Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • French Practitioners Wish Master Li a Happy New Year

  • Some Reflections After a Nativity Play

    I thought of my motherland – China, where people are deprived of this kind of spiritual aspiration. In the Great Cultural Revolution 30 years ago, all kinds of pursuit of spirituality and ancient culture were banned. Buddhists, Daoists, Christians and so on were all demanded to transform their faith, to believe in the the Party, and it’s doctrines and ideal such as “Communism liberates people heavily burdened under Capitalism”,
  • Explaining the Facts to Relatives and Friends on a Return Visit to China

    My husband, who does not practise cultivation, got through Customs first and kept looking at me nervously. When I smoothly passed through Customs, we held each other’s hands. I found that his palm was covered with cold sweat. I personally felt the terrible atmosphere caused by China’s persecution on Falun Gong. At all times, one has to face being locked up, sent to prison, cruel torture, spiritual persecution or even death merely because of practising Falun Gong.
  • All Dafa Practitioners in Finland Wish Master a Happy New Year

  • Analysing the Differences Between the Staged and the Real Self-Immolations on Tiananmen Square

    Recently when I was browsing China's news web, I noticed that there have been several reported self-immolation incidents in Tiananmen Square in recent months. It is interesting to note that the media and related governmental departments have dealt with these recent incidents in a completely different manner from how they handled the 2001 self-immolation incident, which they attributed to Falun Gong. I have compared these two different types of self-immolation incidents from several perspectives.
  • We Must Not Let Terror Become the Prevailing Culture

    China has a 5,000-year-old culture, one which emphasizes kindness, righteousness, civility, wisdom, trust, and harmony. To suppress "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance," Jiang's regime has endeavoured to create a "hate culture" and a "culture of terror." It is equivalent to infusing a slow acting toxin into the bloodstream of the Chinese culture. It is truly degrading our cultural spirit.
  • My Personal Understanding of Being in a "Maze"

    Sometimes, when running into many problems at the same time, I felt very uncomfortable, as if my future was hopeless. In this situation, everything that came to my mind made me feel uncomfortable. At that moment, I just couldn’t let go of my attachments and take a further step forward. Instead, I was lost in my own feelings.
  • From the Archives: My Feelings of Joy & Sorrow on Christmas Eve

    'On Christmas Eve, I was thinking about the Dafa practitioners in Mainland China who have become destitute and homeless in the bitter cold of winter. Although I live in Sweden, which is far from China, I feel my heart is closely linked with the hearts of the Mainland practitioners.'
  • Some Reflections on Christmas Day –To those Detained in China’s Labour Re-education Camps

    "In the maze of the Christmas commerce and holiday glitter, my thoughts go out to those who are in the labour re-education camps in China. There are at least a hundred thousand Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned there. As my wife and I mingled in the crowd of Christmas shoppers, I wondered how many of the goods in those shops are made partly or wholly by Falun Gong practitioners, democracy activists, clandestine Christians and others."
  • “To Remember the Fa in Our Hearts" and “To Put the Fa into Our Hearts"

    “To put the Fa into our hearts" refers to our attitudes, whether or nor we regard our work or even our daily behaviour as part of our cultivation, or whether we put the Fa into our hearts at every moment, regard ourselves as practitioners at every moment and cultivate ourselves by the standard of the Fa. Just like the fellow practitioner said in Golden Buddha, "Doing Dafa work for long periods of time without thinking of anything else does not necessarily mean that a person is constantly in a state of mind of what a Dafa disciple should be."
  • When Hate And Enmity Turn Into A Political Culture...

    The hate and enmity, generated from high political pressure, have made the people who are afraid to be dragged into the whirlpool of politics cold and hardhearted. Also, for some personal gains and selfish reasons, they choose to side with the strong and oppress the weak In other words, the hate propaganda, which has developed into a culture, is now deeply implanted in the fiber of the nation. When hate and enmity are a part of the culture of China, what does Jiang's regime, a keen promoter of cultural exchange, have to offer to the world?
  • Interpol Issues Warrant for Liberian Ex-President Taylor, Whose Crimes Parallel Those of Jiang

    Charles Taylor has been accused of gross human rights abuses and large-scale corruption. Similar to Taylor, Chinese Former Chairman Jiang and his regime have caused the deaths of at least 831 kind, innocent Falun Dafa practitioners, and have brought suffering upon tens of millions of families. At the same time, Jiang has misused his power for personal gain, and arranged for his son, of less than mediocre attributes, to become the Vice-Dean of the Chinese Science Academy.
  • Thoughts on Reading the News of Bosnian Serb Setenced to 27 Years for Srebrenica Massacres

    On December 2 VOA (Voice of America), published the news that the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague has sentenced a Bosnian Serb officer, former Captain Momir Nikolic, to 27 years in prison for participating in criminal massacres.We think of the brutal persecution in China, and the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners conducted by Jiang Zemin and his criminal groups over the past four years. These criminals will soon be forced to take responsibility for their actions.
  • The Basic Requirements of News Writing for Dafa Practitioners (Part 6)

    For some of those who never obtained high-level education or those who had rarely written any articles, they might feel that it is hard to start writing and harder to write well. In fact it is not really so. The problem is that there is a notion that makes one feel this way. If you do not believe it, you can try to put your heart into learning to write, and then your writing skill is most likely to be better than what you thought it to be. If you feel that writing is difficult whenever you think about writing, you might indeed be blocked by your notion
  • Basic Requirements of News Writing for Dafa Practitioners (Part 5)

    One of the most notable characteristics of Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong is the spreading of lies. Jiang strives to justify, sustain and cover his persecution with outright and unchecked lies. The persecution against Falun Gong has become a plague upon the Chinese people worldwide. It is imperative and urgent for practitioners to expose the lies that justify and sustain the persecution, and to broadcast the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, because the truth will help discourage the persecution and reduce the loss of lives.