Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Zhao Hongli in Critical Condition, But Panjin Prison Refuses to Release Him
2005-12-11Recently the family of Dafa practitioner Zhao Hongli received a phone call from Panjin Prison authorities. They were requested to visit Zhao Hongli, who had already been on hunger strike for more than forty days. When Mr. Zhao's family arrived at the prison, Zhao Hongli had already been taken back to the prison from the hospital. When the family saw Zhao Hongli, he was lying on a bed with his face up, and he could not move. His hands and legs were cuffed, he was given IVs and plastic tubes were stuck in his nose. The prison was forcibly giving him IVs and feeding him. Zhao Hongli was emaciated and had difficulty talking. They never mentioned releasing him.
Ms. Meng Lijun is at the Brink of Death at Jinan Detention Centre - Authorities Forbid Family Visits
2005-12-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Meng Lijun was unjustly arrested. This, her ninth arrest, occurred on September 27th, 2005. She has been incarcerated at the Jinan City Detention Centre for two months. She is now on the brink of death after holding a long hunger strike. Her husband goes to the detention centre almost weekly and asks to see his wife. The authorities not only deny his requests, but also threaten him. The police stated, "We won't release her, even if she dies from the hunger strike."
Tianjin Chadian Prison Inhumanly Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-12-11As a matter of fact, every practitioner who arrived at the prison would be watched by several inmates. Everything he said and did would be strictly controlled. The perpetrators would talk to him during the day and force him to study and write his "confessions" in the evening. They also deprived practitioners of sleep. Until the practitioner renounced Falun Gong, he would not be allowed to sleep for more than five hours a day. These steadfast practitioners were physically and mentally injured as a result of such maltreatment.
My Experience in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2005-12-11In the summer of 2002, I was reported to the police for telling the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda and exposing the persecution. The local security office sentenced me to three years of forced labour and then sent me to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During the three years I was tortured at the Masanjia Labour Camp, my husband also suffered tremendously at home. During the three years of detention in Masanjia I suffered every day under intense labour and was only served stale and mouldy food.
Hulan Prison in Heilongjiang Province Tortures Practitioners, Causing One Death and Severe Injury to Others
2005-12-10In the prison systems of Heilongjiang Province, practitioners are detained mostly in eight prisons. Among those prisons, Hulan Prison and Harbin Prison carry out the most ferocious brainwashing and persecution. They employ all sorts of physical torture and abuse. The "Intensive Section" in Harbin Prison, the First Section and the Ninth Section have all persecuted practitioners to death. The practitioners detained in the Harbin Prisons have now been transferred to other prisons in the province.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning, Heilongjiang, and Hebei Provinces Tortured to Death
2005-12-10Ms. Chen Jianhua, about fifty-one years old, appealed in Beijing for justice for Falun Dafa in 1999. The authorities extorted more than ten thousand yuan from her. She was imprisoned at a detention centre, and handcuffed to a chair. She was deprived of sleep and force-fed. Ms. Chen was brutally tortured and she was only released when she was on the verge of death. Later six police officers arrested Ms. Chen in 2005, took her to a brainwashing centre and tortured her. She was finally released because of her poor health. Ms. Chen passed away on March 20th, 2005.
Three Practitioners from Liaoning and Heilongjiang Provinces Died Under the Persecution
2005-12-10Ms. Lu Cuihua was about 68 years old. She lived in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. After she started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996, her cerebral hemorrhage was cured. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was detained twice and harassed many times. A group of police officers stormed into her house and searched her home illegally. They arrested her and took her to the police station. She was tortured until she was unable to walk. She was released only after a hospital diagnosis. Under the long period of persecution, she became very nervous and was afraid of meeting people. She was found dead in her house on October 17th, 2005.
The Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre Continues to Inflict Harm
2005-12-10Practitioner Ms. Wang Ruo'e was taken from her home and brought to the brainwashing centre on September 6th, 2005. Although she is elderly and already in her seventies, the authorities did not allow her to get a proper amount of sleep and forced her to write the "three statements". Against her will, she signed them, when she could no longer bear the physical torture. The next day she became very depressed about what she had done and tore up the document, declaring that she refused to be brainwashed. Ms. Wang Ruo'e has still not been released.
Middle School Teacher Fei Weidong Beaten to Death by Police in Jiangxi Province
2005-12-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Fei Weidong, a middle school teacher told the facts of Falun Dafa to people in a shop on October 17th, 2005. The owner reported him. The police arrived and closed the shutters to the shop, then they beat Fei Weidong to death. An autopsy was performed and the body was cremated soon afterwards. The ashes were returned to Fei Weidong's family. The authorities claimed Fei Weidong died from heart disease. They refused the family the right to make enquiries. According to witnesses, there was a large hole on each of Fei Weidong's temples, and all of his front teeth were knocked out. The police beating was savage.
Tortures at Jilin Province Women's Prison
2005-12-09The jailers torture the practitioners by tying their wrists and ankles with cloth ropes. They tighten the ropes until they cut into the practitioner's wrists and ankles so the practitioner cannot move. They then tie the other end of the ropes to bed posts, and pull on the rope until the practitioner's body is fully stretched out and hanging in the air. They constantly tighten the rope. Almost all practitioners who were tortured this way had ongoing pain in their backs and legs. Some practitioners had blisters on their arms and legs, and some practitioners had swollen hands and feet that were black and blue because the ropes impeded blood circulation. This method of tying people is unprecedented in terms of cruelty.
Four Practitioners from Guangdong, Liaoning and Henan Provinces Persecuted to Death
2005-12-09Sixty-six-year old Ms. Ma Rangliao was forced to report regularly to the police station for more than a year. Because she spread the truth about Falun Dafa, her home was illegally searched and her property was confiscated many times. She was held in a detention centre and sent to a brainwashing centre twice. The police threatened her and her family repeatedly and did not allow her to have contact with others. Because of the long-term harassment and intimidation from the police and other authorities, she endured intense mental and physical pressure. Her health began to deteriorate in 2002. She passed away on October 22nd, 2002.
Message Hand-Written on Cloth Escapes Harbin Women's Prison
2005-12-09This eye-witness account of the persecution against Falun Gong escaped circuitously from the Harbin Women's Prison on a piece of cloth. A practitioner transcribed the hand-written message on the cloth and compiled this article. Starting in September 2004, practitioners have suffered more severe tortures. Some practitioners were hung from the upper frame of a bunk bed by their back-cuffed hands - with feet above the ground for over three months. Others were forced to sit on the concrete floor for up to four months.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinfeng Recounts Persecution at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-12-08My name is Wang Jinfeng. I am 40 years old and live in Liaoning Province. On May 23rd, 2002, I was sentenced to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two-and-a-half years. During this period I witnessed the guards beating and torturing Dafa practitioners. They tied the practitioners' legs, shocked them with electric batons, slapped their mouths, forced them to squat, didn't allow them to sleep for days on end, forced them to stand on a small brick and detained them in solitary confinement, among other methods.
Belated News: Mr. Liu Zhirong From Gansu Province Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Disseminating the Truth
2005-12-08Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher. He was arrested and held in detention several times since 1999, because he went out to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. In July 2002, Liu Zhirong left the detention centre. The police searched for him and lived at his home for several days straight. They intimidated his wife to turn him over to the police, but she refused. The police followed and monitored his family. During the time Liu Zhirong lived away from home, he broadcast videos telling the facts of Falun Dafa in Gansu Province. On October 25th, 2002, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison at the Chengguan Court in Lanzhou City.
Her Voice Came From a Far Away Horizon
2005-12-08Years of torture in detention left Ms. Zhang Xihui mentally disordered. When she was released from hospital, Ms. Zhang Xihui had lost her memory and was mentally unstable. According to some insiders, they may have given her nerve-damaging drugs. She had oedema in most areas of her body. No matter what anyone asked her, she would always reply, "I already had a meal. I ate some noodles." Every once in a while, she would say, "If you would allow me to do the exercises, I would not be like this."