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Epoch Times: Divine Performing Arts Plays to Full House in Paris
2008-03-04On March 1, Divine Performing Arts presented their second show at the grand Palais des Congrès in Paris. It seemed that the gloominess of the previous day had been cleared away by the first show the day before ... The performance elicited thunderous applause from the audience throughout the afternoon.
France: Divine Performing Arts Performs the First of Four Shows in Paris and Wins Acclaim from VIPs
2008-03-03On February 29th, 2008, the first of four Chinese Spectacular shows in Paris was held in Palais des Congres de Paris. During the performance, the audience and performers interacted warmly. After the show, the curtains lowered and the audience was reluctant to leave. The performers answered curtain calls three times.
France: Parisian Audience Commends Chinese Spectacular
2008-03-03On February 29th, 2008, the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular played at the Palais des Congres in Paris and received great acclaim from the audience. Ms. Francoise runs an art publishing company. She said, "I enjoyed those dances and songs, especially the ones depicting historical stories. They help us better understand Chinese culture."
Belgium: Belgian Theatergoers Marvel at Chinese Culture
2008-03-03Three wonderful shows by Divine Performing Arts in Antwerp warmed the hearts of the usually conservative Belgians. A line of people could be seen at the ticket window right before the show. The audience members gave long, standing ovations at the end of each show. Some waved at the artists, while speaking glowingly about their impressions afterward.
Swedish Officials Sign Statement Supporting the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular
2008-03-02On February 22, 2008, seven members of the Swedish Parliament issued a signed statement entitled, "Elected Officials of the Ruling Party Will Watch Divine Performing Arts' (DPA) Performance in Linkoping City." The statement signifies Swedish support for DPA and sends a signal to the Chinese Embassy that Sweden will protect the values of democracy and freedom of speech.
Belgium: "I Am Happy I Made Time to Come to the Show!"
2008-03-02The Divine Performing Arts staged two shows in Antwerp, Belgium on February 27th, 2008. After the shows the audience offered much praise for the performances. Verwigen Erik is a supervisor at Belgacom, the largest telecommunication company in Belgium. He took the day off from work so he could see the show. He said he was happy he made time to see it. "It is wonderful!"
Belgian Artists Admire the Divine Performing Arts
2008-03-02The US-based Divine Performing Arts Touring Company (DPA) staged three shows of the Chinese Spectacular at the Stadsschouwburg Theater in Antwerp, Belgium over the past two days. Belgian political VIPs, dance experts and professors, top ballet dancers and artists were among the audience, and expressed their admiration for the Divine Performing Arts.
Germany: Press Announcement in Germany Condemns Attempts by the Chinese Communist Regime to Interfere with the Chinese Spectacular
2008-03-01“I would have never imagined the Chinese Communist regime would attempt to interfere with a cultural show, such as the Chinese Shen Yun Gala. We live in a democracy. It is inconceivable that the Chinese Communist regime could bring its influence to bear in the West,” said Karl Eilert. The retiree heard about the attempt by the Chinese regime to prevent the Chinese Shen Yun Spectacular from being performed in Sweden during a demonstration by the Falun Gong Association, one of the organisers of the Gala on Tuesday February 2nd 2008 in one of Duisburg’s shopping centres.
Ukraine: Practitioners Protest Peacefully at the Chinese Embassy
2008-03-01On December 13th, 2007, Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners held a protest at the Chinese Embassy urging the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to stop its eight year persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners distributed truth material and newspapers to tell the people that in China Falun Gong practitioners had been illegally thrown into labour camps, mental hospitals and even been tortured to death and that the CCP’s purpose was to force them to give up their belief.
Germany: A Big Welcome in Europe for the Divine Performing Arts Opening Night in Duisburg
2008-02-29On Tuesday, February 12th, 2008, twenty male and female performers from the company of Shen Yun Dancers arrived at Dusseldorf airport from New York. They began their European tour with the opening night of the Chinese Shen Yun-Show, on February 13th 2008, and continue with a second show on February 14th 2008 in Duisburg.
United Kingdom: Great Praise from Members of the Audience After the Gala Spectacular in London
2008-02-29Jack Huang, an ethnic Chinese in his seventies from North London said, “The show is pretty good, even better than the traditional shows before the CCP took power”. He particularly enjoyed the 'Water Fairy' act and he thought the computer generated backdrop was brilliant and brought out the colours vividly. He loved the long silk costumes and the dance with the Tibetan girls. “It would be great if the curtains were never brought down” said he with a smile.
Austria Media Reports on Internet Attacks, Cites Falun Gong
2008-02-29Targeted attacks with Trojans through e-mail are an important method to spy on political rivals and commercial competitors. The O1-Magazine “Matrix” demonstrated on Sunday, citing Falun Gong as an example, how such attacks take place and how one can protect oneself against them. Maarten Van Horenbeeck is a security consultant with a large IT-firm information technology. He was especially interested in the residual risk that leaves a footprint, although the network has the optimum protection against such attackers.
United Kingdom: More Praise for the Chinese Spectacular in London
2008-02-28Daniel Gao, who has been on an assignment with an engineering firm in the UK for a year and a half, came from Eastern Texas in the US. His wife Carolyn is a novelist.They were both very excited to see the Chinese Spectacular in the UK on the evening of February 22nd. Carolyn said that the performance was “lovely, moving, spiritual and sensational.”
The Hague: "The acts we liked best were 'Water Sleeves' and the 'Drum Dance'"
2008-02-28On February 20th, 2008, the Chinese Spectacular presented by the touring Divine Performing Arts Company came to a successful end in The Hague, in the Netherlands. The Spectacular Show brought to the audience the splendour and magnificence of Chinese traditional culture. At the end of the performance, all the audience stood and burst into thunderous applause.
Slovakian Ambassador to Korea and his Family Praise the Chinese Spectacular's Performance in Seoul
2008-02-28After seeing the Divine Performing Arts’ Chinese Spectacular in Seoul Korea along with all of his family members, the deputy Ambassador of Slovakia Juraj Petruska said in an interview, "For me it is hard to decide which act was more wonderful, because they were all great. I liked the fan dance. I was interested in all the acts conveying cultural meaning." Mrs. Petruska continued, “I was interested in the show, especially the last act depicting the Chinese people’s struggle for freedom of human rights. It was great.”