Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
52-year-old Dafa Practitioner Ms. Song Yulian Tortured to Death by Wuhan City Women's Prison
2004-03-16This retired lady, who had been commended as a model worker in her workplace, was senselessly and brutally tortured until death. How can being a good person be a crime? How can believing in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance condemn a person to death? Its is tragic that she, like 900 other practitioners have lost their lives due to peacefully following their beliefs.
50-Year-old Practitioner Ms. Zhao Fengyun Suddenly Dies at Harbin City's Wanjia Labour Camp
2004-03-16Because she firmly persisted in practising Falun Gong, she was illegally arrested and sent to Wanjia Labour Camp to be tortured. At about 7:00 p.m. on February 27, 2004, she suddenly died in the labour camp. The heartless camp authorities did not inform her family of her situation until she passed away. Her husband has also been unjustly incarcerated and is being held at Changlinzi Labour Camp.
More Details about the Cruel Death of Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Yan
2004-03-16Liu Yan's business could not run normally because he had been unjustly detained for a long period of time and it was forced to close. His death caused severe grief for his mother. She later became very ill and handicapped. Liu Yan is survived by his child and wife, who are faced with great difficulties and sorrow due to his death.
Xinjiang Tianshan Wooltex Stock Corporation, Ltd. Joins Labour Camps and Prisons to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners -- Bloody Slave Labour Behind Internationally Renowned Brand (Photo)
2004-03-15Many detainees at Division One of Changji Labour Camp in Xinjiang Province are routinely denied sleep several weeks out of the month. They work an average of more than 20 hours a day. They can only take a short nap after dawn on the platform where they make the sweaters. When they work on the machines, they often have to work for one day and one night at a time. Most of them have swollen legs from malnutrition and exhausting labour conditions. The workshop is only 200 meters (about 850 feet) from the cafeteria, but most detainees do not have time to eat breakfast.
Samples of Products Made by Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned in the Wangcun Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-03-15To make a pair of artificial eyelashes, one needs to use tweezers to pick up more than 300 strands of hair and adhere them on the adhesive tape along the template. One earns 27 cents1 for each pair. Then the product has to go through several procedures including cutting, braising and shape-finalization to finish. A pair of finished false eyelashes costs 35 cents. This work places great strain on the worker's eyes. On average, a person has to make 20 to 30 pairs a day.
Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Tortured to Death; More Information Is Sought to Verify The Details
2004-03-15I did not know where the elderly lady and her daughter had been sent. I only learned later, from another practitioner, that the elderly lady had been taken away with nothing to eat and drink. On the way she was very hungry, but no one took care of her. She was later tortured to death near Tai'an. Her sons and daughter had been taken to jail.
Revealing More Details on the Death of Ms Tang Meijun at the Chongqing City Women's Labour Camp
2004-03-15Tang's family were shocked and asked the police how she could have died in such a terrible way. The police faltered, "She committed suicide." In order to uphold justice, her family hired an lawyer. However, the police threatened the lawyer, saying, "The Party has been cracking down on Falun Gong these several years. How dare you come to the labour camp and defend Falun Gong!" Under pressure, he did not say anything.
Additional Details Regarding the Death of Yuzhou City Dafa practitioner Mr. Shang Shuichi
2004-03-15Two days after he began eating the buns, Mr. Shang started to feel dizzy, so he stopped eating on day three. But it was too late; he had already been poisoned. His cheeks turned a greenish color. Other practitioners who were more severely poisoned had dark finger nails. To check the practitioners' condition, police drew their blood to do a lab test. In order to dodge responsibility, when they saw anyone in serious condition, the police would drive that person to a deserted Beijing suburb. They would force the near unconscious practitioner to jump out of the car.
Zhengzhou Dafa Practitioner Song Xu is in Critical Condition
2004-03-14On November 10, 2002, Dafa practitioner Song Xuwent to visit a friend who was recovering from a hospital stay. On his way a policemen grabbed him by the hair, twisted his arms and took him to the Zhengzhou police station by force where the policemen deprived him of sleep for three days and nights. As soon as he dozed off they hit him. They put him in handcuffs and shackles and dragged him along the cement floor by the shackles. His palms were lacerated from the abrasion and became infected.
Mr. Tang Jianping Dies Alone At Home After Torture by Sichuan Province Police
2004-03-14Mr. Tang Jianping was detained in the Weiyuan Detention Centre several times, where police caused him to become unconscious from beating and torture and deprived him of sleep for ten days and nights. After being transferred to a labour camp, his internal injuries became worse. He experienced swelling of the chest and abdomen, difficulty ingesting food and water, vomiting blood, and blood in his urine. Released in early 2002, his health became worse and worse. He died after vomiting a large amount of blood on August 28th, 2002.
Dabei Prison in Shenyang City Provides More Evidence of the Jiang Zemin Group's Crimes
2004-03-14"Medical parole" from Dabei Prison Administration Bureau is, in fact, the excuse that the prison has used to extort money from Falun Gong practitioners' family members when the detained practitioners, during the persecution, lost significant body weight and were on the verge of death. They were threatened that if they did not cooperate, they would recall the Falun Gong practitioners and send the family members to prison.
Right and Wrong Reversed: Sixteen Jilin Province Practitioners Arrested after Shovelling Snow from the Streets and Salvaging a Police Vehicle
2004-03-14In the beginning of February 2004, most public roads were covered by heavy snow in many villages of Qingshan County and travel by vehicle was treacherous. In order to bring convenience to everyone, Falun Gong practitioners in Nianyu Village, Qingshan County overcame the cold weather and shovelled the snow from public roads. After digging out a police vehicle, however, at least 16 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. The reason was that they were Falun Gong practitioners and they did good deeds in public; therefore their homes were searched and they were arrested.
Running the Campaign of Terror: "610 Office" Head Luo Gan's Role and Crimes in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-03-13In April 2002, Luo Gan issued orders to the political and judiciary departments of Heilongjiang, ordering the arrest of 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners to be carried out within a period of three months. The police were told, "Don't bother with those that committed crimes, such as murder, arson or any other criminal offence." Practitioners released on medical parole, practitioners released after going on hunger strike, practitioners who refused to write pledges or who once went to Beijing to appeal again became the targets of arrest.
Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Suhua Dies from Injuries After Force Feeding
2004-03-13Jiang's family had attempted to visit her many times while she was detained, but was turned away each time by the detention centre authorities. Her family had not seen her since the day she had been taken from her home against her will, and thus had no knowledge whatsoever of her situation in the detention centre, let alone the fact that she was conducting a hunger strike or that she had been hospitalized. Her medical bills, plus the transportation and the funeral expenses, exceeded 14 thousand yuan.
Xianhe Oil Production Field and Shengli Oil Field Conducts Merciless Persecution of Employees
2004-03-13Li Xiaodong was sent to the psychiatric hospital three times and, finally bowing to political pressure, the hospital accepted him. After being detained in the hospital, Li Xiaodong was to be subjected to injections with psychotropic drugs, but he firmly resisted. The hospital officials therefore proceeded to administer electric shock treatments (known as ECT) to immobilize him and then injected him with drugs against his will. During that period, the hospital required two daily escorts from his work.