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Latest News of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Huazhen's Surviving Children Feng Jun and Feng Hao
2004-10-30On April 18, 2001, the police brutally beat Falun Gong practitioner Wang Huazhen until she was at the brink of death. Then they dragged her to the front of the city government building, poured gasoline on her and burned her to death. Listed below are the current circumstances of Wang Huazhen's children Feng Jun and Feng Hao.
Orphan Wang Tianxing Taken in by Aunt after Mother and Uncle Tortured to Death
2004-10-30Orphaned two-year-old Wang Tianxing is being cared for by his aunt Feng Xiaomei. Due to the long-term persecution of his parents he has no "legal status" and no registered permanent address. He is presently staying with his aunt. His father, Wang Xiaofeng, was forced to leave home to avoid persecution in June 2001. His mother, Feng Xiaomin, was tortured to death on June 1, 2004.
Seventy-Year-Old Woman Mistaken as Falun Gong Practitioner, Beaten to Death
2004-10-2970-year-old Ms Wang Lianying had taken up Falun Gong before July 20, 1999 for health reasons. However, she stopped practising after the persecution of Falun Gong began. On September 18, 2004, she was arrested while sleeping, taken to the police station, and beaten to death on the same day. Upon hearing the news, Wang's family was furious. On the morning of September 19, as a protest, they strung a banner across the street that read, "Give Back Our 70-Year-Old Mother." With hundreds of spectators and bystanders, the traffic was in complete chaos. Later, they hung a banner across the hospital saying, "Knowing the law yet breaking the law, the police treat human lives like straw."
Practitioner Zhang Jiuhui of Heilongjiang Province Demonstrates the Torture Methods She Suffered (Photos)
2004-10-29Ms. Zhang Jiuhui, 26, is a resident of Heilongjiang Province. On February 20, 2000, she was practising the Falun Gong exercises outdoors when she was arrested. At that time, she was 21 years old. She related the story about how three young policewomen tortured her. "This kind of persecution caused me to feel both painful and itchy at that time. Later my skin turned black and blue, and for more than two weeks I could not turn over in bed. This was not merely a persecution of my body, it was also an insult to my dignity."
The Indecent Behaviour of Policeman Ma Zengyou From the Qianmen Police Station in Beijing (Illustrations)
2004-10-29“Early in December 2000 I went to Tiananmen Square and shouted my heartfelt wishes to end the persecution. I was badly beaten up and then taken to the Tiananmen Square Police Station. That year I was 23 years old. The head of the police station, Ma Zengyou, humiliated me and indecently assaulted me.”
Fourteen-Year-Old Girl Sun Yubo Is Orphaned After Her Parents are Killed As a Result of the Persecution
2004-10-29Mr. Sun Jihong was 40 years old and worked in the Huanan Forestry Company's Xianfeng site in Heilongjiang Province. In 1994, he learned to practise Falun Dafa. On September 25th of the same year, he was again illegally arrested and detained in Beijing at the Yuquanying area in Fengtai District. Four days later, on September 29th, he was subjected to a round of excruciating torture and died. On October 2, his body was cremated.
Letter from WOIPFG to All Levels of Chinese Officials Regarding Jiang's Stepping Down: Stop the Persecution and Bring the Murderers to Justice
2004-10-29In China, the persecution of 100 million innocent Falun Gong practitioners has lasted for more than five years. Now that Jiang has stepped down, this national catastrophe should be immediately stopped. The persecution of Falun Gong has caused the deaths of more than 1000 innocent people from beatings and torture, has utilized vast resources and affected almost all of the people in China. All the murderers who initiated and participated in the persecution should also be punished.
Husband Tortured to Death, Wife Develops Mental Disorder as Result of Persecution
2004-10-28According to reports, Falun Gong practitioner Mr Li Xianwen, who lived in Sichuan Province, was tortured to death while detained in a brainwashing centre in Chengdu City. Li Xianwen's mother still does not know about her son's death. Li Xianwen's wife Yu Guiying is also a practitioner, who has suffered brutal persecution in a labour camp. As a result, she has developed a mental disorder. The labour camp has released her and sent her home.
Continuous Persecution in Jilin Prison leads to Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Cui Weidong
2004-10-28Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Weidong wrote a solemn declaration in Jilin Prison stating that all the guarantees to stop practising Falun Gong he made under the persecution were done so against his will and therefore null and void. After nearly four months of persecution, the prison authorities allowed him to be released on bail for medical treatment, but with the condition that he write a guarantee to give up Falun Gong. Cui Weidong rejected this demand. The prison hospital sent Mr. Cui back to a prison cell in August 2004. In less than a month, his condition worsened and he died on September 10.
Anhui Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jiang Lingsheng Dies from Torture-Induced Disease
2004-10-28Anhui Province Dafa practitioner Mr Jiang Lingsheng was healed of leukemia through the practice of Falun Dafa. In December 1999, Mr. Jiang Lingsheng went to Beijing to appeal and to share with the government his firsthand experience of Falun Gong practice and the tremendous benefits it had brought him. However the authorities would not listen to his story and instead arrested and detained him. In May 2001 he was arrested in Tongling City for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and was sentenced to three years of forced labour in Anhui Province and was not allowed to practise Falun Dafa. His old illness recurred and he died on August 3, 2001.
Mother Tortured, Police Send Homeless Child to Orphanage
2004-10-28Yu Yuejin is a 48-year-old mother from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested by police because she practised Falun Gong and sent to Wanjia Labour Camp in Harbin City. Ms. Yu's husband is serving time in prison for an unknown reason. As a result, the police sent her four-year-old daughter to Nangang District Children's Welfare Centre (actually an orphanage) in Harbin City.
"I Have Lost My Mummy, I Cannot Lose My Daddy"
2004-10-28Little Yuanming went to Wuxi Prison hospital with her maternal grandmother to see her dad, who has become now virtually unrecognisable due to the torture. Seeing her father, little Yuanming became so bewildered that she could only stare at him wide-eyed. Even though Yuanming is young, she can still understand, "I have already lost my mummy, I cannot lose my daddy."
The Torture I Suffered in Beijing's Lugouqiao Police Station (Illustrations)
2004-10-27In August 2001, when my mother and I went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa, plainclothes policemen on Tiananmen Square abducted us and detained us for 24 hours. Then they sent me to Beijing Lugouqiao Police Station, where I suffered inhuman and atrocious torture. Several policemen kicked me until I fell face down on the floor, and then they turned my head over and stomped on my face with their leather-soled shoes.
68 Year Old Practitioner Mo Jiaying from Guangxi Province Died as a Result of the Persecution
2004-10-27Ms. Mo Jiaying, 68 years old, was a Falun Fong practitioner from Guangxi Province. In 2001 when she was posting Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials, she was arrested again and was detained at a Brainwashing Centre. As she refused to give up practising Falun Gong, she was then illegally sent to three years of forced labour at the Nanning Forced Labour Camp. When she was sent back home in March, 2003 she was already at the brink of death. She died tragically on March 20, 2004.
Practitioners Ms Zhang Guiqin and Mr Qiao Yanqing from Jilin City Die from Persecution
2004-10-27Ms. Zhang Guiqin lived in Jilin City, Jilin Province. Prior to her retirement, she was the vice principal of No. 39 Middle School of Jilin City. Due to the persecution, she sustained grave mental and physical trauma. She passed away on December 9, 2003. Mr. Qiao Yanqing was born in 1941, and was a senior engineer at the Jilin City Refrigerator Factory. He also lived in Jilin City, Jilin Province. In late January 2001, before the Chinese New Year, he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. He was arrested at the Beijing Train Station as soon as he got off the train and sent back to Jilin City where he was tortured by enforcers from the "610 Office" and the police. He passed away not long after on January 30.