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Practising Falun Dafa During this Special Period of Time
2005-07-16At first they and my co-workers thought that my Falun Dafa practise was just another quirk and they smirked whenever I was doing the exercises on the terrace during lunchtime. However, after I stopped smoking and using alcohol and drugs, some of them started to become interested in Falun Gong. By now, almost everyone in my firm has read the book about Falun Gong and our care facility has a practise site. My boss told one of my colleagues who has also started practising that he wishes more of the staff were practising Falun Gong. He once told me that he didn’t really trust me before, but that since I started cultivating, he feels reassured whenever I am on duty.
Looking Back to The Time When Falun Dafa Was Introduced to Taiwan - Part 1
2005-07-15Zheng Wenhuang and his wife He Laiqin went to China twice to learn about Falun Gong and then introduced the practice to fellow Taiwanese. The author of this article visited the couple at their home in Yilan County and listened to their story of how they came across and started to practise. He wishes to serve as a witness for the historic spreading of Falun Dafain in Taiwan.
Miracles Result after Practising Falun Dafa
2005-07-15During the surgery, the doctors found that my lungs, as well as my trachea, were full of tumours. They said that they could not continue with the operation and closed up my chest. Then they told my family members that I would only live for one more month. Coming back from the hospital, I asked my daughter-in-law, who is a Falun Dafa practitioner, for the book Zhuan Falun. I read the book for seven days straight, whereupon I was able to get out of bed and move around. Now, nobody would ever believe that I had ever been a patient with incurable lung cancer. I know that the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li Hongzhi saved me and gave me my second life. I am very grateful.
A Falun Gong Practitioner In Australia Is Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party
2005-07-15The most severe case was when the four tires were punctured at the same time. When I took the car in for repair, I was told the tires could not be fixed and that I had to buy four new tires. All these instances happened in the morning before I went to work, and they seriously affected my normal work and life. I reported the incidents to the local police department and two police officers came to investigate. When I mentioned that I suspected this was related to the Chinese Embassy, the police were not at all surprised. However, due to lack of hard evidence, the police could not directly discuss the matter with the Chinese Embassy.
A Withdrawal Statement from the CCP by a Young Soldier in China
2005-07-14Regarding the current situation of our society, there are corrupt officials, thieves, robbers, killers, criminals, prostitutes and so on. It is not just me saying these things; people today are complaining left, right and centre, saying that our current society is dying. The society is in such a bad state, and the government doesn't do anything to try to improve the situation. In contrast, it focuses its major manpower, financial resources and materials on arresting and persecuting a large population of good people (i.e. Falun Gong practitioners) who are innocent and weaponless
Falun Gong Cured my Heart Disease
2005-07-14After doctors and experts had coordinated a diagnosis of my case and after a B-type ultrasonic examination, it turned out that it was heart disease. The results frightened my whole family. My family has had a history of heart disease. My mother suffers from heart disease, and in recent years my younger and older sisters both lost their lives to it. They were both about 30 years old.
A Miserable 2004 But an Auspicious 2005
2005-07-13From then on, I stopped taking the pills and no longer use my blood pressure gauge. In less than three months after I started to practise Falun Dafa, my health fully recovered. Upon seeing the changes in me my friends were very surprised, and they all complemented me on my uplifted spirit. Now I can pretty much do all the chores around the house. I walk briskly and do not feel tired even after walking five or six miles. My miraculous recovery has made me truly appreciate the goodness in Falun Dafa.
Story from China: 80-Year-Old Woman and Her Family Experience Miracles After She Began Reciting "Falun Dafa is Good"
2005-07-13When she was washing her mother's jumper, she found that whenever she tried to push the jumper down, it always floated up again. She tried a few times but the jumper would not sink into the water. She felt it was very strange. At this time, a card with "Falun Dafa is good" slid out from the section of the jumper that was not sinking into the water. She picked it up and saw that there was no water on the card at all. She shouted, "It's a miracle! This time I really believe it. Falun Gong is truly good! When I go home, I will tell my mother-in-law and her family to learn Falun Gong as well."
Stories from China: The Truth about Falun Dafa Spreads by Word of Mouth
2005-07-12Just like this, they spoke to each group of their relatives. Another relative commented, "If everybody practises Falun Gong, then public security will become good and even the police will not be needed. I think the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was a fake. I will denounce the Communist Party as soon as I get home." The relative continued to say, "Look how good that practitioner's facial complexion is. She has not needed to take a single bit of medicine since practising Falun Gong. She is in her forties but looks like she is in her thirties."
The Wall Street Journal on Protecting Email Accounts from Attack
2005-07-12The article continued, "Mr. Liu isn't alone, at least among followers of Falun Gong. He says he knows of two other cases in his circle; his email provider, FastMail, confirms the incident and says there have been several other such attempts, all unsuccessful. Jeremy Howard, chief executive of the Melbourne-based email provider, says there is no way of confirming the users' suspicions that agents of the Chinese government are behind the attacks, but he says that whoever has been doing it is highly professional. 'The people involved in this case were more competent and more determined than anybody else we've seen.' "
A European Practitioners Cultivation Experiences
2005-07-12I first apologised to the reporters at the end of the film. We made some mistakes and the presentation wasn’t perfect, but in our defence, this was our first press conference. I explained that we had undertaken this by ourselves and that we only were involved in this to help the innocent persecuted people in China. After which, my nervousness disappeared and I noticed that the journalists’ demeanour held great sympathy. The environment changed and there was an air of compassion.
Orphan Report: Children Orphaned in China as a Direct Result of the Persecution against Falun Gong
2005-07-11A unified orphan report entitled "Children Orphaned by the Persecution of People Who Practise Falun Gong in China" has been compiled by the Falun Dafa website, Clearwisdom, from its database of Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted to death. Although the information that we have collected and are able to collect is incomplete due to the massive information blockade and cover-up by the Chinese Communist Party, these true accounts of what the children have faced over the years reflect very well the extent and nature of the persecution. We hope that you will stand with us to help these children, and rescue them from such a physically and psychologically devastating environment.
The Epoch Times: Former Chief of Shengyang Justice Bureau speaks of his exile
2005-07-11The CCP's persecution of innocent and kind Falun Gong practitioners made me feel even more hopeless. Acting out of sympathy with them and following my conscience I made use of the power I had to lighten their suffering as much as possible. What I could do was very limited, and could not ease my guilt. I felt ashamed living that way. This was the real motive behind my leaving the CCP. I gave up my high post and good salary without hesitation and came to Canada in September 2001.
Former Head of the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau Exposes the Gestapo Like 610 Office
2005-07-10Practitioners who refused to be reformed at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp were sent to Shenyang City. One night Han Guangsheng went to visit the practitioners. Two practitioners shared one room. He remembered one practitioner with the last name Zhao, and another practitioner whose last name was Yin. They told him about the tortures they suffered at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, including having their inner thighs pinched, being forced to stay in a half-squat position in the restroom, doing push-ups in the snow and being shocked with high voltage electric batons.
“For a Higher Truth: A Photographic Tale of Falun Dafa’s Principled Resistance” - Part 3
2005-07-10A young man was signing the cloth against the gentle breeze, giving the photograph dynamics. A young woman was taking a photograph of another part of the cloth. Obviously she saw meaningful messages on it. Her action adds another story and another dimension to the photograph.