Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Finding One’s Position

    All things on earth have life. Then they also have their specific features and ways of existence, which is called the position of one’s life in ancient Chinese culture. Each being has their own position particularly created for them by the universe. The universe not only creates our lives but also the surroundings for our existence: i.e position. Once humans leave the living environment on earth, they cannot survive. As important as our living environment is, it is our position which is in fact the component of our lives.
  • A Little Story in the Chatrooms

    Due to the fact that it’s summer vacation now, I meet many students and teachers in the chatrooms, and lots of chatrooms are crowded with people. Almost as soon as I get in the chatroom, there are automatically some people asking me to chat privately, and I feel there is so much truth clarification needed. The best advantage of clarifying the truth on the internet is to give them the URL about the facts. While they are watching, we’re explaining.
  • Why I Feel that it is Important for UK Dafa Practitioners to File a Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin

    To persecute those who want to improve their character through following Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance is to persecute morality, goodness and the essence of humanity. Jiang Zemin is trying to destroy human nature and make it illegal to be a good person. The people of the world must take whatever peaceful actions they can to stop him continuing his reign of terror. The courts of our just and democratic societies were actually created to deal with such wicked and brutal people. Now is our chance to use them to save the people of China.
  • Reference Material: How Much Money Does Jiang Really Have?

    Then, how much money does Jiang really have and where did it come from? This is a very important question. Clarifying this question is especially important in light of the current fight against corruption and bribery. The author of the article speculates that Jiang Zemin, together with his daughter and sons, possess enormous amounts of wealth.
  • Are These Really the Words of the "People's Police?"

    My friend's next-door neighbor was a prostitute and always had men visiting her late into the night, making a lot of noise. My friend planned to look for another apartment, but based on her situation, it was not easy for her to find a good location and a good landlord. With nowhere else to turn, she asked a local police officer for help in doing something about the prostitute. To her astonishment, the police officer replied, "Our police chief has ordered us to only focus on Falun Gong related issues. We do not really care about the prostitute."
  • The Story of a Well in the Countryside

    In the flatlands near Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, a woman living in the countryside had previously been chronically ill. She began practicing Falun Gong in 1996, and within two months all of her diseases were gone. It was almost as if she were a new person. Every afternoon, this woman usually draws water from a well. Whenever she lifts or lowers the bucket, she sees shining golden words, as big as her fist, arranged harmoniously around the well. (She is illiterate.) The water is always clean and cool.
  • Several Recent Cases of Karmic Retribution in China

    In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.
  • Script of the Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang Zemin Performed in front of Capitol Hill, July 22, 2003 (PART VI)

    "Bringing a former world leader or head of state to trial is no trivial matter, not least because the kinds of crimes that such a person is capable of are no ordinary crimes. They are of a far reaching, very broad scale. After all, is genocide not just murder on a massive scale? One man may torture another at one time, but someone with power over a nation may order others to inflict torture on many at the same time. A head of state may choose to use his power wisely and benevolently or he may choose to abuse that power."
  • The Mentality of Doing Things is the Hidden Cause of Many Mishaps and Difficulties

    The Fa teaches us to "gain things naturally without pursuing them," ("Learning the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement) "Do but pursue not --Often stay in the Dao." ("In the Dao" from Hongyin, unofficial translation) We should pay attention to the process of saving people instead of pursuing superficial and specific results. However, the mentality of doing things is doing just the opposite and encourages people to seek a grand and dynamic scale of the process as well as specific goals.
  • Touring South Korea to Clarify the Truth

    We needed to constantly keep powerful righteous thoughts and righteous actions. Actually, our pure righteousness itself was a good way to clarify the truth to people. As a result, our actions won the trust and support of the people we met. Gradually, the police officers started to trust us and lend us genuine assistance. Starting from Andong City, the police stopped following us around. They were completely convinced that we are good people. We always went to the police station to clarify the truth to the police in each city we visited.
  • Maintaining High Standards in Cultivation is Extremely Important

    As Dafa practitioners, we cannot use any pretence as an excuse for seeking romantic partners to cover up our real attachments, such as “I need to have a girlfriend to fit into everyday society” or “if I date a Chinese girl, it is a great chance to clarify the truth to her and all her friends.” Dafa practitioners are leaving a cultivation path for the people of the future and everything we do needs to be the purest and most righteous. We cannot use any excuse to allow attachments to control our actions.
  • The Righteous Deeds of My Husband, Who Understands the Truth about Dafa

    The behaviour of my husband is a clear manifestation of the mighty power of Dafa practitioners' clarifying the truth, and represents the attitude many kindhearted people have towards Dafa. They know that the innocent Dafa practitioners are persecuted by the evil, and that the authorities have been trying all possible ways to attack and defame them. Moreover, they are willing to help Dafa practitioners with their righteous actions.
  • Script of the Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang Zemin Performed in front of Capitol Hill, July 22, 2003 (PART V)

    "I always knew that if I would simply write a letter denouncing Falun Gong, I would be released immediately. But if it is wrong to believe in 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance,' what hope does humanity have? This persecution was forcing people to choose between their lives and their conscience. I knew that I was being forced to make that choice, and I chose my conscience because I knew that when good men and women renounce sacred beliefs under pressure from a dictatorship, something much greater than us dies."
  • Script of the Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang Zemin Performed in front of Capitol Hill, July 22, 2003 (PART IV)

    "How could the authorities say that my Mom died from practising Falun Gong just because she had practised Falun Gong at one time. My Mom's case is just one of the many lies Jiang has fabricated. How evil those lies are! They've made people associate "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance," the most beautiful things in the world, with murder and people getting hurt. They've made people turn their backs on virtue. Jiang should be tried for ruining the souls of the Chinese people."
  • People in China Spread the Word: "Falun Dafa is Good!"

    Having read many materials explaining the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution, a friend of his understood the reason behind the persecution toward Falun Dafa and the fate of those who carry out the persecution: "No matter how you plan to make money, you cannot make money from Falun Gong practitioners. Dafa practitioners are good people cultivating themselves based on the standard of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Justice will prevail sooner or later. You should never do such an unscrupulous thing as making money from [persecuting] Dafa practitioners. You could easily get you and your family into danger."