Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • The Complete Illegality of the Jiang Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 2 of 3)

    The declaration bases a person's guilt on his or her ways of thinking. Everything that is linked to Falun Gong is prohibited. "It is prohibited for anybody to hang or post banners that promote Falun Gong." Implementing such a prohibition is like taking China back to the era of the first emperor of the Qin dynasty, who "burned all books, rounded up dissident scholars and burned them alive." [The notorious tyrant, Qin Shihuang, a Chinese emperor of the Qin Dynasty is known in history for doing this.]
  • Comments from a Non-Practitioner: History Repeats Itself

    I have never ever practiced Falun Gong, or any other qigong, but as an educated everyday person that has a basic ability to judge between right and wrong, I think it is time for me to step out in fairness to Falun Gong. I could keep my mouth closed in silence, but my conscience won't let me wait any longer. Four years are long enough for me to observe, think, and judge.
  • My Understanding Regarding Rescuing Charles Li

    Clarifying the truth to the precious Chinese people through the use of TV broadcasting is a magnificent act, worthy of respect from the world's people. The criminals are none other than the Jiang's regime. In a dictatorial society, lacking democracy, religious freedom, and the security of basic human rights, under severe persecution and risking their lives to protect their most fundamental right to life, Falun Gong practitioners used TV media to explain the facts of the persecution to the public in order to stop the persecution and to stop the brutal murders.
  • Thoughts from Reading Sun Tzu's Art of War

    Recently some practitioners have talked a lot about how to create momentum. Personally I feel that this is not something that can be understood at face value and mechanically carried out. This is because for practitioners, the Fa has been taught to us and the principles have been laid out, so after we understand the Fa principles, we should determine a plan of action based on our fundamental goal of clarifying the truth and saving people as much as possible.
  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Is a Spiritual Disaster for All Chinese People

    The stories concocted by the Chinese Communist propaganda machine to frame Falun Gong are very superficial. A little bit of digging quickly reveals the lies. It is not very difficult to see the truth of Falun Gong. However, since the suppression of Falun Gong launched by the Chinese Communist Party is closely related to violence and the Party's self-interest, people who feel sympathetic towards Falun Gong may lose their official positions, their jobs, or their properties or even be jailed.
  • The Complete Illegality of the Jiang Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 1 of 3)

    In Mainland China, ruled by a dictatorship, the multitude of political campaigns of suppression, and today's persecution of Falun Gong - none of these movements or campaigns have had any legal foundation. The highest government executive body, the National People's Congress, and all the law enforcement agencies, from top to bottom, are just manifestations of the dictator's personal will, so the Party can shoot the arrow first then draw the bull's eye later. Discussions of whether Falun Gong is "legal" or "illegal" are simply meaningless.
  • Letter from an Internet Friend in China: "Everyone Can See It Clearly"

    This friend and I have been in correspondence via the Internet for over a year. At the beginning she dared not talk about Qi Gong, let along Falun Gong. After gradually gaining her trust through our communication, she told me that she actually used to like Qi Gong. She was also interested in Falun Gong. As she understood more about the truth, she expressed her strong support for Falun Gong and volunteered to tell her friends the facts about Falun Gong.
  • People in China Who Have Gained Better Understandings of Dafa

    One woman invited a Dafa practitioner to steal something from a neighbourhood military base. The practitioner told this woman that stealing was wrong. She told this woman about "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," and explained the facts about the government's slander of Dafa. This woman suddenly came to understand and said: "So, that is what Falun Gong really is! Now that I know, I will never steal again."
  • How Might Our Dafa Students Learn to Deal With Each Other More Respectfully?

    Many differences of opinion are still prevailing among practitioners. These are due to notions which we have not yet abandoned. That is the reason for many of them still assuming that their ideas, their projects and their comprehensions, and other things, are indispensable for the Fa-rectification efforts and must therefore be put into effect, no matter what. Anything that blocks their progress along the way is considered “interference”
  • To Those Practitioners Who Are Still Being Disturbed by Sentimentality

    One day, I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep after studying the Fa in the morning. In the dream, there were young kids playing beside the sofa. Some of them came towards me to pull my hand until it hurt– they wanted to wake me up to continue Fa-study. I had no idea where those kids were from. In another dream, I saw a group of kids crying loudly because I did not give up my attachment.
  • Commentary: My Conscience Forbids Me to Keep Silent Any Longer

    I would never have believed it possible for a person with a kind and honest nature to be forced to use cruel torture on people who simply wanted to go out to appeal, had I not heard it with my own ears. It is because of this personal experience and because I have heard and seen so much darkness in the judicial system, that when I read the following material I could only believe everything was true
  • The Asian Wall Street Journal: The Perils Of Speaking Out In China

    'Having worked in China's state-controlled press for nearly three years, perhaps I should have realized that I was skating on thin ice by giving an interview to a U.S. radio station at the height of the recent SARS crisis. But never for a moment did I imagine it would cause me to lose my job, be forced to leave my apartment within 48 hours, and be blacklisted from working for related publications.'
  • Thoughts Arising from Clarifying the Truth through the Internet

    The Dafa practitioners in China put aside their own lives, and devote themselves to clarifying the truth so as to save the people of the world. Although I reside in Europe, where no dangerous situations exist and there is no need to risk my life, I fail to strive forward within the Fa, to be responsible for the Fa. A while ago, in particular, I used to think Dafa practitioners in North America and Taiwan were doing a good job, so just let them handle it...
  • Regarding Bringing Jiang to Justice: Practitioners Should Eliminate the Mindset of Seeking External Solutions

    I analysed all significant events that occurred since July 20, 1999. I noticed that the mindset of seeking outward is widespread among practitioners. It's expressed as follows: One always has the hope that a certain organisation, government, or person will be of more help to us. This mindset has lasted for a number of years. It also has been a favourite excuse for the old forces to persecute practitioners more severely. It has caused major losses for Dafa. We should have learned our lesson by now.
  • Swarms of Grasshoppers Descend Upon the City of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

    Everywhere on the road were fallen leaves cut by the grasshoppers and run over carcasses of grasshoppers. When people or vehicles approached, swarms of startled grasshoppers flew into the air to disperse. City clean-up workers swept the street every once in a while, yet the grasshoppers rapidly covered the ground once again and a thick odour from the crushed grasshoppers permeated in the air.