Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioners Tortured in the Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2010-01-03The Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp is located in Fangqiang Town, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. Since March 2000, Falun Gong practitioners have been sent there and tortured. Practitioners have to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and are taken to the rice fields. The have to work all day, eat lunch in the fields and are not taken back until it is completely dark out. These practitioners are sweaty and dirty after a whole day's work, but only a few taps are available for all of them to wash and clean themselves. Then hundreds of them need to wait in line for dinner, but the camp provides very poor food.
Mr. Deng Chuanjiu Brutally Persecuted in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province
2010-01-03After the persecution of Falun Gong was launched by the Chinese Communist Party in 1999, Mr. Deng Chuanjiu went to Tiananmen Square in December to expose the crimes of the Party and again tell people the truth about Falun Gong and was arrested and detained by police. During his detention, Mr. Deng was brutally tortured by officers of the police station and township government. The abuse left him with bruises all over his body. Over the last ten years Mr. Deng has been often arrested and tortured for refusing to give up Falun Gong. On September 29th, 2009, he was arrested again. Police savagely beat Mr. Deng because he refused to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong].
Mr. Kang Li Persecuted in Guangyuan Prison, Sichuan Province
2010-01-03Mr. Kang Li was arrested in 2003 and sentenced to an eight-year prison term. He is detained at Guangyuan Prison. He has been tortured to the point of becoming emaciated and his mind has become unstable. He has been transferred to the prison hospital and doesn't recognise any of his family members. Guard Tian Yong has also confiscated a photo of his wife from him. Guards at Guanyuan Prison have been physically and mentally persecuting practitioners. They frequently torture practitioners using methods which include shocking practitioners with several electronic batons at the same time, beating practitioners when they are hung by their handcuffs for long periods of time, using their fists, feet or a club with spikes to beat practitioners.
After Being Imprisoned for Eight Years, Yu Lixin Is Sentenced to Another Four Years
2010-01-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Lixin had been sentenced to a forced labour camp. He was detained there for eight years. While in the forced labour camp, he was severely persecuted. He was not released until 2009. Recently he was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp again. In January 2001, Mr. Yu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and detained at the Wenling Detention Centre. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Zhu Sufang, Police force-fed him. They used sharp bamboo sticks to pry open his tightly clenched teeth. His mouth bled and his face became swollen. Then police fixed him on a wooden frame with his four limbs stretched wide open and then gave him injections of concentrated salt solution.
Police from Huludao City Plan to Prosecute Mr. Yu Haiyang as Part of Their Relentless Persecution
2010-01-02Over the past ten years, Mr. Yu Haiyang and his wife Ms. Li Fengchun have been arrested multiple times by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers and police. They have ransacked their home, detained them, sent them to forced labour camps, forced them to undergo brainwashing, and extorted money from them. This May, Mr. Yu Haiyang and Ms. Li Fengchun were arrested again. The police ransacked their home and detained them. After being released, Mr. Yu Haiyang went to see the police and asked for the return of their confiscated property. The police detained him again instead. As a result of this arrest, both Mr. Yu and his wife lost their jobs. Mr. Yu Haiyang has been detained for six months. The police station of Huludao City plans to prosecute him. Mr. Yu's family has hired attorneys to defend him.
Eight Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labour
2010-01-02On September 23rd, 2009, police officers from different townships, including those from the National Security Division of Lixian County Police Department and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), broke into the homes of 14 practitioners. They forced their way in by smashing or prying the doors open with crowbars, then proceeded to ransack the homes. Twelve practitioners were arrested, eight of whom were denied any legal defence and sent to forced labour camps within three days of their arrests. The judge even attempted to sentence one of the practitioners to a long sentence.
Ms. Wang Yan Is Dying Due to Persecution Suffered in Dalian City Detention Centre
2010-01-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yan developed symptoms of serious health problems when she was held at the Dalian Detention Centre. The Ganjingzi Police Station, Ganjingzi Prosecutor's Office, and Dalian Detention Centre were fully aware of her situation, but refused to take her to the hospital to be examined. As a result, her condition deteriorated and she became critically ill. They did not release her until her vital signs indicated that her life was in imminent danger. When her family members took her to the hospital, it was found that Ms. Wang had a 8-cm tumour in her belly and her condition was critical. Because they were so poor, however, her family had to take her home after two days. Officials still went to Ms. Wang's home to harass her.
Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-01-01Ms. Li Mengting, 45, was once detained for three years at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. She was arrested by police and sentenced to two years of forced labour for distributing Falun Gong fliers on a train and is detained at the Jinan City First Women's Forced Labour Camp. The guards tried to trick her into giving up her practice of Falun Gong. When that failed, they started beating her brutally and depriving her of sleep. When she went on a hunger strike to protest, the camp guards tied her on a "death bed" and left her there for over fifty days. They force-fed her with a tube fixed at the end of the bed. She was not released from the bed until she was on the verge of death and mentally deranged. She was coerced into writing a guarantee statement to give up practising Falun Gong.
Defence Attorneys Cite Illegal Police Actions in Court in Ji'an City, Jilin Province
2010-01-01On November 25th, 2009, the court of Jian City, Jilin Province held trials for three practitioners Mr. Feng Zhengde, Mr. Zhang Xuejie, and Ms. Zhao Hongli. During the first trial, the judge repeatedly ordered Mr. Zhang Chuanli to stop giving his statement for the defence. Mr. Zhang Chuanli refused and asserted that the judge's order was illegal. In the trials, the three attorneys cited illegal police actions such as: while arresting practitioners and searching their homes, officers did not wear uniforms, and did not show identification, arrest warrants, or search warrants; and confessions were extracted through torture.
Five Falun Gong Practitioners Detained for Months in Loudi City, Hunan Province
2010-01-01At least five Falun Gong practitioners were arrested a few months ago. The evidence submitted by the Louxing Domestic Security Bureau, all fabricated and flawed, has been returned by the Procuratorate. However, the Louxing Domestic Security Bureau officials have still refused to release these practitioners. Mr. Ouyang Zhong is a doctor specialising in Chinese herbal medicine. He has three children to raise, two of which are still in kindergarten, and his wife does not work. On the evening of July 15th, 2009 Louxing District police broke into his home, arrested him, and detained him since then.
Zhang Minghui Suffers Severe Torture at Jiamusi Prison
2010-01-01Mr. Zhang Minghui is a 38-year-old middle school teacher from Heilongjiang Province. Because he firmly believed in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, he was sentenced to seven years in prison and suffered severe torture at the hands of the guards and inmates at Jiamusi Prison. Division head Lao Baohua encouraged inmates Jiang Meiyu and others to torture Zhang Minghui and claimed, "Do whatever you want as long as you don't beat him to death."
Falun Gong Practitioner Xu Xianglan from Wuhan City Sentenced to Eight Years of Imprisonment
2009-12-31Falun Gong practitioner Xu Xianglan and her husband Wang Hansheng were arrested by the local police in July 1999. Later in January 2000, they were sentenced to eight and six years of imprisonment respectively. Their company, Shenshen Group Ltd, property was confiscated by the local authorities. Now that both of them have been released, they hope that the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong will be able to investigate their unjust abduction and sentencing.
An Elderly Man's Plea
2009-12-31Since July 20th, 1999, my wife, Luo Yuying, has been arrested and detained more than a dozen times because of her belief and her telling others about the benefits of practising Falun Gong. She was also sent to the forced labour camp twice, once for one-and-a-half years and another time for two years. My wife almost died in the forced labour camp after suffering all kinds of torture. I have colon cancer and rely on my wife to take care of me at home. Despite my illness, I went to the police station several times and begged for the release of my wife. Not only would they not release her, but they did not permit me to see her.
Ten-Year Old Girl Misses Her Mother, Who Was Arrested for Practising Falun Gong
2009-12-31On September 3rd, 2009: Ms. Luo Shimei was sentenced to three years in Longquanyi Women's Prison for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Since the Communist Party began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Luo Shimei has been arrested five times. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) incited her husband to hate Falun Gong and he divorced Luo Shimei. Ms. Luo was granted custody of their young daughter. On April 14th, 2009, Ms. Luo was arrested again. Her ten year old daughter has to survive with the support of relatives and other practitioners to pay rent and buy food. Luo Shimei's daughter is broken-hearted, as she has lost the care of both her father and mother.
Mr. Wei Kunfeng, an Outstanding Technician in a Chemical Fibre Factory in Pingdingshan City, Repeatedly Persecuted
2009-12-31Prior to the Beijing Olympics Games, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accelerated the persecution of Falun Gong in China. As a result, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wei Kunfeng was arrested in May 2008, and detained in prison. In March 2009, Mr. Wei was sentenced to four years in jail. During a previous incarceration in 2002, prison guards tricked Mr. Wei into drinking water that contained harmful and unknown ingredients. They also ordered other inmates to beat him and claimed, "Whoever hits him the hardest will have his prison term reduced." Because of the beating, Mr. Wei's body, face, and the surrounding hallway were stained with his blood. As a result, Mr. Wei lost consciousness and his heart stopped.