Other News, Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Former Buddhist Abbot Sent to Forced Labour Camp for Practising Falun Gong

    Officials of the "610 Office" of Weishan County, the local police department, the Bureau of Religion and the Buddhist Association [which is controlled by the Party] have been persecuting Zuo Shiguang, the former abbot of the Babaoshan Temple in Weishan County, Dali Bai Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.Zuo Shiguang declared to the perpetrators that Falun Dafa is a righteous, high-level cultivation practise within the Buddha school, and that he would keep practising without wavering.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Dewei from Shenyang City Dies after Torture

    Nearly 60 practitioners are currently being held at the Huazi Prison in Liaoyang. In February 2004, the prison authorities demanded that Division Three, which specialises in the detention of Falun Gong practitioners, turn a 60,000 Yuan profit at the end of the year. As a result, the practitioners were forced into slave labour. 42-year-old practitioner Liu Shiwei refused to work and was detained in solitary confinement. His hands and feet were cuffed together and he was forced to stay in a foetal position for a week.
  • Statement by Father of Wang Xiufen, a Foreign Language Instructor from Jilin City, Tortured to Death for Practising Falun Gong

    "My daughter, from childhood to adulthood, never did anything wrong. In front of her parents she was always loyal and respectful. A person this good, just because she wanted to tell the truth, was brutally beaten to death. If you can't even be a good person, is there any fairness left in this world? This is all the work of Jiang Zemin. More than ten days after Xiufen passed away, my son finally gathered himself and notified my wife and me of her death. The only thing we could do was cry."
  • Torture Method Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: Hung up with Both Hands Cuffed behind the Back

    The police officers handcuff the Falun Dafa practitioner's hands behind the back and attach a piece of rope to the metal chain connecting the handcuffs. Two police officers then hold the practitioner and use the rope to hang him up onto an iron pipe that is 3 meters off the ground. Thus the practitioner is hung up in the air so that his feet are lifted off the ground, and all his weight is on his shoulders, arms and wrists.
  • Torture Methods Used by Police in Tiananmen Police Station and Heizuizi Labour Camp

    " One of them pulled me up to stand straight and another brutally beat my head with a wooden baton eight times. He walked behind me and kicked my knees from behind. I fell down on the ceramic floor, with my forehead hitting the floor first. My head was in great pain. The policeman cursed at me and yelled at me to stand up immediately."
  • An Appeal to Conscience on Universal Children's Day

    In China, a great number of children have encountered discrimination and threats because their parents practise Falun Gong. Many have lost their parents and other relatives, as well as the opportunity to continue their studies. Some of them have been illegally imprisoned and beaten, some have been forced to become homeless, and some have even been tortured to death.
  • Does Hu Jintao have the Courage to Stop the Malicious Persecution?

    The Shenyang City Department of Justice issued a "Most Wanted" poster, describing Ms. Gao as "relatively thin, weighing only eighty-eight pounds, with obvious scars on the left side of her face, and cannot walk by herself." This poster proves that Ms. Gao only "weighs eighty-eight pounds," and "cannot walk" due to the torture she was subjected to.
  • Zhang Chuanyan, a Practitioner from Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province, Died in September 2004 As a Result of the Persecution

    After the persecution of Falun Dafa began, Zhang Chuanyan appealed to the government in Beijing. She was arrested and illegally detained in Qingyuan Detention Centre and Fushun Forced Labour Camp for several months. Her body and mind were seriously affected by the inhumane torture she was subjected to. She was eventually released after her family members strongly requested her release to treat her illness. At home, Ms. Zhang continued to be harassed by government officials and community staff day and night.
  • Distraught Teen-Aged Daughter Attempts Suicide After the Murder of her Innocent Mother

    Ms. Li Qingqing, 13 years old, is a student in the Jiangjin Heping Middle School. She lives in the Ninth Section of Zhouwu Village, Luohuang Town, Jiangjin City in Chongqing. Qingqing became an orphan when she was only nine years old. Her father died of illness in 2000, and her mother died as the result of persecution in 2001 for practising Falun Gong. Li Qingqing lost not only the love of her mother but the warmth of her family. She has had to live in her uncle's home and often cries for her mother.
  • Tian Ling of Wuhan City Is Imprisoned in Xiaogan No. 1 Detention Centre, Her Three-year-old Daughter Has Not Seen Her in Two Years

    Several months after sentencing, Tian Ling was allowed to go home, but only under surveillance, as she had just had the baby. When their daughter Tiantian was only one year old, the Public Security Bureau threatened to take Tian Ling into custody. Tian Ling was forced to leave home to avoid persecution. The baby is being looked after by Tian Ling's mother.
  • Zhang Xingye, Practitioner in Daqing City, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison after Intense Torture

    On July 13th, 2001, Zhang was arrested for making Falun Dafa information materials, and the Saertu police sentenced him to three years of forced labour. He was abused and tormented until he almost died and then was released on bail for medical treatment. Later Zhang Xingye went into exile to avoid further persecution. On April 19th, 2002, Daqing City Police Department enforcers again detained him "for administrative purposes." He was tortured and beaten until he spat blood and had difficultly walking.
  • Account of the Crimes Committed by Personnel at the Guxian Police Station in Pingdu City, Shandong Province

    The police, disregarding the fact that Wang Xiyu's husband was paralysed and bedridden and had nobody but his wife to attend to his needs, cruelly sentenced Ms. Wang to five years of imprisonment. This seriously aggravated her husband's condition and he eventually died, with bitterness in his heart. Her daughter had nobody to care for her and others humiliated and mistreated her, so she left her hometown. A contented and happy family was thus destroyed.
  • Propagandists in China under Investigation; Chinese Social Science Academy at the Top of the List

    According to human rights organisations, it is confirmed through investigation that the Chinese Social Science Academy and its branches have established organisations and institutions specialised in studying the ideology to be used in the anti-Falun Gong movement. Those organisations have used their power under the guise of academic research to slander Falun Gong, instigate hatred towards it, and implement tactics to persecute it. They are also suspected of having influenced other authorities to use mental hospitals to torture Falun Gong practitioners with nerve-damaging drugs.
  • Practitioner Cheng Fengxiang Near Death After Being Secretly Sentenced to 11 Years for Broadcasting the Truth About Falun Dafa on Chinese TV

    The Qiaoxi Courthouse in Xingtai City, Hebei Province secretly sentenced Falun Dafa Practitioner Cheng Fengxiang from Hebei Province to eleven years in prison for his role in helping broadcast the truth about Falun Dafa on Chinese television. In protest, Cheng Fengxiang started a hunger strike, which has continued for over 150 days. With serious dehydration and an inability to absorb the force-fed food, he is now on the verge of death.
  • Practitioner Liu Yan from Inner Mongolia Dies as a Result of Severe Physical and Mental Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Yan from Inner Mongolia was 55 years old. She was formerly employed at a branch of the Industry and Commerce Bank in Dayangshu Town, Elunchun Qi, Inner Mongolia, but was forced to retire and buy out her retirement entitlement. She was subjected to illegal arrests and harassment and suffered severe physical and mental torment during her detention. She was released after being fined 5,000 yuan.and died on October 25th, 2004, as a result of such persecution.