Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Yu Shujin at Brink of Death From Cirrhosis As A Result of Torture at Shulan Detention Centre

    On June 25th 2004, police from Shulan City arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Shujin from Yongji County, Jilin Province. He was tortured until he developed liver cirrhosis and abdominal fluid retention after twenty days of detention. In December 2004, a Shulan City Court sentenced him to twelve years in prison and sent him to the Tiebei Prison in Changchun City for further persecution. He was at the brink of death.
  • Middle School Teacher and Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Fei Chongrun Beaten to Death; Police Do Not Conduct an Investigation

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Fei Chongrun spoke to a man about the persecution of Falun Dafa whilst in a shop. The shop owner turned him in to the police. The police arrived and quickly closed the shutters before beating Fei Chongrun to death. There are many injuries on different places on Fei Chongrun's body. Two of his front teeth are missing and one tooth is broken. His wounds show that Fei Chongrun sustained bodily injuries in the front and back, and on both the right and left sides. Fei Chongrun is survived by his three-month-old daughter, and his unemployed wife. Right now, the police are refusing to conduct an investigation.
  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Jiangsu Province, Tianjin City, Shandong Province and Liaoning Province Die Due to Persecution

    53-year-old Practitioner Mr. Wang Shihai was from Tianjin City. In June 2002, Mr. Wang's house was ransacked by police officers. He was taken to the police station, where he was yelled at, beaten, and starved. Mr. Wang was mentally traumatised and his blood pressure rose to over 200. Later Mr. Wang was detained for one month. After he returned home, police officers constantly went to his house to harass him. Mr. Wang's mind was severely disturbed and his health condition worsened. Finally he passed away in July 2005.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Tang Zhiqiang From Sichuan Province Passed Away Due to Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tang Zhiqiang changed from being a disabled person who could not take care of himself into a healthy and confident person after practising Falun Dafa. Because he persisted in his belief in Falun Dafa, the lawless Communist Party officials detained him, ransacked his home, and threatened and harassed him, which caused his health to deteriorate. On March 29th, 2004, the police arrested Tang Zhiqiang when he was making materials exposing the perscution. The police officers took turns beating, kicking and insulting him throughout the night. They sent Tang Zhiqiang to a detention centre and held him there for more than five months. Tang Zhiqiang passed away on December 9th, 2005 at the age of 40.
  • Torture Experiences of a Dafa Practitioner in Tangshan City

    Dafa practitioner Mr. Dang Aimin has been arrested, detained, sentenced to forced labour, subjected to brainwashing and brutally tortured several times since July 20th, 1999, merely because he believes in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. In a detention centre guards ordered criminal detainees to use three-inch-long needles to stab his body and face. He was stabbed over 100 times. He was bleeding badly, yet the guards kept asking, "Will you still practise Falun Gong? If so, we will keep stabbing you."
  • A Review of the Inhuman Persecution in Guangdong Province (Part 2)

    In December 2000, Ms. Tang Jinai went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was two months into her first pregnancy. Local police arrested her. When they realised she was pregnant police dragged her to a van. One of them said, "We are from the Family Planning Office in Zengcheng. We heard you are pregnant. We checked with the Family Planning Office and discovered that you did not apply for the right to get pregnant and you are not included in the quota for allowed pregnancies. They blatantly lied, "In Zengcheng one must be granted the right to be counted under the quota before becoming pregnant and getting a birth permit!" Then they took her to the Family Planning Office. Five to six males held her on the operating table for a forced abortion!
  • Five Dafa Practitioners in Liaoning Province, Heilongjiang Province, and Hebei Province Passed Away as a Result of Being Persecuted

    Mr. Cheng Jinsheng was a seventy-two-year-old practitioner. He and his wife, also a practitioner, were reported when they were handing out materials exposing the persecution in a supermarket. Police took Mr. Cheng to a detention centre and imprisoned him. He was forced to work for more than ten hours every day and had to sleep on a cold concrete floor. His health quickly deteriorated. When he came home he could no longer walk and had to rely on crutches. In May 2001 police came and took his wife away to a brainwashing session. Mr. Cheng was overcome with anxiety and was bedridden. His health continued to decline and he passed away on December 15th, 2004.
  • Three Falun Dafa Practitioners in Heilongjiang and Hebei Provinces Died under Persecution

    Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaohua, in her 40s, was a primary school teacher. On November 17th, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. She was severely injured from a beating sustained in custody, and her head swelled. Ms. Li was detained in the local detention centre and then later sentenced to forced labour at the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. She was rejected by the camp because she had high blood pressure sustained from torture. Ms. Li was detained in the detention centre until her relatives helped to get her released on medical parole. The 610 Office members and State Security Agents constantly harassed Ms. Li at her home until she died on January 2nd, 2002.
  • Heinous Crimes against Women Falun Gong Practitioners at the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner sentenced to forced labour. When I was sent to Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp I saw the words, "Rescue, Educate and Influence [through love and care]," the slogan the labour camp brandishes. While being held at Division 3, however, I experienced various tortures in this hell on earth! The guards use base and cruel methods to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners. The administrators of the labour camp don't hold back on their barbarism.
  • Five Falun Dafa Practitioners Died of Persecution in Sichuan and Jilin Provinces

    Mr. Liu Hejun, 73, was a retired teacher from Sichuan Province. Mr. Liu began Falun Dafa cultivation in August 1996. Less than one month after starting to practise all of his illnesses disappeared. Mr. Liu went to Beijing in December 2000 to appeal for Dafa and was detained for one month. Later, some vicious party members continuously went to his home to harass him and suspended his pension for several months. Mr. Liu passed away in the winter of 2002.
  • The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Tieling Forced Labour Camp

    A 610 Office member and several local police officers arrested Dafa practitioner Cui Shimin. Four policemen carried him away from his home in a police car and injured his back. Later on, he was sent to Tieling Forced Labour Camp. On November 5th, 2005, because Cui Shimin didn't report when his number was called, and Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhenguo stepped forward and urged the chief warden not to beat people, corrections officers beat them both. Officer Wang Guijun beat Liu Zhenguo, whose mouth was left bleeding. Mr. Liu's eyes were blackened, and his chest hurt badly.
  • Details of the Persecution Leading to the Death of 53-Year-Old Ms Wang Xiuqing in Jilin Province

    During the past six years, the Chinese Communist Party has brutally persecuted Falun Gong. Ms. Wang Xiuqing is one of the millions of practitioners affected by this persecution. She has been arrested four times, subjected to brainwashing twice, and detained in the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun once. The long-term persecution affected Ms. Wang physically and psychologically, and it took her life on November 3rd, 2005.
  • A Review of the Inhuman Persecution in Guangdong Province (Part 1)

    Because she is firm in her belief in Falun Gong, police arrested 40-year-old Ms. Han Yuejuan in June 2001. She was held in a detention centre for two years. She was not allowed family visits nor given representation by a lawyer. Han Yuejuan was then sentenced to six years in prison. During the court proceedings, Ms. Han was asked about her understanding of Falun Dafa. Ms. Han said, "Falun Dafa is good," firmly and with a strong voice three times. Therefore, the judge from Guangzhou court extended her prison term another three years above the original three-year sentence.
  • The Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in the 7th Ward at the Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province During the Summer of 2005

    The guards of the 7th ward in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison cruelly persecute Falun Gong practitioners using all kinds of tactics. The criminal inmates, encouraged by the guards, also torture practitioners at will. Criminal inmate Yu Chunling at one time used a cotton-padded jacket to virtually suffocate practitioner Ms. Fu Guichun until she lost consciousness. The prison guard present did not say anything. Falun Gong practitioners in the prison had no guarantee for their personal safety. The following are the crimes against practitioners committed by the guards of the 7th ward in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison in the summer of 2005.
  • Torture Methods Used at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp Part 4 (Re-enactment Photos)

    This photo shows the re-enactment of a vicious torture method whereby the Falun Gong practitioner is injected with unknown drugs. Guards and prison doctors use very thick needles to inject the drugs. After 10-20 minutes, the practitioner will vomit and suffer severe diarrhoea, extreme thirst, and loss of consciousness.