Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Basic Requirements for News Writing for Dafa Practitioners (Part 4): Focus on Pictures

    The techniques and skills that are helpful for everyday people to understand the truth of Dafa can all be utilized by practitioners to increase the attraction and strength of our writing and pictures. What is important when Dafa practitioners clarify the truth is to use our hearts. Additionally our comprehensive and thorough understanding of the truth when we write articles is also important. Therefore, we don't need to go to extremes, and rigidly use or even attach to any one thing, because the formats are always secondary. By properly using the resources we have, we can double the effect with half the efforts.
  • Explaining the Facts through Telephone Calls and Rescuing Fellow Practitioners in Mainland China

    Me: "The Chinese Consulate here just avoids this topic when you mention Falun Gong. Many Falun Gong practitioners come to the Consulate day and night every day to do the exercises, hand out leaflets and display banners in order to stop the persecution. More and more people are giving support to Falun Gong and many western people also practise it. Some staff from the Consulate say words to satisfy the government on the surface but say Falun Gong is good privately."Man: (listening all along) "We are the same actually, we have to follow the government. You should try again to speak with the Chinese Consulate and get some information through them."
  • Rising from the Depths to Attain the Fa -- How A Young Man Turned His Life Around

    In 1997 or 98 when I was doing nothing, one day I went to the library, and I spotted a golden book called Zhuan Falun. I was interested because I had heard about it before, even though I didn't remember from where, so I checked the book out along with the exercise video. At first, I thought it would be a really complicated book like the Buddhist Scriptures, but it was not. Instead, it used the most common language, yet contained the most profound meaning. I was really amazed and full of wonder at the book.
  • Germany: Birthday Card to Xiongwei by a Young German Practitioner

  • Falun Gong's Welcoming Activities and "Bring Jiang to Justice" Banner Dispel the Jiang Group's Lie that "Falun Gong Opposes the Chinese Government"

    Falun Gong practitioners' condemnation of Jiang Zemin's group doesn't mean they oppose the Chinese government. Also, Falun Gong practitioners' extending a welcome for Wen Jiabao's U.S. visit and their plea to severely punish Jiang doesn't mean Falun Gong supports any government, political Party, political system or political figure. It is not an act with political implications, nor is it begging someone. On the issue of the persecution of Falun Gong, practitioners hope all people can position themselves correctly. In the eyes of the practitioners there is no concept of political parties, governments or political power.
  • Article Review: I Passed Multiple Kidney Stones After Practising Falun Gong

    Through practising Falun Gong, I excreted the kidney stones that otherwise would have had to be taken out by surgery or with ultrasound therapy. This was indeed a medical miracle. In early 1996, a routine annual examination revealed that my transaminase level went down from 500 to 60. Without taking any medicine, my digestive system function became normal, symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloating disappeared, and I could have a normal diet (I used to not be able to eat fruits or cold food, even during the summer time)
  • Clearwisdom Commentary: Thinking with a Sober Mind and a Righteous Starting Point

    In the process of exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in the past four years, many of our practitioners have gradually deviated from the starting point of validating Dafa and saving people in terms of their thoughts and actions. Strongly fluctuating thoughts on the issue of Falun Gong's welcoming Wen Jiabao among our practitioners have revealed some problems of our own, and our impure thoughts and actions have brought about an incorrect effect to society. This article aims especially at clarifying some major issues at hand, so that we can walk our future path properly, in hopes that all Dafa practitioners will pay attention to this matter.
  • Basic Requirements for News Writing for Dafa Practitioners (Part 3)

    The purpose of writing articles is to validate Dafa and clarify the truth. If you cannot get the attention of readers, then you will not achieve the powerful effect of a Dafa disciple's article. If you can take a little more time, you can write as if you are facing a group of people who are waiting to learn the truth from your words. They are not like you. You are very familiar with many basic facts, including how force-feeding becomes a torture tactic and how painful that would be. To them, these are very far away and very hard for them to imagine.
  • Basic Requirements for News Writing (Part 2)

    Some practitioners probably think that the persecution has been going on for four years and so has our truth-clarification efforts, so people should have had a considerable understanding of the truth by now. Sometimes, they write news report as if they are writing for practitioners who already understand the truth. Actually, for the past four years a lot of truthful information has been made widely known. However, our news articles are written mainly for people who need to understand or further understand the truth, so we need to keep everyday readers' characteristics in mind.
  • Walking a Righteous Path: Handling Dafa Work and Study (Berlin Fa-conference 2003)

    Attending school does take time. How could it be that it won’t impact Dafa work? However, as I gradually gave up my human notions through Fa-study, I decided that no matter how I think things should be, as long as Fa says I should do the ordinary people’s work well, then I need to attend school or go to work. From my subsequent experience of going to school, I found out that attending school will not have negative impact upon Dafa work at all. Conversely, doing Dafa work will not have any negative impact upon ordinary people’s work either.
  • Experiences in Establishing Swedish Radio Program “Falun Gong Time” (Berlin Fa-conference 2003)

    I now understood that if the Chinese consulate wanted to stop our radio program, then it is of outmost importance that Radio Falun Gong Time continues, to explain facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. Clearly, they are very scared when we expose all what they want to conceal to the surrounding world, and they are afraid of the truth we broadcast which can reach thousands of people and change their hearts, especially now when it is possible to listen to the program live, on the Internet, around the entire world.
  • Establishing the Swedish Radio Programme "Falun Gong Time" (Berlin Fa-conference 2003)

    Using the media is a quick way to expose the evil and people on a large scale. Almost two years have passed since we established “ World Falun Dafa Radio” on the 4th of Jan. 2002 in Gothenburg, Sweden. From conception to launch, from one language to the three languages that we use to explain the facts to people, this process has not been plain sailing. Under the guidance of our respected Master’s teaching, every member of the (radio) team is strict with themselves according the standard of the Fa, in improving our character.
  • Within Three Days of Learning Falun Gong I Threw Away the Cane I Had Used for Eight Years

    he more I listened to Teacher Li Hongzhi's words, the more fascinated I became. Teacher taught that as a human one must value virtue and must return to one's true self. I was deeply moved. I regretted having not come to learn Dafa earlier. On the second day of listening to Dafa and learning the exercises I completely stopped worrying about curing my illness, and all I thought about was practicing cultivation. On the third night, I handed over my cane to my husband on our way home after the study session and, step-by-step, I walked home on my own.
  • About Having Steadfast Faith in the Fa

    When doing Dafa work, I often find one situation, namely, some practitioner “gives up” on another one. In other words, when a practitioner sees another person having some attachments for a long time, he will therefore think that it’s impossible for him to give them up. Thus, when we hold activities, the practitioner who has “given up”on another might say, “If you ask that practitioner to join the activity, he will have such and such reactions. I just know him!”
  • Interview with Plaintiffs in the Lawsuit against Les Presses Chinoises: Hateful Propaganda is a Type of Spiritual Persecution

    Les Presses Chinoises has also tried to collect anti Falun Gong signatures in the Chinese community. Their ultimate goal was to label Falun Gong as subversive and evil, a group of people to be kept at a distance and not desired as neighbors, and people that society should fear. As a newspaper, Les Presses Chinoises spread hateful propaganda which had an extremely horrible effect on people's impression of Falun Gong. We had no choice but to file a lawsuit in the Quebec Superior Court against Les Presses Chinoises to protect our belief and our dignity."