Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Exposing Crimes at the Lanzhou Women's Jail in Gansu Province

    On April 27th, 2006,, the ward incited two inmates to beat Dafa practitioner Ms. Lei Zhanxiang and deprived her of sleep for three days and nights. They also forced her to watch the brainwashing recordings. Ms. Lei's face became extremely swollen from the beatings, to the point of drooping down nearly to her shoulders. In addition, her eyes were very red. During a medical examination, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and a heart problem. In spite of this, the jail forced her to take several unknown medicines. As a result, her stomach ached severely.
  • Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution-Caused Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Yutong in Jilin Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Yutong died on November 6th, 2003, as a result of tortures he suffered at the Yinmahe Labour Camp. Li Yutong was arrested, sent to labour camp(s), and tortured many times for his belief in Dafa. It was learned that Li Yutong was force-fed a large quantity of a toxic fluid before his death. Therefore, he was murdered. The labour camp saw that he was dying and told the family to take him home. He was diagnosed with kidney failure and passed away. His daughter was still held at the labour camp at the time of his death, a few days' short of the expiration of her term. The labour camp officials nevertheless refused to let her see her father for the last time.
  • Malicious Police Break the Law and Abuse Human Rights

    On June 14th, 2006, Zhang Pengfei, an official with the Fengning County State Security Department 610 Office in Hebei Province, along with more than ten policemen from the Heishanzui County Police Station, broke into the home of Ms. Deng Guilan, a Beizhouying Falun Dafa practitioner. They confiscated her Falun Dafa books and leaflets exposing the persecution. They then invaded another practitioner's home in the same village and did the same thing.
  • Persecution Facts of a Farmer in Shandong Province

    From August to September of 2000, Mr. Sun was tortured when he was arrested for printing and delivering Falun Gong materials. In the Weibei Prison Factory, the political instructor forced Mr. Sun to sit on the ground with his hands backwards and his legs straight. Two guards stepped on Mr. Sun's legs, which caused his legs to be covered in dark bruises. They also forced Mr. Sun Zhitian to take part in line training. An inmate suddenly pushed him from behind many times, which caused Mr. Sun extreme pain in his legs. Guards also ordered the head of prisoners in the wool section to open the door and then forced Mr. Sun to stand by the door to freeze. This lasted over ten days.
  • A Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jiamusi City Recounts the Persecution She Suffered

    When I was in the forced labour camp, because I refused to renounce Dafa, I was handcuffed behind my back twice. Police used high voltage electric batons to shock me and at the same time beat and kicked me. They also pulled my hair. The brutal handcuffing behind my back torture severely injured my arms. It took over a year for my right arm to heal. My left arm was even more injured. In the evenings it hurt so much that I could not fall asleep or turn. I could only rely on the practitioner next to me to help me to turn over during the night.
  • The Persecution of 69-Year-Old Ms. Hui Ruiying

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Hui Ruiying, 69 years old, was arrested several times for appealing for Falun Dafa and speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa. She was arrested in September 2004 while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was taken to the Anqiu Detention Centre and held there for 27 days. While incarcerated, the police ransacked Ms. Hui's home. She was tortured at the detention centre until she suffered a heart attack. Agents from the 610 Office were afraid she might die. They extorted 10,000 yuan from her family before letting her go home.
  • Exposing the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Baotou Detention Centre

    Wardens at the Baotou Detention Centre of Inner Mongolia have brutally persecuted Dafa practitioners for a long time. The persecution methods include force feeding, handcuffing behind the back, tying practitioners’ hands and feet with steel chains so that they can hardly walk, thus making it extremely difficult to use the restroom, etc. Many Dafa practitioners were persecuted to the point of becoming disabled and couldn’t even take care of themselves in their daily lives.
  • Mr. Wang Xiaodong Was Unjustly Tried, His Mother Followed and Harassed

    It has been more than four months since Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong from Huadian City, Jilin Province was arrested at home while carrying water to his house. Because he would not confess to the police, they tortured him using methods that included force-feeding with petrol and a machine used to shake his head. The 610 Office planted fabricated evidence to take Mr. Wang Xiaodong to court, but the Huadian City Procuratorate rejected their requests three times for a lack of sufficient evidence. The 610 Office continued to collect so-called "criminal evidence" and after several delays the Procuratorate held a closed trial for Mr. Wang Xiaodong on July 6th.
  • Additional Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yunjie from Dalian City Died as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Wang Yunjie, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province, was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she was severely tormented by prison officials, who used all kinds of brutal methods to torture Wang Yunjie in hopes of "transforming" her. This caused her to develop symptoms of end-stage breast cancer. After a while, her breast started to fester and was horrible to look at. She died in mid-July, 2006.
  • More Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Tan Xueli Was Tortured to Death

    On July 25th, 2005, Dafa practitioner Tan Xueli was arrested by police. Four to five police officers into Mr. Tan's home and sent him to the Hechuan Detention Centre. Tan's wife visited him but could only see him through a glass partition. She found that he could not speak, so she wondered if he had been injured. On June 13th, 2006, Tan Xueli was transferred to Yongchuan Jail. At around 2 p.m. on June 19th, he was tortured to death. Wounds were visible all over his body.
  • Brutal Torture in Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I was sentenced to a 2-year term of forced labour and sent to Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province. A guard said, "Don't you want to practise? I will let you completely enjoy it. You have to enjoy it no matter what." She ordered collaborators to forcefully put my legs in the full lotus position and bind them with rope. They also twisted and tied my arms behind my back. It felt so painful that I could not help crying. They stuffed my mouth with a dirty rag and sealed my mouth with transparent tape. I was tortured in this way for two days. Then they forced me not to sleep for six days and nights. Yan Shuming beat me whenever my eyes closed. In this way, they did not allow me to sleep for six days straight.
  • Six More Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Xing Shuyuan was from Dalian City, Liaoning Province. After the persecution began, her two daughters were both arrested and detained, one sent to Dalian Forced Labour Camp and the other to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During her daughters' detention, the local police and residential committee staff also went to her home to harass her, demanding that she write statements guaranteeing to stop the practice of Falun Gong. Ms. Xing was devastated by such pressure. She passed away on August 15th, 2003, at the age of 70.
  • Shandong Province Women's Prison Put Harmful Medicine in Practitioner Meng Lijun's Food

    On July 5th, 2006, the family members of Dafa practitioner Meng Lijun went to Shandong Province Women's Prison to visit her once again. When Meng Lijun came out with the guards, her family members found that her body looked puffy and she seemed a little bit dull-witted. After conversing with her, her family members discovered that she could not remember things that had happened to her previously, and she even forgot what she said minutes after saying it. But she did tell her family members clearly: "They put harmful medicine in my food bowl."
  • Mudanjiang City Prison Guards Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioner Kong Xiangzhu to the Brink of Death

    On July 26th, 2006, the Mudanjiang City Prison authorities made two phone calls to the family members of Mr. Kong Xiangzhu, requesting that they pay to arrange medical treatment for Mr. Kong. He is presently thin and weak from abuse and torture, and is unconscious. The family members went to the hospital and one of them removed his quilt and saw that Kong Xiangzhu was naked and terribly thin, but was still shackled. Each rib was clearly visible. His weight was about 80 lbs. while he previously had weighed about 125 lbs. He was unconscious. No matter how loudly his family member called to him, he gave no response. They have persecuted a strong young man to the brink of death, but still will not release him.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Zuo Guoqing from Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    It has been verified that Zuo Guoqing died on October 27th 2003, as a result of a series of brutal persecutions in a forced labour camp. He was brutally tortured by Wang Yingzhou, who proclaimed himself as the reincarnation of a devil. In early October 2003, Zuo Guoqing overcame many difficulties to go back to his hometown. His lower limbs had oedema and his abdomen had dropsy. A hospital diagnosed that he had liver cirrhosis and liver ascites. He soon passed away.