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The Most Important Things in Life
2008-12-20The next day I went to Tienanmen Square and saw a group of people. A middle-aged man was selling communist flags. After explaining to him that selling those flags would bring him bad luck, he stopped. Furthermore, he agreed to do the three withdrawals. More than ten other people followed his lead and quit the CCP and its youth organizations. I tore up the flags and threw them into the trash can.
Cultivating Myself in the Process of Validating the Fa
2008-12-19As soon as I started to practice Falun Dafa, I immediately relinquished my attachments to fame, material interests, and sentimentality. I guided my life with the Fa principles and felt content. When I eliminated my attachment to my son's academic performance, he got accepted by a top-notch middle school. I was also unexpectedly assigned a very nice apartment unit when I had not cared about getting one. Master gives us the best arrangements as long as we carry ourselves as true cultivators.
My Understanding of Some Issues Related to Practicing the Exercises
2008-12-19Finally, I suggest that practitioners study The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa on a regular basis and carefully learn and understand each and every movement that Master has taught us. This is extremely precious. Let's remind each other that we should cherish this special historic time during which Master has personally taught us the exercises. In the future, there will never again be such an opportunity. This is a blessing for us and it is also a glory that will never occur again.
The Cultivation Experience of a New Practitioner
2008-12-18When we arrived at the beach with posters, a French man was there waiting for us. We knew he was arranged by Master to learn about Dafa. As we displayed our posters, he helped out as if he were one of us. My husband and I told him about Dafa and the facts of the persecution. He showed a strong interest in Dafa and looked at Master's exercise photos for a long time. He learned all five sets of exercises. Before he left, we gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun in French and Master's exercise demonstration DVD.
The Joy of Cultivation Is Boundless Only When I Truly Cultivate Myself
2008-12-18Next, we arrived at another household that happened to have a guest from out of town. Because of Teacher's reinforcement and our heartfelt compassion and kindness for these sentient beings, they agreed that Falun Gong was good. However, they didn't agree to quit the CCP or its affiliated organizations. My team mate and I were both pretty sad, so sad that tears welled up in our eyes. They were touched by our sincerity, so the entire family and their guest agreed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Saving Sentient Beings with Compassion
2008-12-17I told them to hurry up and quit the CCP to guarantee safety and a bright future. “I can help you quit with alias or nicknames or whatever.” The lady who was giving out leaflets returned to ask me, “What did you say to quit?” I said, “Quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I can help you to pick a name. Would you quit?” She said yes. Later I asked one by one. Everyone including the guide renounced the CCP. Like registering, some thirty people quit the CCP.
Continue diligently
2008-12-17I still have various, big attachments with regards to collecting signatures and clarifying the truth. But I am very happy to be able to save that many sentient beings. Everyday I carry signature forms and truth leaflets in my suitcase from home to office. When I collect signatures, I will take the opportunity to ask them come to practice in the park. Pretty much everyday I spend like this. Every time I sit in front of the computer, it would be for a Dafa project.
Unconditional cooperation
2008-12-16I believe then and still do that this story came back to me that day as a reminder. We are most honoured and fortunate beings. This time we have got another chance to really prove that Dafa practitioners can indeed cooperate unconditionally and think and move like one body. Which part any one of us play is not important as long as we ourselves understand that we all are needed.
Firm belief in Master and the Fa is the path to overcome all difficulties
2008-12-16We started to explain to the consultant that in fact this performance has the power to clear the dirt from people’s minds by pure beauty, obtained from dancers, because they practice Falun Dafa. He suddenly couldn’t find any arguments against us, because we were saying the truth, from the bottom of our hearts. Therefore, we understood that this is the right approach to use.
The Experience of Clarifying the Truth to Chinese Workers at the Pearl City of Baltic Sea Workplace
2008-12-15But when Chinese workers took the materials from me, these two people shouted at them. One of them even rushed up to a worker, grabbed a set of truth clarifying materials and threw on to the floor. But, the worker crouched and picked up the material, brushed the dust off and then put them in his pocket. In the meantime, all the other Chinese workers who went through the gate all took the materials. Those Chinese people so cherished the truth clarifying materials; they didn’t even listen to the two supervisors
Explaining the persecution outside the Chinese embassy in Moscow
2008-12-15All of us are Dafa Disciples during the Fa Rectification period, we study the Fa and Teacher's lectures daily and we all understand our mission and responsibility. It would seem that nothing can be more important at this moment than to rescue sentient beings, however how difficult it is to be always in a righteous state of mind, to have an unconditional readiness to go and save worldly people at any time of the day.
Caltivation of a new practitioner
2008-12-14To talk to people with high position (VIP) is something that can make me very scared if I go along with the old forces that try to stop me. The fear makes my stomach and lungs draw together, indicating that it is a deeply rooted attachment. When there was a need for practitioners to help in clarifying the facts to these MPs, I didn’t think of myself, but used this as a great opportunity to get rid of my fear.
How I was saved and found my way home
2008-12-14When I knew what cultivation was about and had a basic understanding of Fa principles, I started to function in society. Slowly I renewed my acquaintances and got a job. I started to do the exercises and made Fa study a priority. The more I studied the Fa the deeper my understanding became. I saw that the things that people do in society have no real meaning and we are living in the reality based on illusion. I realised that the true goal of being a human is the return to one's true self through cultivation.
From the Illusion of "Modern Independent Lifestyle" to Truth-Compassion-Forbearance
2008-12-13In another class one student asked, "Teacher, what is 'Falun Dafa Hao?' You told the other class about this but we want to know, too." This was a clear reminder to me that I must make sure to clarify the truth to every single class I teach, no exceptions, because they all came here for the Fa. They were literally asking me to tell them! The entire class immediately quieted down and payed close attention. They said they would like to wear T-shirts that say "Falun Dafa Hao."
Upgrading Myself in Eutelsat Incident
2008-12-13I asked myself: " The signal of NTD TV has not been connected yet, the evil is still acting violently, but have you already retreated? Don’t you really have enough money to buy a train ticket to Paris? Can’t you leave the Dafa work here which isn't so urgent? Will my husband really stop you from going there? ”