Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Washington Post: Yahoo says it gave China data used to convict reporter (Excerpt)

    Yahoo's role in the imprisonment of a journalist is the latest in a string of controversies surrounding the activities of global technology companies in China and their assistance to the state security apparatus. Many of the foreign technology powers that market themselves as forces for the free flow of information in other countries have made accommodations with an often repressive Communist Party government as they pursue business opportunities in a land of seemingly limitless potential.
  • A Young Practitioner's Cultivation Experience: Through Wind and Rain, Assisting Master in Fa-rectification

    Immediately following the start of the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th my parents were placed under surveillance after appealing to the provincial government. Our phones were tapped, the local police frequently came to our house and harassed us, and my father was sometimes followed and tracked. Those elderly men and women whom we knew very well were afraid to greet us on the street. Terror was everywhere.
  • A Discussion on "Marriage" - Part 2

    Ancient Chinese people believed that "marriage" was a combination of morality and obligation including "grace, obligation, affection and love." Marriage is a lifelong contract in which the husband and wife put their trust in each other. Ancient Chinese people claimed that the husband was obligated to show "grace, affection, and morality," while the wife should demonstrate virtues such as "propriety in behaviour, speech, demeanour and employment."
  • Minor Details Are Also Important

    We were bestowed with such a heavy responsibility. Then won't our actions and demeanour be imitated by people in the future? Although we may view this as a minor detail, it is in fact closely related to the future of mankind. This is not something minor. Master said in the article "Sage" that "he is full of great aspirations while minding minor details". I understand that he is actually telling us the characteristics a cultivator should possess. Therefore cultivators should be strict with themselves in their demeanour and actions, including details that are considered to be minor by others.
  • A Discussion on Marriage - Part 1

    Ancient people believed that marriage was predestined. There is a Chinese saying, "It takes a hundred reincarnations to bring two persons to ride in the same boat; it takes a thousand years to bring two persons to share the same pillow." It demonstrates how precious the predestined relationship between husband and wife is. In a vast human world, two persons who do not know each other originally are able to join together through their predestined relationship.
  • My Experience Participating in a Fine Art Exhibit in Philadelphia

    Being a docent was a new challenge for me, because I knew nothing about traditional Chinese painting and I was going to have to talk about the ideas, the spirit, and the painting skills of these traditional Chinese paintings to Americans. But in order to allow more people to learn about Falun Dafa and the persecution, this challenge was no reason to feel intimidated or to walk away. Moreover, I believed that the wisdom gained from Falun Dafa would allow me to fulfil this responsibility.
  • Ancient Cultivation Stories: Transferring Illness--Cultivation Story of Buddha Milarepa

    Master Milarepa said, "Since you insist on it, I will transfer half of the illness to you. If I transfer all of it to you, you definitely cannot withstand it!" Then he transferred half of the illness to Caopu. Caopu immediately suffered from great pain and he nearly fainted. He could not even tremble or breathe. When he nearly died, Master Milarepa took back most of the illness and asked him, "How do you feel after I transferred less than half of the illness to you? Can you withstand it?"
  • How I Started to Practise Falun Dafa

    The basic teaching of Falun Dafa is simple: Keep upgrading myself by living in accordance of the universal characteristics of Zhen Shan Ren, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance which Falun Dafa teaches are the true characteristics of the entire universe and of every human being. Don't fight with others. View others through the eyes of kindness and compassion. Diminish your attachments. Work hard but don't compete and stress for personal interest. Accept and understand others for who they are and look within to cultivate myself and live a peaceful life.
  • Carefully Listen to Words of Kindness; Exercise Prudence When Choosing Your Future

    As for other government officials, Chinese Communsit Party members and the general public, Falun Gong practitioners have made unimaginable sacrifices, sometimes at the cost of their own lives, to clarify the truth about the practice and the persecution to these people who are also victims of this cruel persecution. Their actions reflect the magnificence of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and the immense compassion of the cultivators.
  • After Sincerely Reciting "Falun Dafa Is Good" I Recovered from the Brink of Death with Hepatitis

    I was hospitalised in Northern Sichuan Medical College in Nanchong City for a week, but my condition continued to deteriorate. I was transferred to the local hospital for more than a month, as my health became steadily worse. All the skin on my body turned yellow, and my eyes were yellow and shiny. My whole body was itching and in pain. I couldn't hold down any food. My husband asked the doctor what we should do. The doctor said, "Fewer than one in ten patients with liver necrosis like her survive!"
  • Incidences of Karmic Retribution Befall the Persecutors of Falun Gong

    Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by former president Jiang Zemin and his followers, they were pushed into persecuting those who practise Falun Dafa. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.
  • Reborn

    One time I carried sandbags to the sixth floor. It took me less than a half hour to bring up eight sandbags, each weighing 110 pounds. The customer was very surprised and said, "You're so skinny. How can you do that?" I said, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner." I told him about my health situation before I started practising and showed him the scars from my surgeries. I told him how I'd sold the house to cure my sickness, but it hadn't worked. Then I told him how I was cured after practising Falun Gong for a month. Falun Gong gave me a second life. He said that Falun Gong was miraculous.
  • How the Pills and Injections Forced on Me in Detention Had No Effect

    They held me down and gave me the injection and the medications by force. The drugs were discharged from my body almost immediately via sweat and urine. They were discharged via all kinds of channels including my feet and palms. I did not feel any discomfort. Seven or eight people tortured me for a week. They forcibly administered drugs by injection and by force-feeding me pills every day. Having seen that the drugs had no effect on me, they said that I had strong resistance to the medication, so they increased the dosage every day.
  • Indian Practitioner: Falun Dafa Changed My Life and Allowed Me to Become a PhD Student in a Renowned U.S. University

    From a sick, weak and timid individual tired of life just before I started to practise Falun Gong, my life has completely changed. I am now illness-free, healthier, more confident in myself, hard working and honest - and a PhD student in a top university.
  • Spreading the Nine Commentaries in the Conference on "Preserving the Advanced Nature" Movement

    The hired political instructor saw that people were either sleeping or napping, and felt that his work was pointless. He then said, "What is our country doing, who cares about 'preserving the advanced nature'? Let's talk about the persecution of Falun Gong. That's Jiang's wrongdoing. But now he doesn't know how to stop it. There's a book called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and it's the truth. I have a copy. If I have it with me today I'll read it to you guys." Then the employees started paying attention to him.