Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Three Senior Citizens from Jilin Province, Gansu Province and Chongqing City Passed Away After Enduring Persecution

    Ms. Yu Yonghua was over 70. After July 20th, 1999, due to the severe persecution of Falun Dafa, and also due to the intense pressure from the local government in which her second son held the position of the Chief of the Village, her oldest son and daughter-in-law kept her from doing the exercises. Consequently, Ms. Yu's old illnesses recurred and she passed away in January 2003.
  • Six Persecution-Related Deaths of Practitioners from Sichuan, Hebei, and Jilin Province

    Mr. Lu Bin, 50, was a practitioner from Hebei Province. He worked at the county's fertiliser plant but was fired from his job because he refused to give up Falun Dafa. When he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2000, the government officials took him to the Shijingshan Police Station in Beijing and subjected him to cruel treatment. Both his mind and body suffered severely. As a result, his former illnesses recurred, and he died in the winter of 2002.
  • In Memory of Fellow Practitioner Ms Zou Guirong

    "Zou Guirong was had big eyes that shone in her round face and she smiled gently all the time. I remember the first time I met Zou Guirong; it was at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in February or March of 2000. The wicked guards at Masanjia stripped such a kind woman, poured cold water on her, and four or five female guards shocked her with electric batons, and said, "This is fun." However, Zou Guirong did not surrender to the torture, which lasted for more than four hours. All of the inhumane torture was conducted in secret. I witnessed that her body was covered with injures, black and purple all over."
  • Practitioner Mr. Liu Jianjun from Zhangjiakou City Tortured to Near Death in Detention Centre

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Jianjun from was repeatedly persecuted. The authorities caused him to lose his job and forced him to work at night as a doorman in a shop to make a living. On December 22nd, 2005, Mr. Liu Jianjun was arrested by police officers. He was secured onto a "Tiger Bench" to be tortured. Later, he was taken to a detention centre. Mr. Liu Jianjun went through fifteen days of torture, and was savagely force-fed until he could not breathe. In the end, the police took him back to the computer store where he worked, and left him there while they ran away.
  • Lanzhou Practitioner Ms. Zhen Fengru Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Zhen Fengru, a Falun Gong practitioner in Lanzhou City, was arrested and sent to a brainwashing centre on October 26th, 2004. She suffered tremendously from the inhumane persecution both mentally and physically. She was later isolated from her son and confined to her house when her son was threatened by the authorities. She collapsed mentally and passed away in September 2005.
  • Four Elderly Practitioners from Shanxi, Hebei, Jilin and Anhui Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Mingzhong, 68, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. He was arrested by police and taken to a forced labour camp, where he was brutally tortured by the guards. All of his clothes were stripped off and cold water was poured on him from head to toe. He was forced to sleep on the cold floor. The guards also used the toilet brush to brush water onto his body. After several days of torture, Liu Mingzhong became critically ill and was released to seek medical care. After Mr. Liu returned home, he was constantly harassed by the police. Mr. Liu Mingzhong's spirit was greatly injured by the severe persecution, and he finally passed away, with sadness, in August 2005.
  • How Elderly Practitioner Ms Liu Xingyun Was Persecuted to Death

    On November 18th, 2005 65-year-old Ms. Liu Xingyun passed away due to persecution. Before her death, she suffered numerous forms of persecution, such as illegal arrests, detention, extortion, and illegal searches of her home. The day before she passed away, several staff members from the local 610 Office and police department went to Ms. Liu's home to harass her. The Tanghai County Government, county police department and the so-called "Transformation School" (brainwashing centre) are responsible for Liu Xingyun's death.
  • The Plight of Several Dafa Practitioners in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Han Guixia's lower body was paralysed from torture and she lost bladder control, wetting the bed. The group chief didn't let her eat and locked her out of the dining hall. Wang Xin pinched Ms. Han's lip and made it bleed. Also, Wang verbally abused her in front of everybody and claimed that Ms. Han was pretending to be sick. Ms. Han was tied onto a "Tiger Bench". Policemen forbade her to go to the toilet, forcing her to urinate in her trousers. She was tied to the bench for the whole night.
  • The Truth about the So-called "Loving and Caring Centre" of Luotai Villa in Fushun City

    To fulfil the quotas for "transformed" practitioners, fake practitioners are sent from various areas to the brainwashing centre. In September 2005, to complete the quota, a community in Fushun City sent a resident with low pay to the brainwashing centre, and the community paid him 20 yuan per day. When they were "transforming" him, he didn't know anything. When they asked him if he'd ever learned Falun Gong, he said he hadn't. When asked how he'd come to be there, he said the secretary in his community told him to come, telling him he'd be expected to study for a few days and could then return home, for which he would be paid a wage plus food and expenses, which he said was better than staying at home.
  • Exposing Incidents of Persecution at Tiebei Jail in Changchun

    In December 2001, jail administrator Mou Zhanfu tried to brainwash practitioner Ms. Liu Ziwei but she resisted. Mou Zhanfu then hung Ms. Liu by her left hand from a pine tree near the jail. Because Ms. Liu Ziwei is short and could not touch the lowest branch, Mou Zhanfu placed two bricks under her feet to hang her up. Ms. Liu still refused to give in, so Mou Zhanfu kicked away the bricks under her feet and Ms. Liu was left dangling in the air. She hung there for half an hour in the freezing weather. Her handcuffs dug into her flesh, causing the muscles to cramp and leaving deep scars. Her left arm lost all feeling for half a year.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms Yang Hong from Huludao Released From Detention After Immense Suffering

    On November 18th, 2005, Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Hong from Huludao City was arrested. Within a short period of three weeks, Yang Hong was tortured by police to the point of developing pneumonia in both lungs, as well as a cyst, tachycardia and other symptoms. Her throat was badly injured during brutal forced-feeding sessions, her teeth became loose and blackened due to her mouth being pried open by the detention centre guards, and her body was covered with black and red bruises. However, Yang Hong persisted in not cooperating with the perpetrators, and finally was released from detention on December 9th, 2005.
  • Older Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Chen Guoxiang Dies as a Result of Persecution

    55-year-old Mr. Chen Guoxiang was an engineer in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The persecutors detained him twice in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Bameng City. Because of suffering torture in the labour camp, Mr. Chen became emaciated, and developed excessive fluid accumulation around the heart, in the lungs and abdomen. He died on December 19th, 2005.
  • I Cannot Keep Silent After Learning of the Rape in Hebei Province

    The thugs dragged practitioner Zhang Muo into the courtyard and whipped him from head to toe with sticks and a whip made of three electric cords twisted together. Zhang Muo screamed in pain but they refused to stop. Zhang Muo's mother almost fainted because she couldn't bear watching her son being tortured. The thugs called You Hong over and told him, "Give her a injection." Zhang Muo's mother said, "I'm not sick! I'm not getting any injections!" Ren Binghui said in a menacing voice, "Oh really? Let's see if you really don't take any drugs or injections!" He grabbed the syringe and pulled down the old woman's trousers and jabbed her with the syringe. It's unknown what kind of drug was in the syringe.
  • Two Elderly Ladies Tortured in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City

    Ms. Chen Guilan, 59, is in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp because she practises Falun Dafa. Prison guards also took her into the small, dark cell to torture her. They beat her while she was hanging up and while she was sitting on the iron chair. Her lower body was covered with dark bruises. The guards usually use electric batons to shock practitioners on their faces, hands, and elsewhere. Now they are shocking practitioners predominantly on their lower bodies so that others cannot easily detect the wounds, which are covered by the practitioners' clothes. They laugh right after beating practitioners.
  • Tangshan Locomotive & Rolling Stock Works Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    In early January 2006, Tangshan Locomotive & Rolling Stock works was going to recruit a number of electricians and welders from the factory to send to Siemens, in Germany, for further training. One of the selection criteria was that the candidate must not be a Falun Gong practitioner. Also, the head of the infamous 610 Office had to sign the application form. This is an act committed by some individuals in the factory who have chosen to follow Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party's policy to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.