Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-17The Falun Gong practitioners in the newcomer group were managed by several criminals designated by the guards. They were forced to take off all their clothes before the two hundred detainees, and their clothes and luggage were searched. The Falun Gong practitioners were also forced to admit to the crime of "disturbing social order." Otherwise, it resulted in them being tortured. The Falun Gong practitioners also would undergo torture until they were "transformed" as required by the designated criminals. The torture methods included: remaining in a standing position for long periods of time, "taking a shower," sitting on a bench for long periods of time, and squatting while facing a wall for long periods of time.
My Experience of Being Persecuted with "The Same Song"
2006-01-16On December 31st, 2003, I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and unfurled a banner that read, "Falun Dafa is Good." I was then sent to a Detention Centre where I was sentenced to one year of forced labour. I was then detained in the Chatou Forced Labour Camp, where I suffered from various types of torture such as physical punishment, humiliation, and psychological persecution. Among the tricks used to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners, they forced Falun Gong practitioners to sing, "The Same Song." If you refused to sing this song, it would be construed as being confrontational. Those who were "transformed" by force had to sing this very song.
Persecution Records from Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp and Beijing Women's Prison (Part 2)
2006-01-16After the Chinese New Year, a new official came to my prison team. She told me her thoughts when she monitored me, "All these years, the higher authorities asked us to 'reform' practitioners. After many years, I realized that we should educate and save people, yet we are persecuting you. You are actually very outstanding. We found that once you give up the practice, it is as if your spirit is destroyed. Therefore, some kind police officers on our team do not want to 'transform' you. But because they did not cooperate with the requests from officials, they were transferred to other teams without Falun Gong practitioners. Those who remained are all vicious."
Ms. Han Guangmei Suffers Severe Injuries While in Custody of the Junan County "610 Office"
2006-01-16Ms. Han Guangmei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shandong Province, was arrested on November 26th, 2005, along with 18 other Falun Gong practitioners. Ma Zongtao, an officer from the Junan County "610 Office", tortured her severely for an entire night. She was not able to move, and her left leg was swollen. Ma Zongtao also threatened her by saying, "I will definitely beat you to death tonight."
Staff Member Severely Persecuted and Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances at Jilin's Northeast Normal University
2006-01-16A virtually unknown persecution incident took place at Northeast Normal University (NENU) in 2001 in Changchun City, Jilin Province. Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Guan used to work in the editorial department of the university's publication "Physics Experiments." Following his detention, people noticed that he always had his head bandaged and that he could not speak coherently. Still, the authorities did not stop persecuting him. He was later found dead at the base of a building. We are not certain at this stage how he fell and hope those who know will provide more information.
Additional Information on Ms Zhao Fenglian's Death Due to Persecution
2006-01-15Ms. Zhao Fenglian suffered brutal persecution in the Lanzhou Women's Prison in Gansu Province. Because of torture, Zhao Fenglian was unable to eat for over four months before her death. The jail wardens nearly killed her during force-feeding of concentrated salt water, causing her to fall into unconsciousness. She passed away on December 22nd 2005.
Brainwashing at the "Legal Education Centre" in the Weiningying Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-15The most critical brainwashing methods of the Centre are used. For example, the practitioners are forced to watch TV news, write "homework," take tests and recite 36 laws and regulations each day. They are also forced to watch a Dafa-slandering TV series and sing propaganda songs. Guards gave "law classes" that mostly slander Dafa. Zheng Tao wrote questions after the lecture for practitioners to take back to their room to discuss among themselves. Each practitioner is forced to give his standpoint, which is recorded by the completely brainwashed group head. The answers must conform to the brainwashing standards the Centre considers to be correct.
Two Incidents Showing the Inhumanity of the Chinese Communist Party
2006-01-15In a remote district of Chenzhou City in Hunan Province, there was a young fellow who reached eighteen years old and wanted to join the army to serve the county. At his first physical exam, he easily passed all the tests because he had a very good body and was 6-feet tall. However, during the final exam, which was a political exam involving an investigation of the political background of his family members, he failed, and was considered to be "unqualified" for military service. The reason for his failure was that his aunt practises Falun Dafa.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning, Hebei, Anhui and Gansu Provinces Passed Away from the Persecution
2006-01-1550-year-old Ms. Kong Genxiu was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. In 2002, she was detained by Communist Party officials and put into a brainwashing class. There, she was subjected to brainwashing and forced to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong. Later, police from the 610 Office often harassed her at her home. In extreme terror, Ms. Kong was extorted out of 5,000 yuan. In 2004, Kong Genxiu developed a high fever and passed away.
65 Year-Old Woman from Hebei Province, Died After a Visit from Political and Security Authorities
2006-01-14Ms. Liu Xingyun, a 65-year-old practitioner, was a former Falun Gong volunteer coordinator. After the persecution began in July 1999, she suffered harassment and detention. Due to long-term persecution, in October 2005, Ms. Liu appeared to have heart and kidney failure and other symptoms, and her life was in danger. On November 17th 2005, police officials visited Ms. Liu at home and harassed her family. She passed away the next day.
Persecution at Beijing Women's Labour Camp and Beijing Women's Prison - Part 1
2006-01-14Lawless officials in Beijing have been recruiting and mobilising police from different areas in China to go to Beijing to aid in the persecution of practitioners that travel there to expose the persecution about Falun Gong. The local guards invented inhuman and cruel methods of torture for practitioners that are steadfast in their beliefs. They categorised the secret and vicious torture of practitioners as "education," "reformation," and "salvation." Every practitioner who has ever been detained in the labour camp has suffered under these repugnant tortures.
Changchun Hezhuzhi Labour Camp Uses Forced Labour as a Means to Torture Dafa Practitioners
2006-01-14According to inside information, Hezhuzhi Women's Labour Camp in Changchun City forces Dafa practitioners to make products as a means to persecute them. They force practitioners to make butterflies with feathers. The practitioners have to get up at 5:30 a.m., go to work right after breakfast and work until 8:00 p.m. They are forced to work for nearly 13 hours a day. The poisonous fumes given off from the glue make it difficult to breathe and are damaging to their health. The products are exported to Asia, Europe, America and Australia and are tainted with Dafa practitioners' blood and tears.
Two Practitioners from Chongqing City Die from Persecution
2006-01-1468-year-old Ms. Hou Leying was explaining the truth about Falun Dafa to people, when she was reported, and arrested by police She was subjected to several hours' persecution before she was released. The villains' wicked deeds traumatised her immensely. Ms. Hou Leying passed away on December 1st, 2005. Not long before, Ms. Wang Kaiping was arrested. She was as thin as a rake and often vomited blood. She passed away on August 21st, 2005.
"The Same Song" of Demons and Collaborators
2006-01-13"The Same Song", the show and the song, are wicked. It paints a peaceful picture for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime and is used as a tool by the evildoers to attack the spiritual side of Falun Gong practitioners. In labour camps, Falun Gong practitioners were forced to learn this song. Whenever a Falun Gong practitioner was transformed, the first thing he/she was forced to do was not to write any repentance or the pledge not to practise Falun Gong, but to sing this song together with former practitioners who had turned against Dafa, as well as the police.
Guards at Beijiao Jail of Shijiazhuang City Viciously Torture Dafa Practitioners to Disability
2006-01-13The guards there use all kinds of cruel means to torture Dafa practitioners. The police have isolated all the steadfast Dafa practitioners and kept them under special surveillance. They used towels to gag practitioners' mouths, and tortured practitioners in various ways, such as kicking them in the lower back, sitting on their legs which were placed on a bench, burning their feet with cigarettes, hitting their heads with metal plates, force-feeding them with salt water, slapping their faces, and using tortures called "stewing the eagle" and "slippery shackle." As a result, several Dafa practitioners were injured.