Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • My Understanding of Clarifying the Truth (UK Fa Conference 2003)

    When clarifying the truth to everyday people, I realised that we can not just send a one-off email and think “Ok, that is all, job is done.” We should use our hearts to communicate with them. We can first listen with patience to their comments or opinions or even nasty abuse before telling them the truth with a compassionate heart. If once is not enough, we can talk to them a second time. If that still doesn’t work out nicely, we still shouldn’t feel disheartened or give up on them.
  • Law Professor Argues that Jiang Zemin Should Not Have the Privilege of "Head of State Immunity"

    The Rome Statute regulates that people who commit the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity are not entitled to immunities. It is clearly indicated that; This Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this Statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence.
  • Using Different Ways to Bring Jiang to Justice in the Court of Morality and People’s Hearts

    At the very beginning when I started to prepare material on the trial against Jiang, there was a lot of information about legal procedure and the procedure of lawsuits. Later on, I found that none of these are important. What is important is to get people to understand Jiang’s crimes, and they will be saved accordingly. Right now, the court in the human world has not yet passed judgement in the trial against Jiang. However, we can bring Jiang to justice in the court of morality and people’s hearts.
  • Doing Things or Saving Sentient Beings, Validating Dafa or Validating the Self

    A year has passed since I was forced to leave home. Looking back at the past year's experiences, I found that by being with fellow practitioners in an environment that encouraged us to compare what we have studied and cultivated, I became more mature in understanding Fa principles and my xinxing [character; mind or heart nature] elevated essentially (compared to my past); however, this was nowhere near the requirement of Fa-rectification, and I also needed to be diligent and upgrade myself in some xinxing matters.
  • Reference Material: Precious Historical Photos

    These photos were taken from autumn 1998 to spring 1999. The photos showed Falun Dafa's rapid development in Shijiazhuang City, and the growth in the number of practitioners between 1998 and 1999.
  • Reference material: The Chinese Economy on a Rotten Foundation (Part II)

    Beneath the veil of the rapid growth of the Chinese economy lies the question of whether or not it entails underlying dooming factors. While high economic growth is an aspect that many countries seek, it cannot be the sole aim of a nation's economy. This is because it could come at the cost of other economic necessities, i.e. social justice, environmental safety, payment fairness, etc. These sacrifices are extremely detrimental to China. The reform as executed in China could only lead to the economic demise of the country.
  • Reference Material: The Chinese Economy on a Rotten Foundation (Part I)

    Many foreign investors, who have benefitted from special treatment by the government, believe that China is an investor's paradise. China's economic growth has made a positive impression on many people. Despite what it appears to be on the surface, there are still problems underneath the progressive growth. They are found in the areas of economic growth, foreign investment, trade, finance, banking, state ownership, unemployment, income distribution and social factors.
  • China: The Trial to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice Has Already Begun in People's Hearts

    "As a matter of fact, the Party has already been ruined by Jiang. Jiang knows clearly that he has ruined the Party so he dares not let go of the military power. However, his days are numbered. It's not only Falun Gong who wants to bring Jiang to justice in the international court, but it is also the Chinese people who want to put him on trial. Now, in China, everyone, adults and children alike, all curse Jiang. He is condemned by the entire population."
  • A Unique Insight: Conversations With a Friend Who Was Forced into Persecuting Falun Gong

    In 2001, I met with a middle-school classmate of mine. He's now head of a personnel department of a certain national bureau. During our chat I talked about Falun Gong. I told him that I had cultivated for a few years and as a result I became healthy. Unexpectedly, he immediately followed: "I'm very familiar with Falun Gong. I take charge of talking with Falun Gong practitioners (to force them to give up cultivation) in my work unit." Then he spent an hour telling me how his work unit "dealt with" the Falun Gong practitioners.
  • My Understanding of "Flowers Blossoming Everywhere" and "All Energy Channels Operate In Sync"

    With practitioners performing various tasks, gradually a channel or pattern is formed, similar to vehicle traffic or blood flow. In understanding energy channels from this point of view, I felt that "using one channel to drive hundreds of other ones," meant a few people drive a large group of other people. It is the same process as before July 20, when veteran practitioners led others in Fa-study and performing the exercises, encouraging others to elevate in cultivation.
  • Harmonising The Fa Within Our Families (Part 1)

    What is Fa-rectification work? Whether we can righteously walk the path of Fa-rectification depends on our hearts. That is, no matter what we do, we need to pay attention to where we direct our innermost feelings and where we base our hearts. We should not render judgement based on superficial forms whether or not we should do something. Practitioners are cultivating in ordinary society. We need to maximally conform to ordinary people while cultivating.
  • The Complete Illegality of the Jiang Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 3 of 3)

    The various levels of the "610 offices" form an independent but integrated system that has authority over the Chinese Communist Party, every level of government, and the judicial system. Each level is responsible only to its upper level "610 office." You will never find any legal basis for the foundation of the "610 office" no matter how you search through all the Chinese laws. The 610 Office can only be compared to the notorious Gestapo of Nazi Germany, or the KGB of the former Soviet Union...
  • Commentary: Jiang is the Chief Villain Who Has Undermined Human Morality in China

    As of today, many cases of rape involving female Dafa practitioners have taken place in China. As a matter of fact, many male practitioners have also encountered sexual assaults. Why do the police dare to commit such shameless crimes so brazenly and why is there no basic human nature left in them? For a period of time, I couldn't find a clear answer to this question. What is the root cause of such corrosive developments? Who has unleashed the beast in the police?
  • A Heart as Tranquil as Still Water

    I gradually find out that whenever our heart is moved by something, there is something wrong within ourselves. What moves our heart is the thing that is related to our personal gains and losses or postnatal notions. What we lack at that time is our righteous faith to cultivate ourselves and save sentient beings with a great compassionate heart.
  • Experiences Explaining the Facts at Scenic Spots in Paris

    When sitting on stairs or standing under some shade for a rest, many Chinese tourists often quietly read Dafa materials. It was going on like this again and again. I could feel how much these Chinese have longed for the truth of Dafa. Sometimes as soon as I wanted to talk to them, they approached me and asked me for the materials. It was a common occurrence that those who didn’t get the materials would rush all the way back to us for materials, or requested other kinds of materials.