Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Dr. Li Wei from Anshan City, Liaoning Province
2007-03-17Mr. Li Wei, 40, is a doctor at the Qianshan Hospital in Anshan City. He was sent to a forced labour camp for one year due to practising Falun Gong. He was sentenced to three years, which was later extended to five years. During the delay period, the Anshan Court wanted to re-try him, but he refused to cooperate. The Anshan City Police Department sent a large police force to arrest him. Li Wei was sentenced to a five-year prison term. His house was ransacked, and Mr. Li's elderly parents were greatly traumatised by the incident.
Employee of French Company PCM Arrested in Beijing
2007-03-16He was supposed to take part in a managers’ meeting of the French company PCM on March 14th, in Angers, France but Ma Jian, manager in charge of the PCM Beijing office, selling oil pumps, was arrested on February 28th in Beijing as he was working. The witnesses present during the arrest say they saw six plain clothes policemen arriving and asking for Ma Jian. After a heated discussion with the employees, the policemen remained alone with Ma Jian in his office. Then he disappeared and his whereabouts are still unknown.
Additional Information Regarding the Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Yu Shaoqi from Huaihua, Hunan Province
2007-03-16610 Office agents abducted Mr.Yu Shaoqi and took him to a mental hospital. The National Security officials claimed he had written more than 300 articles that were published on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website and used this as an excuse to persecute him. Mr. Yu held many hunger strikes in the mental hospital. He was given injections, force-fed through a tube, and hog-tied and manhandled. He was also locked in a solitary confinement cell. Mr. Yu Shaoqi was able to leave the hospital due to the support and rescue efforts from other practitioners and from his family, but he is now mentally affected. His arms and legs are weak, his feet often tremble, his eyesight is blurry and he drools constantly.
Additional Evidence of Crimes that Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp (Liaoning Province) Officials Have Committed against Practitioners
2007-03-16The Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp clinic has for several years been used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials for persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. The clinic's medical staff cooperates with the guards and participates in the persecution of practitioners. They use cruel methods in force-feeding practitioners that are beyond imagination. Practitioner Shi Zhongyan died in April 2003 as a result of force-feeding. In 2005, in order to resist the force-feeding, practitioner Mr. Qi Mingli bit the feeding tube. Guard Shi Zhenshan pulled the tube back and forth repeatedly in and out of Mr. Qi's nose and beat him on the head. If a practitioner starts bleeding from the nose, the guards continue their rough handling while verbally abusing the practitioner.
More Facts about the Persecution in Jiangbei District, Chongqing City
2007-03-16Ms. Huang Zehan is a retired teacher in her 60's. While taking an early morning stroll on February 1st she was arrested by a few police officers. She demanded to know why she was arrested. Seeing that some bystanders were watching, one officer said that it was because she was taking illegal drugs. Ms. Huang immediately denied this, saying, "I don't take drugs, I am a Falun Gong practitioner." She then proceeded to say how good Falun Gong is. The officers put a bag over her head, and dragged her into a van. She was then taken to the Yuzhongqu Detention Centre. On February 6th, Ms. Huang was sentenced to two years of forced labour and sent to Chongqing Women's Forced Labour Camp. She refused to submit to the detention and escaped from the camp on February 16th.
Cases of Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners from Huaiyang County, Henan Province
2007-03-16Ms. Liu Xia, about 30, was arrested and detained after going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in November 2001. When Ms. Liu held a hunger strike to protest, guard Li Degong beat her with a belt made with iron rings. Even when she was in critical condition, guard Shi Zhongjie put her in a "straight jacket," a torture instrument with long sleeves to tie the victim's arms She was bent and tied up in four folds (lower leg, upper leg, back and arms), not able to sit, stand, sleep, or go to the toilet. Doctor Zhang Duoshu force-fed her many times. He forcibly inserted a feeding tube into her stomach and also carried her in the air and then threw her to the ground. She was whipped for over 40 days. Only until she was near death was her family informed and allowed to to take her home.
The Persecution of Practitioners at Siping and Gongzhuling Prisons in Jilin Province
2007-03-16During roll call on April 4th, 2006, guard He Lingguo asked Mr. Fu Hongwei, "Why don't you call out your number?" Mr. Fu said, "I am a Dafa practitioner, not a prisoner." He Lingguo swore at him and locked him in solitary confinement in the basement for 17 days. He Lingguo fastened Mr. Fu to a cold, bare bed in a spread eagle position and handcuffed and shackled him. There was no heat in the room, and they only gave him a thin blanket at night and removed it in the daytime. They shocked Fu Hongwei with electric batons three times. Each time they inserted the batons into his mouth and anus. He held a hunger strike in the solitary confinement cell and was taken to the prison hospital for force-feeding. He asked to use the toilet but the guard ignored him. He had to relieve himself in his trousers as he was immobilised in the bed.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Cao Aihua From Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Murdered Nearly Four Months Ago - Her Family Determined in Seeking Justice
2007-03-15After Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cao Aihua died at the Women's Labour Camp of Xinjiang Army Corps in November 2006, her family members went through a sad and painful Chinese New Year. Her husband never thought his wife would be killed by police in only 10 days. Ms. Cao's son has been guarding his mother's remains at the funeral home near Wujiaqu City for more than three months. Ms. Cao's family members are requesting that the murderers be punished, but the related units divert responsibility to others or reject their requests. In grief and indignation, Ms. Cao's family have indicated that they will not give up their determination to punish the murderers, even if they have to go to the ends of the earth - they feel a responsibility to demand justice for Ms. Cao's death.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongnan Died at Nanguanling Prison in Dalian City, Liaoning Province as a Result of Persecution
2007-03-15Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Hongnan died at the Nanguanling Prison on January 25th, 2007 at the age of 37. Mr. Wang Hongnan's sister received a phone call from the prison authorities on January 25th. She immediately went to the prison and was told on arrival that Wang Hongnan had already died. The officials told her to consent to cremation right away before she ever saw the body. She refused. She asked about her brother's cause of death. They said it was liver disease. They had never told the family prior to his death that Wang Hongnan was ill. After further investigation, a discrepancy was revealed between the time the prison officials claimed they took Wang Hongnan to the hospital and what the hospital's records as his admission time. The exact cause of death requires further investigation.
Family of Shijiazhuang City Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Bo Fights Her Sentence
2007-03-15On February 2nd, 2007, Ms. Wang Bo was sentenced to a five year prison term without any legal justification. At this time their relatives are looking for an lawyer for Ms. Wang Bo. Sadly to say, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrests lawyers who defend innocent practitioners. Recently, lawyer Zhu Yubiao of Guangdong was claimed to be a "counter revolutionary" by the CCP minions for defending Falun Gong practitioners, and arrested and detained; lawyer Gao Zhisheng from Beijing was arrested, sentenced to a three-year prison term and is under house arrest in his hometown Shaanxi; lawyer Yang Zaixin of Guangxi was dismissed; and lawyer Liu Ruping of Shandong was taken to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Shandong were he suffered torture.
Crimes Committed by Authorities at the Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp, Zibo City, Shandong Province
2007-03-15The Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp has a total of eight teams. The Falun Dafa practitioners are concentrated in the seventh and eighth teams. The police intentionally isolate these two teams from the others over the long-term. They use all kinds of brutal ways to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners including electric shocks, hanging them up, locking them on the bed with their arms crossed, forcing them to sit on a small stool and facing the wall for a long time, not allowing them to sleep, forcing them to stand for a long time, brutally beating them, locking them in the solitary compartment, deceiving them, inciting them to be against each other, and so on.
Mr. Zhou Zuofu from Jiangxi Province Died as a Result of the Persecution
2007-03-15Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Zuofu, 57, began practising Falun Dafa in February 1997. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, he was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, and was arrested eight times by the police and the Ruichang City 610 Office. He was detained, subjected to brainwashing, and sentenced to forced labour. Zhou was severely tortured in the Majialong Labour Camp. His weight dropped from 150 pounds to 90 pounds and he became extremely weak and he suffered a short-term nervous breakdown. On April 7th, 2003, Mr. Zhou was finally released home, but he could not recover from the injuries sustained over the years, and his condition got worse. He died on March 6th, 2007.
Seven More Torture-Related Deaths Recently Verified in February 2007
2007-03-14Mr. Chang Yongfu was 44 years old. On July 26th, 2004, police broke into his home, arrested him and took him to the Harbin Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. There Mr. Chang suffered cruel and inhuman beatings at the hands of guards and inmates many times. Even though he was mentally sound, he was then sent to a mental hospital and was injected with medication used only for people who suffered from psychosis. His entire body was in pain. He also lost his eyesight. Mr. Chang died at 5 a.m. on January 18th, 2007. His ears and eyes were bleeding, and his nose and mouth were filled with blood.
Persecution Suffered by Practitioners Mr. Su Huili and Ms. Sun Yuling Before They Died
2007-03-14In 2000, 610 Office officials arrested Mr. Su and detained him in the town government building. During his detention, police led a group of thugs to beat him with brooms and sticks while the lights were off. He was beaten all over and his nose and mouth bled. While beating him, they exclaimed: "You said that practising Falun Gong cured your hepatic cirrhosis. Today, we will beat you on your liver." They kicked him hard in his liver area with their leather boots. They beat him like that for several days, and his liver cirrhosis recurred. He became weaker and weaker. Mr. Su Huili died on May 2nd, 2001. He was only 36 years old when he died.
Arrest of Qi Wenbin, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang Province, Leaves Seventy-Year-Old Parents in Despair During the Chinese New Year
2007-03-14On the morning of February 8th, 2007, Mr Qi Wenbin was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. At 2:30 p.m. he was arrested and taken to the Dongshan Police Station by police officers. Qi Wenbin's mobile phone and the 430 yuan that he had with him at the time were confiscated. Qi Wenbin practises Falun Gong, cultivates to be a good person, and he refuses to denounce his spiritual belief. In 2002, he was sentenced to three years in a labour camp, and during that time he was continuously persecuted in the Shuangyashan Detention Centre.