Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • The CCP Covertly Pushes a One-Hundred-Day "Strike Hard Movement" to Block the Spreading of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

    The CCP's so-called "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement" is nothing more than an act of desperation prior to its own demise. Even among the CCP members, how many are there who still believe in the CCP? I also heard a person working at a low-level office, who upon hearing about the "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement," sighed to himself, "[They are] indeed rogues. Rogues."
  • After Eliminating the Communist Evil Spectre, My Father Recovered from his Diseases

    My father witnessed that those people who had their own thoughts were labelled as "right wing" traitors and persecuted. Many of them died of hunger or exhaustion and were carelessly buried. Some people were buried purposely with their heads or feet left sticking out of the ground. My father witnessed how brutally the Party tortured and killed people, so he was very scared of the Party. He felt that it was a big favour that the Party would allow him to survive. Thus, though my father was not a Communist Party member, he still followed whatever the Party said.
  • Half a Month After Starting to Practise Falun Dafa, the Tumour in My Uterus Disappeared

    In 1994, only half a month after starting to practise Falun Dafa, Teacher purified my body. The tumour in my uterus disappeared and I fully recovered. My cervical vertebra disease also disappeared. I could finally feel my hands and legs. At that time I truly understood the happiness of having a healthy body. I am grateful to the founder of Falun Dafa, Teacher Li and Falun Dafa from the bottom of my heart.
  • China is Exporting Items Produced by Forced Labour, Contaminated with Viruses and Bacteria

    Currently, many well-known companies are working with prisons, forced labour camps and detention centres in China to produce certain products for sale in China and overseas. Many of these products are not only of low quality, but they are also contaminated with infectious viruses and bacteria by detainees who are forced to make them under deplorable conditions. The Mudanjiang Prison in Helongjiang Province is a prime example.
  • A Chinese News Reporter's Confession

    Time passed quickly, and in 2004, several friends of mine brought me some media from their trip to Hong Kong. They told me that the self-immolation incident was staged. Authorities will ill intentions had arranged the whole thing. They explained six suspicious points about the broadcast and "news" coverage of the incident. Listening to them, I analysed the incident myself. Finally, I came to understand the truth. I, a news reporter with over ten years of experience, had been fooled.
  • Leg Paralysed for Eleven Years Regains Mobility

    In the winter of 1998, both my mother and I were fortunate enough to start the practise of Falun Dafa. Nearly illiterate, my mother could barely read. Yet she never gave up reading Zhuan Falun. She often saw the symbol of Falun Dafa, the Law Wheel, or Falun, of various sizes and colours when she read. Shortly after she started to practise Falun Dafa, she was once again healthy and energetic. Since then, she has had no need to take any more medication.
  • The Epoch Times: Torture Death Sparks Reactions in New York

    Former Chinese police officer, Hao Fengjun said in an interview with The Epoch Times, "To my knowledge, they [Chinese authorities] usually claim the cause of death to be illness or suicide, because they rarely allow the family to see the body. They cremate it right after the practitioner dies. The police can easily obtain a death certificate from the hospital that says, 'This person died from illness,' or 'This person committed suicide.'"
  • Two Policemen in China Awaken and Expose the Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners

    I am a policeman from Baoding City of Hebei Province in China. My coworkers and I all know that the Tiananmen "self-immolation" incident was a hoax used to instigate hatred from the public towards Falun Dafa. We all secretly read the Falun Dafa books that we confiscated from the practitioners. Some policemen understand the truth and the principles of being a good person, so they resolutely transferred out of the agency designed specifically to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, the 610 Office, and the police station, they will never do anything to hurt the Falun Dafa practitioners and go against their consciences.
  • Experiences on Working with the International Fine Art Exhibition in Both Manhattan and Sweden

    We have experienced how people really love these paintings. People who see them say out loud how beautiful they think they are. Some don´t seem to be willing to let go of them and have taken photos as a way to remember them and so that they can keep looking at them in the future. In delivering flyers, reception cards and posters, people are so happy, as though they have received a precious gift, which they indeed have. For someone just to look at a picture of these paintings can have a very positive effect on his or her being. The paintings speak the clearest language, directly communicating with peoples hearts.
  • My Words to Those Who Have Doubts about Falun Dafa

    Facing the CCP's brutal crackdown, Falun Gong practitioners have been peaceful but unyielding in resisting their persecution. This is different from the traditional meek submission to dictators. Practitioners have resisted without using any violence or hatred. Unlike political groups, Falun Gong practitioners resistance centres around "resisting the persecution," and "clarifying the facts." They believe that people should know the true facts and then make their own choices.
  • WOIPFG Report: Historical Details of the 610 Office, National Security Bureau, and Ministry of State Security

    The 610 Office exercises totalitarian rule and coordinates the persecution of Falun Gong throughout the entire nation. As the result of several adjustments, strengthening, and change of names, this office today possesses overwhelming power. It has expanded its territory to encompass all churches, religions, qigong practises (
  • A Chronic Tracheitis Patient Life Is Turned Around

    Most smokers know that the first few days after quitting smoking are the most difficult and uncomfortable. But my experience was not the same as before. After I came back from New York, after smoking just once, I had a strange feeling, and the taste changed. I think Teacher helped me just like I read about in Zhuan Falun. I now realise that Teacher Li is helping me because I'm so far behind in my practise. I have genuinely experienced Teacher's compassion. I have not smoked for a month and a half, and my illness has also healed.
  • Germany: CCP Spies in Germany? Looking at the Case of Jiang Renzheng

    Some Falun Gong practitioners in Germany have been monitored and harassed to such an extent that they felt quite shocked, despite knowing the awful state of the persecution that is taking place in China. Once, a German practitioner was standing in a public place and had the feeling that he was being filmed by someone, when suddenly a text message appeared on his mobile telephone reading: “We know wherever you are at any time but you can’t see us and we can kill you at any time.”
  • Getting to Know Falun Gong Practitioners - The Experience of Zhang Biguang

    When we asked Mr. Zhang if he experienced any concrete changes after practising Falun Dafa, he had a lot to say. In the past he felt tired at work, now he no longer feels tired, even though he works the same hours. In the past, he also had started to lose his hair. Three months after he started the practise his hair started to grow back miraculously and his hair colour changed from grey to black. Six months after he began cultivation, his allergies, which had worsened year after year, disappeared.
  • Holding Anti-torture Exhibitions to Expose the Persecution and Inform People of the Facts

    In the process of our efforts to let more people know about the horrific persecution taking place in China against those who practise Falun Gong, we found that it is difficult for many people who live such a comfortable and free life in a Democratic country to imagine how evil the persecution against Falun Gong in China really is. When Falun Gong practitioners started to inform people about the persecution by holding real-life reconstructed anti-torture exhibitions in various places around the world, we thought that it would be a great idea. Through vivid demonstrations of the atrocities of the persecution, we can really touch people’s hearts, motivate their compassion, giving them a chance to come to know the facts about Falun Gong.