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  • I Wish More People would Discover the Benefits of Falun Gong Practice

    I was lucky to find Falun Gong. Within a month of learning the exercises, my condition began to improve. I felt that my uncomfortable body recovered a little after every practice session. The effect was even better each time I could follow Falun Gong’s principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance through handling conflicts with others well.
  • United Kingdom: "From the words Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance, I know that Falun Gong is good”

    London Falun Gong practitioners went to Wood Green, a busy area in north London, and held an activity outside Wood Green Library, during which a middle aged Chinese couple passed the site. They carefully looked at our posters and anti-torture pictures, and some leaflets and video-CDs before holding a very long conversation with me.
  • United Kingdom: The People of Liverpool Show their Support for China’s Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners

    On Saturday 12th March, UK practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in Liverpool. The event, which took place in the busiest part of the city centre, attracted a great deal of attention, drawing people away from their shopping to find out more about the persecution against the peaceful meditative practice Falun Gong in China.
  • Finland: Falun Dafa Was Introduced on the "Snow Castle" in Kemi City

    It was snowing gently while practitioners demonstrated the exercises of Falun Gong on an ice stage. Many flyers were given out and people condemned the persecution openly. Many people were already aware of the injustice and brutality that Falun Gong practitioners have faced for the last six years. One lady said that she knows that this practice is good for people but still forbidden in China.
  • Summary of European Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and his Accomplices from the Chinese Communist Party

    Since July, 1999, Jiang Zemin has used the Chinese Communist Party to stage a campaign of genocide against Falun Gong. This unprecedented persecution has lasted for over five years and caused the deaths of at least 1,482 innocent Falun Gong practitioners. In addition, over 100 million practitioners, along with their families and friends, have experienced violations of human rights.Meanwhile, Jiang Zemin’s faction has extended the persecution to overseas countries, doing substantial harm to Falun Gong practitioners outside of Mainland China, as well as Chinese citizens. To stop the evil persecution and to safeguard human rights and justice, Falun Gong practitioners from Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and Africa, together with human rights organisations and human rights lawyers, have filed lawsuits against Jiang and his accomplices. Here is a summary of the European lawsuits.
  • Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Brave the Cold Weather to Expose the Persecution to the People of Moscow

    On Saturday the 12th of March, Moscow Falun Gong practitioners again went to the city centre despite the cold, snow and windy weather. They demanded that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stop the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners immediately and they exposed the CCP’s heinous crimes to the people of Moscow.
  • Czech Republic: Heartfelt Support from Attendees of a Charitable Concert and Exhibition in Moravia

    On March 5, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to an evening charity event held in the southern Moravia town of Mikulcice to tell people the truth about the ongoing brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Dozens of people expressed their gratitude to us for coming to the event and helping them learn about the persecution.
  • Spain: Western Practitioners Continue to let Chinese People Know the Truth at the Consulate in Barcelona

    The Barcelona Chinese Consulate opens to the public every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On these days, you can always find western Falun Gong practitioners there. They distribute leaflets to the Chinese people who are in the queue and tell them in Chinese: “This is for you. Falun Dafa is good.” They also demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises.
  • United Kingdom: Belfast Telegraph reports on the City’s “Persecution Meets Principle” Exhibition

    British newspaper The Belfast Telegraph published an article entitled “Show to focus on torture in China” on March 4th 2005. Marie Foy reported that Falun Gong practitioners held anti-torture exhibitions in fifteen cities in the UK to expose the brutal torture that the regime in China has conducted against them because they refuse to abandon their belief.
  • Finland: Activities in Helsinki to Raise Awareness of the Persecution

    On the 6th and 7th of March, Dafa practitioners in Finland held a two-day activity in Helsinki. This activity included a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Consulate calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal persecution of people who follow Falun Gong’s principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance”.
  • Sweden: Support at a Gothenburg Health Expo: “I think that the whole world should practise Falun Gong!”

    Many people looked curiously at the Falun Gong stand and watched the video of the Falun Gong exercises. The practitioners handed out paper lotus flowers to the expo visitors. One of the visitors said, "If everyone practised Falun Gong, there would be no evil." Another said, "I think that the whole world should practise Falun Gong!"
  • Germany: Participating in the Vietnamese New Year Festival in Bremen

    Vietnamese residents celebrated the New Year together in Bremen. Every year for fifteen years, Bremen’s Vietnamese community has come together for this event, which offers elaborate stage performances and tasty Vietnamese delicacies. This year, north German Falun Gong practitioners were asked to participate in the activities.
  • Zhuan Falun is Officially Published in Slovakian

    The main book of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, was published in Slovak language this month. Zhuan Falun was a best-seller in Beijing, China during 1996, and not without reason. The core text of Falun Dafa practice is no ordinary book. Its contents and teachings have done nothing short of redefining qigong and cultivation practice. Moreover, the book nurtured Falun Dafa from a practice done by 200 thousand people in China to one taken up by over 100 million around the world
  • Slovakia: The People of Hlohovec give a Warm Welcome to Falun Gong

    On Saturday the 5th of March, practitioners of Falun Gong visited Hlohovec, a medium-sized city in western Slovakia. They told people about the benefits they have received from practising Falun Gong, as well as the brutal persecution that is happening in China and has already taken the lives of over 1,400 people. People greeted the practitioners with a warm and friendly welcome. Many people stopped to sign the petition and show their disdain and disapproval of the persecution.
  • Switzerland: Collecting Petition Signatures to Rescue a Practitioner who is Wrongly Imprisoned in China

    The practitioners organized this event at the last minute and did not have much time to prepare their information stall. However, it was enough to have the sincere wish to help fellow practitioners in China, who are under threat of persecution, torture and even death for wanting to practise Falun Gong. The impact of the information stall was very positive and many people came to find out more.