took Dafa books and materials, VCDs and MP3 players.
Mr. Yang Guoquan from Xifeng County, Liaoning Province, Sentenced to Three Years of Imprisonment
2008-02-29In 2000, Mr. Yang Guoquan was sentenced to three years of forced labour for appealing in Beijing for the right to practise Falun Gong. In October 2007, Cheng Zishan (male) and Chen Biao (male), officers of the Xifeng County 610 Office, struck him on the mouth with electric batons. Also, they went to Juxiang Village and Toudaogou Village many times to deceive villagers and make them commit perjury. On December 25th, 2007, Mr. Yang was sentenced to three years in prison by the Xifeng County Court. Around January 25th, 2008, he was taken to Shenyang Prison and subjected to persecution.
The Body of Practitioner Mr. Huang Fujun Remains Unburied
2008-02-28Mr. Huang Fujun was taken to the First Detention Centre of Acheng on July 24th, 2007, after being tortured by police. He had bone fractures as the result of the torture. The police at first refused to allow his family to see him, and when his family was finally allowed to see him on November 2nd, he was already on the verge of death. His family sought outside help to obtain his release. In order to avoid being held responsible for his death, the authorities allowed Mr. Huang's family to pick him up from the hospital. On November 4th, Mr. Huang was finally taken home. He couldn't utter a word or recognise his family members. On November 6th, his face suddenly turned green, his mouth and eyes opened, and he passed away.
Ms. Zhu Shuyun Electrically Shocked and Beaten in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun, Jilin Province
2008-02-28Ms. Zhu Shuyun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City was arrested on May 9th, 2007. She is currently being held in Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp. She did not sweep the snow before Christmas as the officials ordered her. Guard Liu Lianying shocked Ms. Zhu on her chest with electric baton(s) more than 20 times. That female guard also ordered inmate Yi Chun to savagely beat Zhu Shuyun until she went into convulsions and could not open her hands. Liu Lianying then shocked Ms. Zhu's hands with electric baton(s). Guard Liu Lianying would not let Ms. Zhu's family visit her on December 25th, 2007.
The Persecution of Ms. Zhang Guilian from Pingshan County, Hebei Province
2008-02-28Zhang Guilian went to Beijing to appeal in October 2001. In January 2002, police broke into her home and ransacked it. The police took her to the third floor of the police department and handcuffed her behind her back to a chair. She went on a hunger strike to protest the detention. Police officers tortured her and did not let her sleep for three days and nights. Then they took her to a detention centre where she was held for more than two months. From there they took her to a brainwashing centre at a magnesium factory. Official Hou Cunli pressured her on a daily basis in an attempt to "reform" her. She had to pay her own living expenses in addition to having 2,000 yuan extorted from her. The guards took her to Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. The guards and collaborators brutally tortured Ms. Zhang for more than three weeks and would not let her sleep.
Who Are the Real Criminals?
2008-02-28During the Chinese New Year, I heard a true story at my relatives' home which really illustrates how Falun Gong practitioners are treated in China. While a Falun Gong practitioner was taking care of a family member in the People's Hospital of Langfang City, she discovered that the expiration date of the infusion medicine had passed. Therefore, she told the doctor in charge. The director of the hospital not only intentionally ignored it, but also asked the police to arrest the practitioner for the crime of "making an illegal appeal during the Communist Party's 17th Congress." When the police arrested the practitioner, they hit her so hard that she lost consciousness. They forcibly took her away while she was still under emergency treatment in the hospital. Currently, she is being held in a brainwashing centre.