Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • People Who Know the Truth in China Protest the Persecution and Warn Practitioners

    With the persecution taking place against Falun Gong practitioners in China a local officer from Jianli County in Hubei Province was harassing a practitioner. The officer went to a village official and ordered him to take him to the practitioner's home. The official, however, already knew the facts and said to the officer, "The Falun Gong practitioners in our villages are all good people. They have done nothing bad. If they do anything bad, you can send me to jail."
  • The Olympics Can't Cover Up the Chinese Communist Party's Genocide

    The Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister, Yang Jiehu, claimed, "A handful of people are trying to politicise the Olympic Games." In response to this, the former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) for Canada David Kilgour said, "The games have been politicised by the government of China. I think some of you are aware of the bulletin that went out saying who would be allowed to go to China to see the games, how they'd be treated, and who would not be allowed. That bulletin is now a public document which is on a number of websites. It is contrary to the Olympic spirit."
  • The Hearts in Mainland China Are Changing

    Suddenly, three policemen and a community official came in. At that time, the practitioners did not let this move their hearts as they did not wish to acknowledge the persecution. The policemen looked around and said nothing. Then they asked the host to come out and told him, "We know how it is. For your safety, you must ask the others to leave. If the director comes later, things will get complicated." Then they all left.
  • Times Union (New York): State Legislators Learn That Falun Gong Practitioners Are Being Killed for Transplants

    On June 5th, 2007, a forum entitled "Exposing Organ Harvesting in China" was held at the New York State Capitol in Albany, New York. Assemblyman Jack McEneny listened to speeches given by Falun Gong practitioners, David Kilgour, and others. He said that we need to do everything we can to correct this incredible abuse of human rights.
  • After Attending the Falun Gong Classes, I Walked Like the Wind and My Body Felt as Light as Air

    After the ten lectures, I walked like the wind, and my whole body felt light. My heels couldn't reach the ground when I walked. It was like someone was pushing me on. When I did housework I didn't feel tired at all. I felt I had tireless strength. I was two different people before and after I attended the classes.
  • My Husband's Lung Tumors Disappeared After Just Three Months of Cultivation

    Three months into his cultivation, I accompanied him to the hospital in Beijing to have an examination. After the X-ray, the doctor compared the new film with the original and was astonished, saying "It is truly peculiar. The tumours are all gone!?" For confirmation, we went to first hospital and took another X-ray. The result from the doctor was the same: "The tumours are gone. The lungs are normal!"
  • More and More People Learn the Truth

    Recently, two directors of a local police station in this county announced that they have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) organisations. One of the directors asked for a copy of Zhuan Falun and relevant materials from the practitioners because he was thinking of learning the Falun Gong practice. Another policeman who had previously been a group head also announced his withdrawal from the CCP's organisations.
  • Watching the Final Days of the Chinese Communist Party Through Recent Persecution of Falun Gong

    In the afternoon of March 19th, 2007, the Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Public Security held a meeting with direct subordinates present, where Zhou Yongkang gave further direction concerning the suppression of Falun Gong. Immediately after, a new round of persecution of practitioners throughout China ensued. This is a clear indication that the Party's final days are on the horizon.
  • Middle School Student Expresses Admiration for Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in High School Entrance Exam

    In modern China, officials collude with businessmen; politicians and bandits integrate into one body; people do things wilfully and selfishly; science brings about negative influences; morals degenerate rapidly. Do we really think that such a society is good? Actually, in comparison, spiritual civilisation is more important, and it is the most precious possession of a state.
  • The Epoch Times: Organ Harvesting Surgeon Identified --Chinese Man from Shenyang Identifies an Organ Trade Doctor at Sujiatun Hospital

    It has been over a year since the first witness, Peter came forward and revealed Sujiatun Hospital as one of the many hospitals in China that harvest and trade organs from living Falun Gong adherents. Shortly afterwards, an organ trade surgeon's ex-wife, Annie, and a military doctor in Shenyang revealed more appalling details, revealing that this hideous crime is a nationwide state directive.
  • On Trust

    The businessman continued, "If everyone practiced Falun Gong, the saying, 'No need to lock the doors at night, and no one picks up what is lost on the ground' would become a reality. Society would become good."
  • The Confession of a Security Chief

    Here I want to express my heartfelt thanks, especially to the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li Hongzhi and also to my fellow Falun Dafa practitioners. The following is my account of how I was awakened in the hope that it will help others to see the truth.
  • A Danish Senior's Predestined Relationship With Falun Dafa

    "My mother was unable to give me an answer about my experience. I had to wait 65 years, until one day in 1998 I read the book Zhuan Falun. I suddenly felt that Master understands and knows everything."
  • Transplant Doctor's Suicide Is Another Piece of Evidence Pointing to the Crime of Live Organ Harvesting

    Annie noticed that her ex-husband exhibited troubled and confused behaviour, starting in 2003. When he watched TV he would hold a cushion and would not notice if she turned the TV off. He had frequent nightmares and he would sweat so much that the mark of a human figure would be left on the bed sheet. Even after he stopped participating in the organ harvesting crimes, his mental state was abnormal due to a guilty conscience.
  • This Is My Family's True Story

    He finally thought of Zhuan Falun when he could no longer eat or drink. Once he started reading the book, he felt a cool waft of air in his throat, and the more he read the better he felt. It was so miraculous. My father's illnesses, which were present for 30 some years and had cost a lot of money for treatments, were all healed. My parents also started to practise having witnessed the events.