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  • Germany: Revealing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners with an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Bremerhaven

    We organised an exhibition of torture methods to inform the public about the unjust persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Many visitors went to the table where we had placed petitions condemning the trade in organs taken from Falun Gong practitioners and demanding the return of the Jiang family to China.
  • Ankara Community Magazine (Turkey) Carries an Article on Falun Gong

    Some residents of this community have practised Falun Gong exercises since 2004. In the beginning, there were about fifteen people practising Falun Gong, and the number of practitioners in that community has increased to over sixty this year. Among them, one third have studied Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong. Some of them have also attended the nine-day lecture series.
  • Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Held a Press Conference to Mark the "April-25th" Incident

    April 25th, 2006, was the seventh anniversary of the peaceful appeal staged by over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners in China. Russian Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference at the Moscow Central House of Journalists to mark this incident with such a far-reaching significance in history and expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Germany: Würzburg Practitioners Peaceful Protest Catches the Media's Attention

    German newspaper Main Echo reported: “At Easter in Würzburg, signatures from hundreds of people have been collected. These signatures will be sent to the German government, requesting Germany to take action and to comprehensively investigate into all labour camps and concentration camps in China, furthermore demanding the CCP to release all detained Falun Gong practitioners.”
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Receives First Prize at the Association and Business Fair in Hallsberg

    Many people were interested to learn more about Falun Gong, the Communist Party's brutal persecution in China, and the changes that are happening because the Chinese people and the rest of the world are becoming more aware of the situation. The visitors could sign a petition and talk with a Chinese practitioner who had experienced the persecution in China.
  • Ireland: Irish People Express Support for the Ten Million Withdrawals from the CCP

    On April 29th, 2006, Ireland's Centre for Withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party held an activity in the centre of Dublin to express support for the ten million people who quit the CCP and its affiliated organisations. This activity obtained the generous support of the general public in Ireland, who signed their name condemning the bestial acts of the CCP.
  • France: Practitioners Urge the French Government to Help Stop the Killing of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    "We are here handing in a petition letter today because the situation is so urgent. Since the revelation of the crimes of the CCP in harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners at the beginning of March, Falun Gong practitioners in China are facing an even more brutal mass killing. The CCP is currently trying to destroy the evidence by killing the practitioners; this is reflected by the increased number or organ transplant being performed in China at the moment."
  • Slovakia: The Mayor of Spisska Nova Ves Condemns the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners by Government Authorities in China

    "After reading your letter, as well as the testimonies stated in it and description of the oppression and torture of people believing in Falun Gong, I strongly condemn such practises by the government authorities in China and I join, in this way, other pro-democracy oriented people and appeal to the highest government representatives in China to stop the torture and killing of innocent people."
  • Russia: First "Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance" International Art Exhibition Held in St. Petersburg

    On the bank of the beautiful Neva River and just opposite the Smolny Palace is the St Petersburg Artist's Association Exhibition Hall, where the first “Russian ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance’ International Art Exhibition” was held. It is an international art exhibition of figurative painting, sculpture and traditional Chinese painting.
  • Germany: German Practitioners go to Washington DC to Expose the Persecution

    A gentleman asked me why I was going to America. I handed him some material about the CCP slaughtering Falun Gong practitioners and selling their organs illegally. I told him that it was because the head of the Chinese Communist Party was visiting America, and I wanted justice for Falun Gong practitioners inside China. Upon hearing this he immediately said to me in Chinese: “Oh, Falun Gong, I know. I saw you yesterday in Karlsplatz. Are you going to America to protest? Excellent!” He checked me in very quickly and said goodbye.
  • Denmark: An MEP Raises Enquiries Regarding Organ Harvesting by the CCP

    "The Chinese government is now brutally violating human rights. According to reports on the internet, the Vice-Minister of the Public Security, Liu Jin, said: “Eliminate Falun Gong before the Olympic Games in 2008.” According to the reports, the Chinese regime systematically killed Falun Gong practitioners in the secret Sujiatun concentration camp, and no one ever left the facility alive. Some Falun Gong practitioners were murdered and their organs were removed. Even some live practitioners’ organs were taken out because it is more valuable than from dead bodies."
  • Belgian Member of Parliament Raises Parliamentary Question about Organ Harvesting Against Falun gong Practitioners

    "Last week, more and more reports came out about the fact that in China prison camps are built for Falun Gong practitioners. In a certain camp it is said there are more then six thousand Falun Gong practitioners and yet nobody has come out alive. According to certain messages the camp in Shenyang contains a crematorium and an unusually large number of doctors are working there. The reason for this would be the fact that there are practices whereby prisoners are killed for their organs which are being sold for profit. The messages are so shocking that they seem unbelievable. Meanwhile different witnesses appeared who confirm those reports and also according to journalistic and scientific sources those prison camps do actually exist."
  • Germany: North German Practitioners Protest on April 25th and Expose the CCP's Organ Harvesting

    This protest by the North German Falun Gong practitioners aimed at exposing the systematic organ harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners, who are used in the Chinese concentration camps, prisons, and slave labour camps as raw material for organ transplants. Large banners that could be seen by passing cars, spoke of the crime perpetrated in China.
  • Spain: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Peaceful Protest in Front of Chinese Embassy to Mark the "April 25" Peaceful Appeal

    In order to commemorate the "April 25" appeal, practitioners in Spain held a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy. They strongly condemned the continuous seven-year brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They displayed pictures documenting the persecution, which attracted passersby to stop and vehicles to drive slowly and watch.
  • Ireland: Practitioners Commemorate the “4.25” Event at the Chinese Embassy and Call for an End to the Persecution

    On May 25th 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland gathered at the Chinese Embassy to protest against the CCP's seven year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to remember all practitioners who were persecuted to death.