Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Account of Brutal Persecution Dafa Practitioner Received in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2004-03-13My family came to visit. Upon seeing me, they were all shocked. I had been very healthy and in good condition when I was taken from home. But now I was tortured and my health debilitated to such a degree. My family went to see the leaders. They met the chief He Qiang and requested that I receive medical treatment. But the camp authorities refused to release me. My family then went to the prosecutor residing in the labour camp. I told him the fact that I was handcuffed and forced to lay flat on my back for a month.
Depraved and Immoral Places Seen in Broad Daylight: Exposing Prisons in Shenyang City that Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-03-12In 2001, police placed a picture of Falun Gong's founder on the ground at the entrance to Longshan Prison, prior to the arrival of families. The police do not allow family members to enter without stepping on the picture first. This policy continues today. The director of the management section, Jiang Yubo, said to the visiting families, "When you step on the picture, you must step on the head! You will do it again if you fail! If you still can't do it, you are not allowed to enter!"
Siping City Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jing Fengyun Tortured to Death
2004-03-12Dafa Practitioner Jing Fengyun, in her 40's, was an employee at Siping City's No.1 People's Hospital. She was arrested and sent to a detention centre during the Chinese New Year Holiday in 2002. She once held hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and was tortured to death within a week. This is yet another tragic death of an innocent person who only wanted to live her life according to the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
Ms. Xu Xiuju Suffers Torture-Induced Mental Collapse at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp
2004-03-12They forced her to sell her job seniority right [state-owned enterprises compensate a dismissed employee an amount based on his/her length of employment. The dismissed employee will not receive any welfare or benefit]. She not only had to take care of a paralyzed husband and a young daughter, but also had to face cruel persecution. Her life was filled with hardship, as she had to deal with the loss of her personal freedom as well as being constantly monitored.
Female Dafa Practitioner's Arm and Leg Forced Inside Bags Containing Poisonous Snakes by Anlu City Public Security Bureau
2004-03-12When the Public Security Bureau once again came to my home to arrest me, even the old gatekeeper said, "What did she do? She did not even go out. Why did you take her away?" But they detained me at Anlu City Detention Centre. I protested vehemently against the persecution that I had suffered during the past few years. On March 4, I was sent home. But the director of the local 610 Office announced that if they catch me again, I would have to serve a prison term and that it did not matter if I died.
Dead After Long-term Detention and Torture: Mr. Chen Hanchang from Qidong City
2004-03-11While in detention, he suffered inhumane torture. He was forced to do long-term intense physical labour, such as carrying heavy rocks. He used to be a strong, healthy man, yet he was reduced to just skin and bones... Despite all the torture, Chen Hanchang was still determined in cultivation. He was then transferred to an out-of-town place where he continued to be tortured. When he was finally released at the end of November 2003, he was in a coma and could not speak.
In Memory of Practitioner Ms. Qi Fengqin
2004-03-11One of the inmates forced her to the ground, while another gave her a hard kick and cursed at her. That night, Qi Fengqin began to cough, spitting out blood and pus. It was quite a while before other Dafa practitioners were able to reach and inform a guard about her situation. A practitioner told the guard, "The force feeding tube has damaged Qi Fengqin's oesophagus and stomach. We need to send her to a hospital." But the guard just ignored the practitioner.
The Atrocities at Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp
2004-03-11I started practising Falun Gong in 1997, after which all my illnesses miraculously went away. When the persecution started, I clarified the truth to others about Falun Gong, and was arrested and illegally sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. I was imprisoned at Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp in Zhizhong. The following is my personal testimony of the brutalities I witnessed in the labour camp as well as my own personal experiences.
Crimes Committed by Liu Guansheng, Deputy Director of the Shanhaiguan Public Security Bureau in Qinhuangdao City
2004-03-11For more than four years now, Liu Guansheng has served Jiang's regime in persecuting kind and innocent Falun Gong practitioners in Shanhaiguan, and he detained many Qinhangdao City practitioners in his Shanhaiguan Detention Centre. According to incomplete statistics only accounting for the Shanhaiguan District, Qinhangdao City, between 170 and 180 practitioners were illegally detained, brutally tortured and interrogated under torture as a result of his direct and indirect instructions.
Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Eighteen Years in Prison for Truth-Clarifying TV Broadcast
2004-03-10Because he insists on living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and because he clarified the truth to the public, Mr. Wang Weiping has been detained on four occasions by the "610 Office." He was most recently detained after mid-August, 2002, when he was involved in broadcasting truth-clarification programming on TV. The broadcast was considered a major case by the police, and most practitioners who had participated were arrested.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhao Huiju on Brink of Death from Torture at Xinxiang Jail (Photos)
2004-03-10Zhao Huiju is fifty-two years old and is from the Xigaohuang Village, of Pingdingshan City. Due to repeated torture her physical condition has become very weak, and she was twice rejected admission to the Xinxiang Jail. However, on February 5, Lushan court ordered the Jail to admit her despite her poor health. Three days later, her family members were informed that she was on the brink of death. When her daughter carried the two-month-old baby to visit her and saw her tortured beyond recognition, she burst into tears. Zhao's eighty-year-old mother also cried sadly. Currently Zhao Huiju could die at anytime.
Experiences of Torture at the Gongzhuling City Police Department and Detention Centre
2004-03-10"...The two police grinned fiendishly and said, "Why do you practise Falun Gong? It's better to kill, to commit arson and to rape a woman than to practise Falun Gong." They lit a cigarette and put it under my nose until my head was engulfed in smoke. Tears gushed from my eyes and I couldn't breathe." [Note: Falun Gong practitioners do not drink alcohol or smoke. Police often try to force-feed practitioners alcohol or force cigarettes on them as means to degrade them and as a method of torture].
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chengdu City and Chongzhou City "610 Office"
2004-03-10In February 2003, the "610 Office" of Chengdu City and Chongzhou City in Sichuan Province arrested Falun Gong practitioners who were caught handing out Dafa truth-clarification materials in Chongzhou City. In the detention centre, arrested practitioner Ms. Huang Ying refused to comply with orders from a guard. The guard put a few electric wires together, and beat Ms. Huang with the wires and with a metal club, and kicked her. Huang Ying's face became swollen and she had many injuries over her whole body.
Over 20 Prisoners Encouraged to Gang Up and Beat a Practitioner to Death: Story of Ms. Zhu Yinfang from Chengdu City
2004-03-09Over 50 year old, Ms. Zhu Yinfang was sent to the 7th Middle Team in Zizhong City Women's Labour Camp on April 25, 2003. The guards then ordered inmates detained for drug abuse to tape her , and bind her hands and feet with handcuffs and shackles. The following day, police guards commanded over 20 prisoners under custody to torture this Falun Dafa practitioner from Chengdu City to death. The jail terms of those who beat the practitioner to death was extended for only half a day, while the jail terms of those who didn't participate was extended more.
More Information about the Torture Death of Shanghai Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Xinxing
2004-03-09In late 1999, Falun Dafa practitioner Ma Xinxing from Shanghai was detained in a mental hospital for three months. The police and doctors claimed that practitioners detained in the hospital were suffering from psychosis. They also attempted to have practitioners give up their belief, threatening to turn the practitioners crazy. One of the tactics they used was to force practitioners to take harmful drugs. If practitioners refused to take the drugs, the police and doctors oftentimes resorted to force-feeding.