Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Observations in Beijing during the CNPC and the CPPCC

    They had to go through a special entrance with inspection instruments, as well as being searched by police one by one (men were searched by policemen, and women were searched by policewomen, with more than 10 people watching by the side.) On the tower, plainclothes police were on guard 5 steps apart. They keep a close eye on every tourist. More plainclothes policemen walked with the tourists. As two tourists were whispered something, several people around immediately approached them, searched them once again and questioned them. The tourists were disgusted by such despicable deeds.
  • Historical Photos: Group Practice of Little Falun Dafa Practitioners in Changchun, Jilin Province, China before 1999

  • Stories of Fellow Practitioners Validating Falun Dafa

    Although some of us have had to endure inhumane torture and persecution, we have all become more and more mature under the guidance of our Teacher. Through the ups and downs, we are walking down a truly bright path. On this path of Fa-rectification, we have come to realise our mission in this human world. It is to assist Teacher and fully play our roles during this period of time. Here I would like to tell you some stories of how practitioners around me have validated Falun Dafa.
  • Utilising Righteous Thoughts to Deny the Persecution

    With compassionate hearts, we decided to write a letter to the relevant higher officials to explain why we were holding the hunger strike. We described how we had all benefited from the practise of Falun Dafa, how the cruel persecution had tremendously harmed our families and us, and how a righteous handling of the persecution would bring good future to them. Finally, we demanded an immediate end to the persecution and the unconditional release of all Falun Dafa practitioners who were illegally imprisoned.
  • A Couple Uses All of the Money Received from Their Wedding Banquet towards Helping Stop the Persecution

    Then she took out the fifth commentary: "On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party to Persecute Falun Gong." After watching it, her father stood speechless for a very long time, and then finally said: "It looks as though the Party really is persecuting Falun Gong. Falun Dafa practitioners have been treated unjustly..."
  • "Please Sit By Our Side"- Part 1

    Over five years ago, not long after Jiang Zemin's faction and the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution of Falun Gong, Falun Gong practitioners have continuously appeared in front of Chinese embassies and consulates in several countries. They meditate, practise the Falun Gong exercises, or distribute flyers to passers-by to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution in China.
  • A Story From Mainland China: The Change in My Husband

    Practising Falun Dafa has added many extraordinarily wonderful things to my life that human language cannot describe. Yet, in my eight years of practise, my husband has never praised Falun Dafa in front of me. In fact he didn't even support my practise and went so far as threatening to divorce me in order to keep me from practising. However, two recent events convinced me that he has changed his attitude. I feel genuinely happy for him.
  • Villager Protests the Injustice Inflicted Upon Falun Dafa Practitioners

    The Falun Gong practitioners in my village have often been harassed and taken away by police, and had their homes searched. One day in November of 2002, when a fellow villager and practitioner, Mr. Xu Zhihua, was preparing bedding for his mother, police broke into his home and abducted him. He was illegally detained for 24 days and fined 1,000 yuan. This was criminal behaviour. The practitioner was not allowed to defend himself and was denied basic human rights. Those policemen acted like real gangsters.
  • Vivid Memories about the Communist Party Culture

    These four deceptive statements confuse good and evil, and gradually penetrated into my blood. The typical influence came from the one about treating "enemies" with ruthlessness and badness. But who were the "enemies" then? How could one make certain who they are? What could be regarded as weaknesses? Who were the comrades? What kind of job was one's duty? The Party decided all these. What were the criteria that the Party used to tell right from wrong then?
  • Revealing the Facts of the Persecution on the Streets of Paris with a Widescreen Plasma TV

    The stereo system has guaranteed that the public could clearly hear the commentary on the busy streets of the city centre and above loud noise levels. Matched with picture display boards, pedestrians were easily attracted to the beautifully produced truth story clips, and stopped one by one to watch. When the pedestrians saw with their own eyes the truth behind the self-immolation deceit directed by the Chinese Communist Party the Jiang regime and all kinds of torture suffered by Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China, the shock effect was obvious.
  • Photos: Group Practice of the Falun Gong Exercises at a Village in Northeastern China Before 1999

  • Comic Strip: Paralysed Girl Recovers After Practising Falun Gong

  • Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong in a Military School Classroom

    I went to the lounge and talked for ten minutes with a teacher whom I never talked with before. When I came back to the classroom, the students were peeking at the "Mei Hua Poem." It turned out that they had taken the VCD out of my bag and were displaying it themselves. As soon as I came into the classroom, seventy to eighty students pleaded to keep the VCD on. I was also glad to let them know about Falun Gong.
  • Some Insights from reading "Remembering My Younger Brother, Liu Chengjun"

    I became deeply distraught when reading "Remembering My Younger Brother, Liu Chengjun (Photo)," published on the Falun Gong website, on December 24th, 2004. While I was overcome with grief, I thought, "Chengjun, you shouldn't have died!" Therefore, I would like to share my insight with everyone.
  • Who Has Destroyed People's Morality and Conscience? -- Woman in Sixties Beaten by Son

    Falun Dafa can improve people's morality, nobility and physical health, which can bring benefit to the country and its citizens. Yet, such a good practise has gone through more than five years of horrible suppression. How many families have been broken up because of the irrational repression by Jiang's regime? How many families have lost their warmth and harmony because a father and son now oppose each other? How many young children have become orphans after their parents were tortured to death in prison?