Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Torture Methods Used at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp Part 2 (Re-enactment Photos)
2005-12-26A very cruel torture method used in Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp is squeezing the eyeballs and genitals. The guards lock the practitioner in an iron cage with both hands cuffed to the iron bars of the cage. A guard holds the victim's head from outside the cage and presses the victim's eyeballs very hard with both thumbs. The victim is in extreme pain and loses his sight for over half an hour. The guards also burn practitioners' fingers and squeeze hard on their genitals.
The Inside Story of What Happened at the Jiamusi City Xigemu Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2002
2005-12-26The practitioners had to sit on little stools, with four spiral nail poles protruding above the surface, to watch propaganda that defamed Falun Dafa, from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The practitioners were forced to sit with their backs straight, two hands flat on their kneecaps and legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Several guards rotated, patrolling day and night with rubber and wooden clubs. As soon as they saw that someone's posture was not correct, they beat them with the club. As a result of sitting on the little stool for an extended period, some practitioners' buttocks were severely bruised and torn by the protruding spiral nail poles.
Practitioner Nie Feiyao Recounts His Experience in Forced Labour Camp in Changsha City
2005-12-26Mr. Nie Feiyao was arrested twice for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. He was sent twice to Hunan Province's Xinkaipu Labour Camp for "transformation". He suffered horribly there. After his release he was mentally ill. When he was more focused and clear-minded, he managed to outline the horrific experience he faced inside the labour camp. Judging from his current condition and physical appearance, it seems likely that the labour camp injected him with drugs that damaged his nervous system.
Ms. Qiu Guoying Dies after being Tortured until Comatose
2005-12-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Qiu Guoying was a treasurer at the Land Administration Bureau in Wuyi County, Zhejiang Province. Before practising Falun Dafa, Ms. Qiu Guoying suffered an incurable disease. After practising Falun Dafa, all her illnesses disappeared and gave her a totally different appearance. After the evil persecution began since July 20, 1999, Ms. Qiu insisted on practising Falun Gong and was not willing to write any word against her will. She was sent to a brainwashing centre. She was tortured into a comatose state and passed away at the Wuyi No. 1 People Hospital.
Sexual Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners Perpetrated by Staff of China's 610 Office, Police and Guards
2005-12-25In the persecution, almost all staff of China's 610 Office and prison guards have sexually assaulted Falun Dafa practitioners. The assaults include torturing female practitioners' private parts and breasts. Most of the time the practitioners were stripped before they were tortured. What we are recounting here is just the tip of the iceberg. The information was provided either in writing or copied down from verbal recollection of tortured practitioners.
Methods Used to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp - Part 2 (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-12-25This re-enactment photo shows a torture method that the authorities at the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp frequently use against Falun Dafa practitioners. The practitioner is tied with crossed legs, with his back to the floor. Guards then use the electric batons to shock the bottom of the practitioner's feet, the breastbone and mouth.
Police Officers and Village Party Officials in Tianjin City Persecute Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Honglan
2005-12-2541-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Honglan, lives in a village near Tianjin City. After the persecution started in July 1999 the local officials started persecuting Li Honglan. Between 1999 and 2003, officers from the Wuqing District Detention Centre, the local police department and the village Party officials, constantly harassed Li Honglan at her home. They ransacked her home, detained her, fined her and tortured her. They electrically shocked her through a wired telephone, force-fed her, slapped her face and forced her to stand in a military posture. They tried to make Li Honglan give up her belief in Falun Dafa.
A Non-Practitioner Eyewitness Account of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Yaojia Forced Labour Camp in Dalian City
2005-12-25I met a woman who had been released from Yaojia Forced Labour Camp. She was a convicted criminal, and she told me about the persecution of Dafa practitioners in Yaojia Labour Camp that she had witnessed when she was there. The guards tie Dafa practitioners with iron chains onto a bed. They don't allow practitioners to use the toilet, leaving them no choice but to relieve themselves on the bed. Then they order the criminals to clean it up. The police make the criminals force-feed practitioners. She also witnessed a guard using needles to pierce each finger of a practitioner.
Hebei Province Police Try to Hide the Truth about the Recent Police Rapes of Practitioners
2005-12-24Three officials, Dongchengfang Town the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Song Xiaobin, General Office Chair Chai Yuqiao, and Xituan Village CCP Secretary Yang Shun, recently teamed up to hide the truth about the recent police rapes of two Falun Gong practitioners while in police custody. They follow and threaten the families of the rape victims, do not allow them to take long trips, and have blocked their gates overnight for the past several days.
Torture Methods Used at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp, Including Reenactment Illustrations (Part 5)
2005-12-24To prevent the detained practitioners from speaking, the guards coil thick metal wire around a piece of cork and put it into their mouths. The cork presses down on the tongue and reaches down to the throat. Then they bind the wire around the victim's head. Anyone who is tortured this way feels like vomiting. The guards also put earphones on their ears and turn the volume to the loudest setting and force them to listen to slandering words against Dafa.
Mr. Wang Liwu in Gansu Province Suffers Mental Breakdown and Dies After Being Tortured
2005-12-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Liwu from Gansu Province, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa in 2001. He was detained in Qingyang City Detention Centre, where he suffered a fractured skull at the hands of the police and a mental breakdown. Mr. Wang's mental state was so confused as a result of the torture that he took his own life by drinking agricultural chemicals, even though the teachings of Falun Dafa prohibit all killing, including suicide.
Neighbours Call for the Release of Elderly Mr. Tang Jianguo from Wuhan City
2005-12-24Mr. Tang Jianguo, an elderly gentleman from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, was arrested by District State Security Agents because he was passing out copies of the book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Partyto persuade people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). His son was also arrested, and no one knows his whereabouts. Their neighbours have all gone to the local police station to request his release.
The Hidden Truth Behind the Rape of Falun Gong Practitioners by Hebei Police
2005-12-23Four top level officials planned, organised and carried out the arrest of the five Falun Gong practitioners in Dongchengfang Town on November 24th, 2005. Officer He Xuejian raped two of the Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Han Yuzhi, while officer Wang Zengjun watched and did nothing to stop this atrocity. Officer He even tried to force the two female practitioners to sleep with him and Wang in their dorm room. He knew that he did not have to worry, as Secretary Song and Director Chai were of shady character and would certainly sanction such cruelty.
Chief of the She County Detention Centre: "Throw Them into the Furnace When They Die"
2005-12-23One practitioner in the detention centre is currently on the brink of death. The torture has severely damaged her body, and she will be facing a trial very soon. A severely tortured female practitioner who has suffered a hip bone dislocation and a crushed leg bone is so emaciated that her weight has dropped down to 90 pounds from her usual weight of 117 pounds. She has started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Yang Cong, chief of the detention centre has shouted madly at her, "You asked for it, so there's no way for you to get out of here alive. I will simply throw you into the furnace when you die."
Five Senior Citizens in Heilongjiang, Shandong, Jilin, and Other Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution
2005-12-23Mr. Liu Cunnian, 65, had twice appealed in Beijing to make public the truth of his own benefits from Falun Gong. Because of the Communist Party's sinister efforts to deprive people of the freedom of speech, he was arrested and sent back to his hometown where the local police unlawfully searched his house, confiscated his personal property and arrested him. They extorted fines of a few thousand yuan. Mr. Liu's wife and daughter were detained and sent to a forced labour camp. For six years, Mr. Liu Cunnian endured so much mental anguish that he became ill and passed away on October 17th, 2005.