Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Guochen from Changchun City Arrested and Tortured
2008-04-09On March 17th, Mr. Li Guochen, 34, drove to a village to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and to hang banners saying "Falun Gong Is Good." He was arrested by a policeman from Yingjun Police Station. Mr. Li was interrogated and tortured by the police for the entire night. He was beaten until his face and body were black and blue and one of his teeth was knocked out. On the second day, Mr. Li Guochen's family members requested his immediate release but the police had already imprisoned him in Weizigou Detention Centre in Changchun City. His family requested the return of his car, which is valued at more than 10,000 yuan, but the police refused.
Popular Young Singer Murdered in "Preparations" for Olympics
2008-04-08"Vows of Love" is a classic pop song that often evokes sweet memories among many in Mainland China. Its catchy tune and mellow lyrics propelled it to the top of the charts--which is why the death of 42-year-old singer and percussionist Yu Zhou came as a great shock. His name is often associated with this song ever since he conquered hearts with his unique interpretation of its complex emotions. Beijing police officials, in the name of "preparing" for the Olympics, had him killed just 11 days after his arrest on January 26th, 2008 on his way home from a concert.
WOIPFG: An Investigative Report on the Persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Regime Under the Banner of Preparing for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
2008-04-08One year before the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese Communist regime has intensified its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Based on official documents from Chinese authorities and reports from persecuted victims, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has gathered ample evidence to show that the Chinese Communist regime never intended to improve its human rights practices by hosting the 2008 Olympics. The regime has actually taken advantage of the Beijing Olympics and used it as a justification to further persecute Falun Gong.
A Daughter's Appeal: Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Hu Zhenru at Jurong City Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2008-04-08Ms. Hu Zhenru is 61 years old. She began practising Falun Going in 1999. On January 14th, 2007, she was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in public. She was taken to the Jurong City Women 's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province, where she has been brutally tortured. Ms. Hu now suffers from brain damage, poor vision, and one of her ears has been torn off. Ms. Hu Zhenru's daughter is a permanent resident of Hong Kong. Although she does not practise Falun Gong, she is supportive of her mother. She has demanded that the Chinese Communist officials release her mother immediately and has appealed to kind-hearted people around the world to help rescue her mother, but to no avail.
Recent Information about Three Imprisoned Practitioners in Jiangxi Province; 76-Year-Old Yin Yucai's Whole Body Swollen Due to Mistreatment
2008-04-08Mr. Yin Yucai is 76 years old. After he retired, he started practising Falun Gong in 1996. Through practising he became healthy both physically and mentally. Since 1999, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police officers have detained Mr. Yin many times. Mr. Yin was once sentenced to three and a half years in a forced labour camp. In 2005, he was sentenced to an eight-year prison term. Currently, he is imprisoned in Yuzhang Prison in Jiangxi Province. Because he has suffered from the persecution for such a long period of time, his health is deteriorating. Recently his whole body became swollen.
Mr. Feng Long from Jilin Province and Mr. Li Ziqiang from Gansu Province Die as a Result of Persecution
2008-04-07An incident occurred on March 5th, 2002, where a cable TV network was tapped into. Mr. Feng Long, 44, was arrested in March 2002, simply because he repaired household electrical equipment. The police inhumanly tortured him using the methods of beating, suffocation with a plastic bag over the head, and shocking on the neck, armpits and genitals with electric batons. He was then taken to Weizigou Forced Labour Camp, and later transferred to Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in September 2002. Mr. Feng's health worsened due to the brutal treatment he had received, and he had lumps in his lower abdominal area. In the later half of 2007, his lower abdominal area had severe oedema and he died on March 15th, 2008.
Practitioners Forced to Undergo Brainwashing and Monitoring in Guigang District, Guangxi Province
2008-04-07Practitioners were forced to view videos that slandered Falun Gong. There were over 100 such videos and a book that defamed Falun Gong. The police also searched practitioners' homes for Falun Gong books, materials and their sources, destinations where the materials were sent, those who taught Falun Gong, whom they practised with, and those who still practised Falun Gong. Each practitioner was monitored by two people. Practitioners' places of employment had to provide money and people to watch these practitioners. It is said that the cost of monitoring one person is ten thousand yuan. If the workplace could not provide people, the 610 Office would do it. They recorded every detail of practitioners' daily lives. They went wherever the practitioners went. Practitioners were not allowed to contact anyone outside of this military camp.
Wuhou District Procuratorate and Court of Chengdu City Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-04-07Chengdu City practitioner Mr. Tao Yuan was sentenced to four years by the Wuhou District Court after he was arrested and detained for two years. During the past six months, Mr. Tao's family went to see Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials repeatedly to ask for his release. His father is more than 80 years old. He visited the officials every day even though he was very ill. The Jinyang Police Station officers told his family to see the procuratorate officials. The procuratorate officials told them to see the court officials. After a lot of effort, the Wuhou District Court still sentenced Tao Yuan to four years and did not allow his family to see him. The court also did not process any paper work.
Ms. Teng Wenzhi from Pulandian City, Liaoning Province, Sentenced to Prison
2008-04-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Teng Wenzhi was detained in the Pulandian Detention Centre for nine months. Recently she was secretly sentenced to a three-year prison term by a Chinese Communist Party court. During the time Ms. Teng Wenzhi has been detained, staff from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) law enforcement agency has done many devious thing. They unjustifiably denied Ms. Teng's family their visiting privileges many times. They didn't dare to make the trial public. They didn't directly notify her family when the trial began or reveal who was in charge of the trial. Furthermore, they provided a fake schedule of the trial to her family.
An Account of the Brutal Persecution of Ms. Sun Jingmei at Shenyang Women's Prison
2008-04-06A gang of people in Dabei Prison violently assaulted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Jingmei between July and August 2006. Prison Ward Chief Zhang Xiuli led criminal inmates to brutally persecute Ms. Sun. They and others in a gang physically assaulted Ms. Sun Jingmei. In the communal wash room, five people used a wooden stool to hit Sun Jingmei from behind. Ms. Sun lost consciousness from the blows and lay motionless on the ground for many hours. While unconscious, the criminals accused her of pretending. They violently kicked and beat her nonetheless. As a result, Ms. Sun sustained serious injuries to her back and leg.
The Persecution of Married Couple Mr. Wu Kaili and Ms. Zhao Fenglian
2008-04-06On December 1st, 2002, when Ms. Zhao Fenglian and her husband, Wu Kaili, were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Wuweimiao Township, village head reported them to local police. The couple was arrested. Mr. Wu, was sent to a detention centre where he began a protest hunger strike. His captors began force-feeding him on the 15th day. Eight people held him on the ground, stretching his four limbs in different directions, and then jamming their knees into his arms, legs, and stomach. One person held his head, and one pinched his nose. He was unable to move and had difficulty breathing. They opened his mouth with a device customarily used on animals. In 2004 Ms. Zhao was taken to Gansu Province Women's Prison and she was forced to work like a slave. She died in December 2005 as a result of the abuse.
The Persecution of Mr. Luo Wen's Family in Huangshi City, Hubei Province
2008-04-06On about March 7th, 2008, police harassed the wife of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Luo Wen, who is destitute and homeless, in order to obtain information about Mr. Luo. She peacefully resisted and the police finally ceased their attempts to contact her. On March 16th, at 10:30 p.m., she and her daughter returned home from an outing and, although the lock on the door was intact, when they unlocked the door they discovered footprints and dirt tracks in the living room and the bedroom. It was apparent that someone had entered their home without their knowledge. It is believed that police officers stole the house key when they confiscated property from the home about one year ago.
Mr. Wang Zenghu from Dingzhou City, Hebei Province Unjustly Held at Suning Detention Centre
2008-04-06On February 25th, 2008, Mr. Wang Zenghu, a Falun Gong practitioner, was reported to the police for distributing CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. In March 2002 police officers had ransacked an internet cafe that Mr. Wang Zenghu and his friends invested 160,000 yuan in. Their reason was that while it was being monitored, there were some people browsing the Clearwisdom.net [a Falun Gong website]. The police asked them which computer was used to browse Clearwisdom, and they couldn't answer, so the police took away twenty-six computers. In April 2003, the police demanded 10,000 yuan as a fine before they would return the computers. One computer's hardware was stolen, and there was a brick left in the machine instead. Since computers are upgrading very fast, the returned computers were like garbage by the time they were returned, leading to the closing of their business.
Mr. Wang Guiming Tortured to Death at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City--Warrant Issued for Wife's Arrest
2008-04-05After being detained for less than three days, from February 27th, 2008, to February 29th, 2008, Wang Guiming was dead as a result of brutal torture in Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. The family had solid evidence that proved that Wang Guiming's death was a result of the torture administered by electric shock while he was in the forced labour camp. To cover up the facts, the officials told the prison doctor to list the cause of death as "sudden death due to natural causes" and not to allow any doctors from other provinces to examine his body. Wang Guiming's wife, Han Fengxia, hired a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against the suburban Procuratorate in Changchun City on March 5th, 2008. On March 14th, Tonghua Police Department made a decision to arrest Han Fengxia as well as other members of his family, and to charge them with "creating a public disturbance."
Recent Large-Scale Arrests of Practitioners by Anqiu City Police Department Officials in Shandong Province
2008-04-05Between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. on March 1st, 2008, authorities in Anqiu City staged large-scale arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Participating were more than 50 police officers who arrived in 20 vehicles. Many of the practitioners were in their fifties and sixties. That same morning, more than 20 police officers broke in and arrested practitioners Wang Peizhi and his daughter Wang Xiaomin. The police taped Wang Peizhi's mouth shut and tied him up because they were afraid he would expose the persecution of Falun Gong to people. Wang Xiaomin defied the police. They tied her with rope and carried her downstairs from the fifth floor. Wang Xiaomin's eight year-old son was frightened by the terrible sight and kept trembling and crying helplessly.