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Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in Berlin to Request a Public EU-China Human Rights Dialog, Vice President of the European Parliament Shows Support
2007-05-28On May 14th, 2007, one day before the European Union and Chinese Communist Party opened their human rights dialog, European Falun Gong practitioners assembled at Pariser Platz, in front of Brandenburger Tor in Berlin to request that the dialog should involve everyone's human rights in China.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s State Television Station Airs a Forty Minute Interview with a Falun Gong Practitioner
2007-05-28On May 9th, shortly before practitioners conducted activities for World Falun Gong Day, Bosnia’s state-owned television station FTV (Foederale TV) aired a forty minute interview with Igor Jancev, a practitioner from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who is the representative for the Bosnian Falun Dafa Information Centre.
Germany: Raising Awareness in Leipzig about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-05-27On May 19th, Falun Gong practitioners from Leipzig, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Niedersachsen raised awareness about Falun Gong in Leipzig city centre.When people learned that human organs are being harvested from live Falun Gong practitioners, they were shocked. The kind-hearted citizens of Leipzig said it was intolerable that human rights abuse nowadays is more brutal than that perpetrated by the Nazis.
Germany: Support for Falun Gong During Berlin Parade
2007-05-26Falun Gong paraded during the EU-China human rights dialogue and found the approval of Berlin’s citizens. “I wish Falun Gong success, I support them”. A Berlin resident, who mentioned that she had never heard of Falun Gong before, became very sad when looking at the posters depicting murdered Falun Gong practitioners.
Norway: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-05-26There was more than just shopping on the menu during 'no-car-day' in Oslo on May 5th, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners in Norway took to the streets to distribute information about organs being removed from living Falun Gong practitioners in death camps in China, their bodies cremated to remove all evidence and the organs sold for large profits.
Hungary: Raising Awareness about Falun Dafa in Margate Park
2007-05-26On May 13th, Falun Gong practitioners in Hungary introduced and promoted Falun Gong in Margate Park. When people heard that Falun Gong has spread to over eighty countries and is persecuted only in China, some of the local people said that they knew that similar persecution occurred when Hungary was ruled by the Communist Party.
Condemning the Russian Authorities’ Illegal Deportation of Professor Gao Chunman
2007-05-25On May 13th, 2007, Professor Gao Chunman, a Falun Gong practitioner with UN refugee status, was taken from his home by agents of the Russian Federal Immigration Service. He was taken to Moscow and deported back to China that same day. This was the second callous act by Russian authorities after Falun Gong practitioner Ma Hui and her eight-year-old daughter were deported to China.
Germany: Human Rights Organisation Debates the Human Rights Situation in China
2007-05-25On May 14th, 2007, the day before the human rights talks between the EU and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were held, many human rights organisations gathered in Berlin, Germany, condemning the CCP's violations of human rights. The Asian affairs director of the “Organisation supporting threatened groups” (which is an organisation based in Goettingen, Germany), Ulrich Delius, could not attend the gathering and sent a letter of support instead. In his letter, Delius said that since the human rights talks between EU and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began in 1996, the state of human rights in China has not improved in eleven years.
Holland: Falun Gong Marching Band Defies Chinese Regime at a Parade
2007-05-25On the flyers distributed by practitioners supporting the European Celestial Band is an internet link, which reveals the band's background and the name of one of the songs in its repertoire: Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Dafa is another word for Falun Gong, the spiritual movement forbidden in China and persecuted so brutally. One mouse click and we know how harshly: a colour photo shows a dead Falun Gong practitioner who, according to the caption, has been killed for his organs (organ harvesting). Realistic drawings show the torture techniques that China uses against Falun Gong adherents.
Lithuania: Renowned Rabbi Condemns Organ Harvesting
2007-05-25Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, ninety seven years old, was the leader of Jews in the Orthodox Church in Lithuania in central Europe. He is a well known person in Jewish religious circles around the world, renowned as the authority of contemporary Jewish Laws. The Rabbi recently denounced the atrocities of organ harvesting from live people perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party. According to the report of NTDTV, the Rabbi’s son-in-law, Rabbi Yitzhak Zilbershtein, heard the Rabbi’s comments about organ harvesting from live people and he stated the Rabbi’s opinions during a public occasion.
Holland: Exposing the CCP's Atrocities in Amsterdam
2007-05-24On May 6th 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Holland held activity in Dam Square, Amsterdam, appealing to the EU to use open-door human rights dialogue with China to urge the Chinese communist regime to release all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners and to condemn and stop the regime’s persecution of Falun Gong.
Germany: On World Falun Dafa Day and during the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue, Practitioners Inform the People of Berlin about the Persecution
2007-05-24On the occasion of the eighth World Falun Dafa day and the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue, many activities were organised in the form of an awareness-raising day on the square of Berlin’s Gedächtniskirche (Remembrance Church). Around 250 Falun Gong practitioners from all over Europe arrived for these activities.
Bulgaria: People of Plovdiv Welcome Falun Gong and Condemn the Persecution in China
2007-05-24Practitioners exhibited posters that attracted passersby. They gathered in front of the petition and carefully read the information on the panels. Many of them asked questions about the essence of the practice and the reasons for the persecution. Many children signed the petition and gladly took colourful paper lotus flowers as souvenirs.
Turkish Magazine Interviews Practitioner About Falun Gong and the Persecution in China
2007-05-24"Today in China, people who practise Falun Gong are not accepted to schools and universities, they are fired from their jobs, and their houses are ransacked and phones tapped. Women and men are kidnapped, given electric shocks and are not allowed to sleep, and they are exposed to all kinds of torture methods and persecution. Over three thousand have been confirmed tortured to death, but it is believed that the real number is more than ten thousand. There are also hundreds of thousands of people in jail and prison camps, and most of these people are innocent Falun Gong practitioners."
Finland: Nordic Falun Gong Practitioners Celebrate the 8th Anniversary of World Falun Gong Day in Helsinki
2007-05-23On May 13th, 2007, Finnish and Russian practitioners celebrated World Falun Gong Day in Helsinki. On May 13th, 1992, Master Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Gong to the public in Changchun, China. There are practitioners in over eighty countries practising Falun Gong; the book Zhuan Falun has been translated into more than thirty languages.