Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Stories from Mainland China: Co-workers are Chatting about the Nine Commentaries and Talking about Quitting the CCP

    A Falun Dafa practitioners' cousin was accepted as a Ph.D. student after graduating at University. The school leaders wanted to welcome her to join the CCP. She told her classmates about this and they all said to her: "The time has passed to join the CCP. You better not join since it won't do you any good." She then commented, "As a matter of fact, I joined the CCP when I was in college. My university has not been informed yet." Her classmates were surprised: "How could you be a CCP member? You are such a nice person, why would you want to join such a thing?"
  • About the Culture Installed by the Chinese Communist Party: The Police and the Cannons

    For the people of China, this may appear to be a ridiculous joke. However, it was not funny at all for my friend whose family members have been locked in the forced labour camp for practising Falun Gong. As a result, his family members, including his wife, would panic every time they saw a police officer on the streets in China. When my friend told me this story over the phone, I knew it was not a joke he had made up for my entertainment. It filled me with sorrow.
  • Treasuring This Period of Time: A Ukrainian's Experiences

    At the exhibition we also had a table where children and their parents could learn how to fold lotus flowers. There was always a crowd surrounding the table. This gave us a chance to tell people about the world project “Petals of Peace” and how it began; the principles of Falun Dafa and how in a very difficult environment practitioners in China can keep the purity of their souls – just like a gracious lotus flower emerging from the murkiest of waters.
  • It Can Only Be Expected

    It is under the same call of conscience that Hao Fengjun also stepped out of the shadow of the CCP. After witnessing the severe torture suffered by Falun Gong practitioners Sun Ti and her daughter, "his heart sank." He often dreamt about the horrible scene of the torture. He could not sleep and felt hopeless for the future of China and his own future as a policeman. Hao Fengjun said that the incident was the turning point and eventually caused him to come to Australia.
  • Is it True That "Doing Good is Rewarded with Good and Doing Evil Provokes Retribution?"

    The wife of this practitioner said at once, "We do not want surgery. The child will certainly recover completely." They went home on the sixteenth day. The son did not take medication or eat any special foods after going home. However, he could cook and wash clothes after only a few days. Now, he can do everything normally. After this event, the whole family began to practise Falun Gong. The neighbours all say now, "The parents practise Falun Gong and their child has benefited from them."
  • Chinese Defector Attends Press Conference Disclosing Information Regarding the Buying of the Australian Government by CCP

    When Chen Yonglin, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) diplomat seeking asylum in Australia, first announced his intention to defect, he disclosed to the world the close relationship between the CCP and the Australian government, stressing that the CCP has 1,000 person spies networking in Australia.
  • Police Officer In China Reprimands Young Man Who Was Ignorant of the Truth

    A young man in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province opposed Falun Dafa because he was poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) anti-Falun Gong propaganda. He would always reject those Falun Dafa practitioners who tried to tell him the true situation. He claimed that he just believed in the CCP. He said that the Party paid his salary, so he opposed whatever the Party opposed. As soon as he said that, a police officer standing beside him immediately reprimanded him.
  • Miraculous Health Benefits Experienced by Severely Ill Patient

    During this time my health deteriorated even further and I developed meningitis, infarction, and cerebral atrophy. I had to undergo a lumbar puncture and examination of cerebrospinal fluid every seven to fourteen days. Moreover, small diseases like flu never left me. The doctor told me that I would have to take medicine with every single meal, every single day, in order to prevent an outbreak of my diseases. Nevertheless, even though I followed the doctor's instructions, my diseases recurred.
  • Former 610 Office Agent Hao Fengjun Exposes the Systemic Persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP, Part 2

    If the persecutors know that you are practising at home, they will arrest you and try to reform you. They have their ways to find out such matters. They have many secret agents assigned to find practitioners. There may be secret agents among people who visit you at home. They will ask you questions such as, "Have you seen a good article in "Tiandicangsheng" (Falun Gong informational literature)?" "Are you still practising (Falun Gong)?" If you admit that you are still practising Falun Gong, the persecutors will monitor you, arrest and take you to brainwashing centres for brainwashing
  • The Blatant Murder of Gao Rongrong Shows the Heinous Brutality of the Persecution

    A crime that shocked the whole world - the face of Ms. Gao Rongrong, a good person who believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, was grossly disfigured by being shocked with high voltage electric baton last year. This year the Chinese Communsit Party (CCP) went all the way! She was tortured to death on June 16th, 2005!
  • Former 610 Office Agent Hao Fengjun Exposes the Systemic Persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP (Part 1)

    "To my knowledge, they usually claim the cause of death to be illness or suicide, because they rarely allow the family to see the body. They cremate it right after the (Falun Gong) practitioner dies. The police can easily obtain a death certificate from the hospital that says, "This person died from illness - or suicide"
  • Cancer Patient Recovers in Four Days After Starting to Practise Falun Gong

    My name is Gao Dongqing. I found out that I had late-stage esophageal cancer on February 28th, 2005 (Chinese lunar calendar). The doctor told me that I would only live for a few months, even with surgery. After receiving this news, my wife asked me to practise Falun Dafa. In only four days after I started practising Falun Dafa, I had almost completely recovered.
  • Village Supervisor Protects Falun Gong Practitioners In China

    In mid-May, the Assistant Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party committee told a village supervisor that his superiors wanted him to supply them with the names of Falun Gong practitioners. However, although the supervisor knows such information he simply told him, "You can call them and tell them that there are no practitioners in the village."
  • Fearing Exposure of the Truth, the CCP Killed Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong

    In order to avoid worldwide condemnation, the CCP has been actively suppressing the truth about the persecution. They murdered Ms. Gao hastily, although she was already on the verge of death. This action showed that the CCP will stop at no evil to prevent the truth from being exposed. It mirrors the TV-tapping incident during March of 2002 in Changchun City. Jiang gave secret orders to "Kill them without pardon"
  • "I Really Dislike Those Who Report Falun Gong Practitioners to the Police"

    A Public Security Department official in his thirties from Henan Province saw a Falun Gong practitioner distributing factual materials about Falun Gong on the street. He smiled at the practitioner and said, "I understand you, and I really dislike those who report Falun Gong practitioners to the police. There are no bad citizens among Falun Gong practitioners. Why should I do bad things to them against my own conscience?"