Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • A Life-Threatening Illness Miraculously Disappears Thanks to Falun Gong

    They decided she would eventually have to have both of her legs amputated, but lying on the hospital bed, Ms. Chen could only think that she would rather die than have the amputation. They could do nothing for her though, except to keep her going by giving her shots and medication. Under these circumstances, she stayed in Beijing until December 26th. When she was leaving for home, the doctors told her family members that she had less than two years to live.
  • A Spiritual Seeker in the US Finds Falun Dafa

    As time went on, the life of a nun carried less and less meaning for me and so I left the convent. I married a few years later and had a daughter. I earned an MBA from a well-known business school. Yet my life seemed empty. I had the strange feeling that I should move to my husband's home state on the East Coast. We did move, but my heart continued to be restless. I had not found the answer to my spiritual questions. My heart was no longer committed to the Catholic faith, but I continued to participate in Sunday Mass, Catholic holidays and the sacraments.
  • Historic Photos: Falun Gong Practitioners from Baise City, China, Study the Falun Gong Teachings and Practise the Exercises

  • A Mother of Three Tells "How Dafa Totally Changed My Life"

    At age 28 I was still doing drugs, and by this time I was developing severe allergies and chronic bronchitis which led me to the hospital, sometimes three times a year, with pneumonia. I was still a member of the secret order, the ancient mystical society I spoke of earlier, yet my life had become deplorable. I was depressed and lost. I gave up on finding the way and plunged full force into the big dye vat of society.
  • When Retribution for Evil Deeds Comes, There is No Chance to Regret

    Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, they have been poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party's atheism. Their own relatives practice Falun Dafa, but Gao Ruihong and Gao Hongtao have both followed Jiang's scoundrel group in slandering the practice and cooperating with the evildoers to persecute their relatives. Many practitioners have spoke to them about the practice and the true facts behind the persecution, but they did not listen, nor did they believe that good meets with good and that evil would be met with evil.
  • The Essence of Chinese Weiqi Chess (Go) Is Not About Winning or Losing

    The implications of Weiqi are profound and broad reaching. As a part of culture given to humans by immortals, over the course of thousands of years, Weiqi has been greatly enjoyed by emperors, generals, scholars, and commoners. It has also given birth to many legends and oft-repeated stories, beautiful literature, even books on military strategy and managing the country. Weiqi is a beautiful flower in the history of Chinese civilization.
  • My Spiritual Journey to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"

    My spiritual journey began back in 1973 in Australia after leaving an upper middle class private school education system the previous year and feeling quite disillusioned with life. My girlfriend at the time took me to the only vegetarian restaurant in Sydney. I ended up working there and my life took a dramatic change for the better. The owner of the restaurant introduced me to the I-Ching (Book of Changes) and I instantly had a rapport with the ancient Chinese text and used the book for decades. I also studied under an Indian Yogi and did several years of intense yoga.
  • Exposing the Atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party Through Two Cases

    He Hengyue and Su Juzhen, both simple, honest farmers, came from two different generations but they suffered similar, tragic fates. After reading their stories, I have a deeper understanding of the brutal nature of the Chinese Communist Party and the political persecution in China.
  • The Reality Behind the Facade of Shanghai's Prosperity

    Shanghai has been designated by the Chinese Communist Party's regime as a showcase of China's economic reform and the resulting improvements in the people's quality of life. However, behind the scenes in this flourishing city are countless lesser-known--yet terrifying--infringements on human rights.
  • Prestigious Lawyer: "Who Has Ever Defeated Human Nature?"

    This February, in order to find out the truth, I went to some areas in Shandong Province and investigated the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong and the harming of these citizens. The reality is suffocating. The shocking reality is far beyond any human disaster, is offensive to God, and has no purpose. Once you get involved, you will genuinely feel and see the continuation of such a disaster.
  • Stories from China: Falun Gong Practitioners are Given Top Priority for Jobs, a Farmer Learns the Practice and Is Cured of Cancer

    Last June, I borrowed a copy of the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun. I held it up and began to read. While reading it, strangely, my throat and chest became comfortable. In just one day, I was able to take care of things in my day-to-day life all by myself. In two days, I could take care of the household chores. My wife, who used to weep for me, began to smile.
  • Several Examples of Those Involved with the Persecution of Falun Gong Receiving Karmic Retribution

  • Chen Xiuling's Appeal Letter for Her Daughter Who Died as a Result of Persecution

    My daughter benefited both in mind and body from practising Falun Gong. When the government-controlled media began to slander and smear Falun Gong in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal the illegal rulings against Falun Gong. She believed that she was being responsible to society, to her country, to others, and to herself by exercising her basic right of appeal as guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution. She hoped the government would be practical and realistic enough to resolve the issue of Falun Gong amiably
  • My Father's Cloth-Bag Prophesy Book

    Dad once handwrote a copy of the prophesy book and gave it to a friend. During the Cultural Revolution, boys and girls of the so-called "Red-Army Guards" broke into people's homes searching for things. Out of fear, my father's friend tried to hide the book under the roof shingle, but was seen and reported to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The copy was found, and eventually traced to my father. In those crazy days in 1968, under the brutal rule of the CCP, my innocent father was persecuted to death for possessing a traditional prophesy book.
  • A Pilot Finds a New Kind of Freedom Through Falun Gong

    She realized these were just surface things and the final solution must come from her mind and her soul. The answer was on the spiritual level. Therefore she started to learn Buddhist scriptures. In one of the Buddhist Scriptures she learned that at the very beginning of the universe, there was nothing except the most primitive wisdom.