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Germany: Couples Enjoy Spectacular on Valentine’s Day
2008-02-17Beatrice Mellinghoff is an editor of Boolibri Magazine in Ruhr and her husband Peter Lihs is a salesman. After watching the Chinese New Year Spectacular, Beatrice said the show was very impressive and was touched by the beautiful legends of ancient China. Her husband said that the show had very deep connotation and its meaning was far-reaching.
Germany: "The Show Reflects The Current Reality in China"
2008-02-17During intermission, business owner Dieter Röhlen said that he felt the performance was very good, and interesting. The historical stories, beautiful costumes and wonderful dancing made him feel relaxed. He thought the best performance was "The Risen Lotus Flower," about Falun Gong practitioners. He said that the theme reflected the current reality and that it was meaningful.
Swedes Take Exception to the Chinese Embassy's Attempt to Keep Divine Performing Arts Out of the Country
2008-02-16Divine Performing Arts (DPA) is scheduled to perform in Stockholm on March 24th-26th and in Linkoping on March 27th. The Chinese Embassy in Stockholm threatened that relations between the Linkoping and China would deteriorate if the show was not stopped. The city government of Linkoping rebuffed the Chinese Embassy's threats. For the past few days the Swedish national news media has reported the incident. Last Friday a Chinese Embassy official called Johan Lundgren, chief of the Cultural and Recreational Board of Linkoping, and demanded that DPA performances be stopped, or relations between Linkoping and China would be affected.
Israel National News Reports on Prominent Rabbi Taking Stand Against CCP Organ Harvesting Crimes
2008-02-15A January 29 article published by Israel National News reported that Rabbi David Druckman, the Chief Rabbi of the northern city of Kiryat Motzkin, issued a recorded statement saying that the Jewish people "must take the lead in condemning China for its murder of prisoners of conscience in order to harvest their organs ... The atrocity is so great,' Rabbi Druckman says on a recently released video, 'that there are simply no words to express it. From a certain standpoint it is even worse than what the Nazis did... to cut organs from people under the cover of medical help for other people is simply astonishing and shocking from every human vantage point.'"
Switzerland: An Overview of the Activities of Swiss Practitioners (Part 4)
2008-02-14"Well sung! Once more!", shouted some of the tourists after hearing the song. Some on the verge of tears told the practitioners quietly, “We actually know that the CCP is not good. We do not dare to receive the materials because we do not know about Falun Gong and also because we are afraid that some will inform against us. But we will not be against Falun Gong now”.
Switzerland: An Overview of the Activities of Swiss Practitioners (Part 4)
2008-02-13Regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners that is happening in China, she said, “This is entirely wrong. No one should be persecuted just because he practices sitting meditation and learns to be a good person and cares about other people”. After learning about the CCP atrocities of live organ removal from Falun Gong practitioners, a nun said, “Those Falun Gong practitioners who are jailed in concentration camps are maltreated, killed and missing. All this is not acceptable. This should not have happened. I am so shocked by the fact that this even has happened. That is why I am signing as a small help to stop this.”
Russia: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in Omsk
2008-02-12On the morning of January 30th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners from Irkutsk and Tomsk made it to the Chinese market in Omsk City with two large bags of leaflets and distributed them to Chinese people in the market in the run up to the Lunar New Year. Nearly 80 to 90 percent of the Chinese people there were pleased to accept the information, including a special issue of the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party (an editorial by The Epoch Times newspaper) and other material about Falun Gong.
Germany: Holding an 'Information Day' in Frankfurt to Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2008-02-11On February 2nd, 2008, German Falun Gong practitioners held an 'Information Day' in the city of Frankfurt to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s poor human rights record and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China. Local people signed their names on a petition to express their support for an end to the persecution in a peaceful way.
Radio France Internationale: A Warning to the Secretarial Committee and Other Officers of the Chinese Communist Party in Tianjin City, China
2008-02-11Before the illegal persecution against Falun Gong started in China on July 20th, 1999, Luo Gan, head of the Political and Judiciary Committee, and other officers, used their political power to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and to gain promotions or other benefits. Practitioners have compassionately, peacefully, and rationally tried many ways and many times to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the authorities. However, the persecution of Falun Gong has not stopped.
Reporters Without Borders Protest Hu Jia's Arrest in China
2008-02-10The Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality announced the official arrest of famous Chinese human rights activist Hu Jia for the crime of “inciting subversion of state power”. Hu's relatives received notice of his official arrest on January 30th, 2008. The headquarters of Reporters without Borders made a strong protest against the arrest.
Russia: Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance Art Exhibition in Siberia
2008-02-10On February 2nd, 2008, an International Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance Art Exhibition opened in an exhibition hall of a private gallery in КРАСНОRРСК City in СHENРB Region, Siberia. Before that, the exhibition was held at the national Cultural Historical Museum for two weeks and attracted a lot of attention from local media and the general public.
Denmark: Up-Coming Gala Spectacular Cancelled. Chinese Embassy Suspected of Interference
2008-02-09Recently the Divine Performing Arts (DPA)’s scheduled performances at Det Kongelige Theatre in Copenhagen were abruptly cancelled. In its place, a mysterious concert sponsored by the Chinese Embassy and attended by invitation only will be staged at the same theatre. Xie Hangsheng, the Chinese Ambassador to Denmark, personally invited the Danish officials to attend the Chinese New Year Concert.
All of Europe's Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Deepest Respects and Heartfelt Greeting to Master Li on Chinese New Year
2008-02-08 -
Practitioners from Czech Republic and Slovakia Send New Year's Greetings to Master Li
2008-02-08 -
Danish Practitioners Send Heartfelt New Year Greetings to Master Li