Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan Is Held in Heizuizi Women's Prison, and Her Life Is in Danger
2007-03-07On May 19th, 2006, officers of the National Security Brigade of Changchun City arrested Ms. Yu. They tortured her in an attempt to extract information. Due to the torture, Ms. Yu became disabled and suffered heart failure. Again, on December 23rd, police officers sent practitioner Ms. Yu Cuilan, who was very thin and almost paralysed from torture, to Heizuizi Women's Prison in Jilin Province.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners by Licheng District 610 Office Agents in Jinan City, Shandong Province
2007-03-07The officials from the Licheng District 610 Office in Jinan City pay people to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The 610 Office highly publicised a scheme that says one would receive a reward of between 1,000 and 2,000 yuan for reporting a practitioner. In the past few years, many villagers brainwashed by Communist Party propaganda have reported practitioners. These practitioners' homes were ransacked and their property confiscated. They were extorted out of money in the name of fines and were sent to brainwashing centres, where they were forced to pay a high "brainwashing fee." Some practitioners were sent to prisons and forced labour camps.
I Was Brutally Tortured Inside Jiuquan Jail in Gansu Province
2007-03-07Whenever they got a practitioner to renounce Falun Gong, the jail would give 75 points to the criminal prisoners, which would decrease their serving time by 25 days. Tempted by the apparent benefit, all the criminal prisoners would take turns to brutally beat us. Practitioners were pulled inside pigpens behind the jail, where a brutal beating was constantly in progress around the clock. I was tortured inhumanly for four days. Some of them choked me while others covered my mouth. My neck was so badly swollen I couldn't breathe for a long time. I was beaten so extensively that I was covered with bruises and cuts. All of my teeth were loose, and I couldn't eat anything. I did not get to drink a single drop of water, nor was I able to sleep for one minute.
Police Arrest People and Ransack Homes; A Mother Loses Her Daughter Again
2007-03-07Practitioner Wang Liqiu's mother Su, 74 years old, used to have a happy family. Her oldest daughter Wang Liqiu and her youngest daughter practised Falun Dafa and benefited the whole family. After the persecution started in 1999, the two daughters went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but they were arrested and sent to forced labour camps. The youngest daughter was released when they persecuted her to the brink of death, and Ms. Wang Liqiu was also reduced to skin and bones when they released her. In the past eight years, Ms. Su's family has never been whole.
The Evil Behind the "Civilisation" at the Guangdong Women's Prison
2007-03-07At the prison they encourage criminal inmates to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They have adopted the following methods of persecution and torture: deceit, threats, brainwashing, starvation, forcing practitioners to stand, sit or squat motionless for long periods of time, monitoring practitioners twenty-four hours a day, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, denying or limiting toilet usage, not allowing practitioners to buy daily necessities including sanitary napkins, not allowing practitioners to shower, and forcing practitioners to give up their beliefs until they are "transformed."
Crimes Committed in the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Jilin Prison
2007-03-06There were "stretching beds" in Jilin Prison, also called the "fixed beds." These "stretching beds" were used to torture practitioners by holding the person on the floor and fastening his limbs with four metal cuffs so that the convicts could kick, step on, burn with boiled water and prick the practitioner with pins. The cruellest torture was to put the practitioner on his back and fasten him down. Then they shoved quilts, water bottles and boards under his back. They called it "adding pressure." The torture was to elevate the person, stretching the limbs tightly. The flesh of the wrists and foot joints were torn up slowly, and the bones were exposed.
Wang Yuncai, a Physical Education Teacher from Tianjin City, Has Been Persecuted Nine Times for His Belief
2007-03-06Mr. Wang Yuncai, a physical education teacher from Tianjin City, was persecuted nine times for his belief in Falun Dafa. He went through ordeals of torture. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution but was sent to the mental hospital, where he was tied to a bed and force-fed and given an IV drip. In the past seven years, he has lost his job and his family. He was traumatised and his physical body was greatly damaged as well.
Mr. Li Jizhong of Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province Persecuted
2007-03-06On December 27th, 2006, Mr. Li Jizhong, 28, was arrested by police and taken to a detention centre. On January 4th, 2007, Mr. Li was released because he protested the persecution by going on a hunger strike for eight days without water and he was in serious condition. On February 5th Mr. Li went to the city's 610 Office to ask for the return of his personal property, which the officials had taken after ransacking his home; instead he was arrested on the spot and taken to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. His wife is living in difficultly with their four-year-old daughter.
Ms. Luo Xirong from Wuhan, Hubei Province Arrested Again
2007-03-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Xirong, in her 50s, live was arrested while exposing the truth of the persecution and telling people the facts of Falun Dafa in Wuhan City on February 4th, 2007. She was taken to the Wujiashan Women's Detention Centre on the afternoon of the same day. On the afternoon of the next day, the Huangpi District 610 Office Head ransacked her home. In the seven and a half years of persecution, Ms. Luo has cumulatively been detained for more than 600 days, which has caused both her family and herself deep pain, both mentally and physically.
Canadian Resident: Exposing the Torture Committed Against My Family by the Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Police Department and 610 Office
2007-03-05In the morning of February 9th, 2007, seven police came to my home and found my wife, Huang Jinling, was at home by herself. They arrested my wife, ransacked my home, confiscated our computer, color printer and other things worth 10,000 yuan. They did not give a receipt, even though my daughter and two sisters of my daughter-in-law repeatedly asked for one. The CCP keeps promoting the idea of a "harmonious society." What kind of "harmonious society" is this when police throw an innocent old lady into prison a few days before the Chinese New Year?
Supplemental Information about Qiqihar City Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Weihua's Death in the No. 3 Prison of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-05On June 17th, 2003, Wang Weihua's family received a notice from the No. 3 Prison in Harbin City. The notice said that Mr. Wang Weihua had been killed with an iron by criminal Zhang Shuyou. Zhang was twenty-eight years old, and was sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment for murder, robbery and theft. Later, the autopsy found that there were nineteen major injuries to Wang's body. They were at his mouth, temple, top of the head, chest, back, arms, legs and internal organs. Only after waiting for over ninety days was Wang's body buried.
Ms. Zou Ruxiang, 57, Tells of Being Tortured in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, Where She Became Disabled and Lost Her Memory
2007-03-05I'm 57 years old. I was arrested and sent to Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, where I was tortured in inhuman ways. I was taken to a mental hospital, where they injected me with unknown drugs. I cannot recall many of the horrible deeds the guards did to me. Originally I weighed about 130 pounds, but in 2002, when my husband carried me home, I weighed less than 55 pounds. I was totally paralysed, I could not see, and I had lost my memory. It has been more than four years now. My memory is still only partly recovered, my vision is very poor, and I still limp when I walk.
The Severe Persecution of Ms. Liu Yuwei in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, Hunan Province
2007-03-05Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yuwei was twice sentenced to Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City. Guards ordered criminals to beat her, and she was slapped a hundred times within one day. She saw flashes of light before her eyes, but was not allowed to close them; if she did so, they would pour lots of water over her. Ms. Liu felt as if she had been blinded. She was soaked through, but was not allowed to change clothes. Later, the criminals took off her clothes and beat her, and poked her private parts with the wooden fork used to dry clothes outside. The guards ordered several criminals to hold her down, and grabbed her hand to force her to sign the guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Dafa.
Ms. Xu Hongmei and Ms. Shen Zili Tortured to Death in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province (Photos)
2007-03-04On February 17th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Xu Hongmei (pictured) and Ms. Shen Zili were taken to the Qiqihar City Second Hospital with ankle shackles on. They had been tortured for five days by police. They both had lost consciousness and could not eat; they were coughing up blood and twitching. Qiqihar City 610 Office officers came to the hospital attempting to extort 20,000 yuan from the practitioners' families, promising the practitioners' release. Their families had no money to pay. Ms. Xu Hongmei and Ms. Shen Zili both died on February 27th.
Older Practitioner Mr. Tian Fujian Died from Police Brutality in Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province
2007-03-0461-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tian Fujian was arrested twice between the years of 2000 and 2001. Police officers and officials have constantly come to his home to harass him. In September 2006, Mr. Tian Fujian was arrested again. He was taken to hospital as he was close to death due to torture and died soon after he was released on December 23rd, 2006. Mr. Tian Fujian's son knew that his father was only released because he was dying as a result of being tortured, and he went to the Yuanjiang City Police Department to request a settlement. They gave him ten thousand yuan as compensation.