Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • From Despair to Hope

    His children then smiled and said, "It was, after all, more effective to take medicine." The practitioner told his children with a smile, "All the pills are in my pocket, I didn't take even one single pill." He then took out all the pills that he was supposed to have taken during the fourteen days and showed them to his children. All his children were finally convinced about the goodness of Falun Gong. They said, "Falun Gong is really miraculous! Father, you can go ahead and practice well.
  • Miraculous Things Happen When You Look Inward

    Is my kindness selective and conditional? If I like you, then I am compassionate. If I don't like you, then I am not compassionate? Isn't this a manifestation of selfishness? I suddenly came to realise that my son's behaviour is a mirror of myself.
  • Treasure your Cultivation Environment

    Right then, I suddenly saw my husband walking towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes. My husband drove all the way from San Francisco to Los Angeles! It must have taken him a minimum of six to seven hours of driving. How would he know that I would be in front of the Consulate? Why did he come? Would he force me to go back? I must not go back, because tomorrow was the Conference. Would he make a scene? All sorts of thoughts flashed through my mind.
  • Saying Goodbye to Insomnia

    On average, I got an hour of sleep per night. Every night as it came close to bed time I would start to feel anxious. I tried hard to sleep but I could never drop-off. This insomnia tormented me, and each day felt like a year. I went to many hospitals for treatment but to no avail. I took different sleeping pills and exercised more, but nothing worked. I almost lost the confidence to continue living.
  • Plaintiff's Open Letter to the People of Australia

    My name is Pan Yu; I am responsible for the suing of former Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai for acts of torture upon myself. As Bo failed to provide a defence for the case, on the 5th of November, 2007 the New South Wales Supreme Court in Sydney issued a default judgement in my favour. The court ruled that I had won the case, and that I could claim compensation against Bo for the injuries inflicted upon my person.
  • "You Must Be a Falun Gong Practitioner"

    When I arrived at the store, the salesclerk asked me what I wanted to buy. I replied, "I've come to return your tape." The clerk immediately asked, "You are a Falun Gong practitioner, aren't you?" Been quite shocked I asked her how she knew. She said, "Except for Falun Gong practitioners, no one else would take the effort to return something." We both started to laugh.
  • Late Stage Stomach Cancer Disappears

    My name is Yang Zhen and I'm 51 years old. In April 2002, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer and in need of immediate surgery. However the operation had hardly begun when the surgeon refused to continue. I learned about this only after I woke up. The specialist said that I would not live for more than three months.
  • Two Telemarketing Calls Illustrate a Change in Public Opinion

    the lady said, "I studied Arts and am quite familiar with the history of China. The CCP has grown to be so frenzied, losing its conscience. Its fate is to perish and nothing else. After Jiang Zemin (former head of the Party) stepped down, his faction wanted to maintain its evil governing role. Hu and Wen dared not redress Falun Gong; otherwise, if the people of China came to know the truth about the persecution, the CCP wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
  • Amazing Health Benefits from Practising Falun Gong

    In May of 2007, my father went to work in another town and learned about Falun Dafa. He was told that many people who had cancer before were miraculously cured after they began the practice. My father brought me a copy of Zhuan Falun and some Falun Dafa related leaflets. After reading the book and the leaflets that explained the truth about Falun Dafa, I felt relieved, and my outlook immediately changed for the better, as if I'd found a light in the deep darkness.
  • Attending Falun Gong Lectures in China, 1994

    Teacher always arrived at the auditorium early and after the lecture, Teacher would patiently answer practitioners' questions. I saw that Teacher was very nice and pleasant, dressed in a white shirt. He never wasted time talking about useless things. Without a single introductory sentence he would say, "Now let's begin."
  • Letting Go of Human Attachments and Self-Validation

    Although I kept reminding myself of these things, I couldn't help feeling good about myself and held myself in high regard for my understanding of the Fa. I didn't realize that the thought was not from my true nature, and as I didn't eliminate it right away, it gradually grew into an attachment to self.
  • The Epoch Times: CBC Airs Falun Gong Documentary With Edits

    Ansley says he regrets the CBC "took things out that would have added to the film," including his quote comparing the Beijing Olympics to Hitler's 1936 Berlin Games. "That particular quotation was innocuous really except that it was one of the most upsetting things to Beijing because it dealt with the Olympics."
  • Prostate and Bone Cancer Disappear when 80-Year-Old Begins to Practise Falun Gong

    My father is 80 years old and used to suffer from both both prostate and bone cancer. The doctors diagnosed him as terminal and his cancer spread. They said that my father could live three months at most. Those patients experiencing bone cancer usually live the rest of their lives in excruciating pain. Seeing the pain on my father's face, I knew that only Falun Dafa could help him.
  • Looking Inward Should be our First Action

    I have noticed that whenever I feel uneasy or angry because of another practitioner's behaviour, I have always started venting at them, resulting in a heated and negative outcome. I can now see that this is all caused by my attachments and notions.
  • From a Diagnosis of Late Stage Colon Cancer to Excellent Health

    Before he practised Falun Gong, my husband often couldn't sleep well and was in pain every day. He could have a blockage in his intestines at any time and was in great discomfort. Since the very first day he started to practise Falun Gong, miracles occurred. He could sleep well, his bones no longer hurt, and his intestines were no longer blocked.